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Vorticon VI 
~A Commander Keen Website~ 

                                    Episode Five 

ORIGINAL GAMES                            UNOFFICIAL GAMES                
K1-  Commander Keen:  Episode 1                                             K2000-  Commander Keen 2000 
K2-  Commander Keen:  Episode 2                                             KI-  Commander Keen Immortal:  The Lamers 
K3-  Commander Keen:  Episode 3                                       KE- Commander Keen:  Earthbound  
K4Commander Keen:  Episode 4(Compiled by Doped up Fish)    VVI-  Vorticon VI:  Episode 1:  Captive Planet   
K5Commander Keen:  Episode 5                                             AOE-  Vorticon VI:  Episode 2-  Attack on Earth  
K6Commander Keen:  Episode 6                                              LIT-  Lost in Time  
3.5Commander Keen:  Episode 3.5(Compiled by Doped up Fish)  
AK-  All Keenshi                                                                           



 Bag o' Sugar-  5,000 Points (K5, VVI) 
Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket-  Keen's Spaceship that he uses to travel to different parts of the galaxy(AK) 
Billy Blaze-  Eight Year Old genius that is Commander Keen(AK) 
Blochowaik, Jason-  Software Engineer(K5, K6) 


Carmack, Adrian-  Artwork(K5, K6) 
Carmack, John-  Software Engineer(K5, K6) 
Chocolate Milk-  500 Points (K5)  
ComputerWrist-  The main menu screen for Keen that includes starting a game, saving, loading, paddl wars, and quitting.  (K4, K5, K6, LIT, KE)                              

Defense Tunnel Burrh-  A level in Keen 5 (K5)  
Defense Tunnel Sorra-  A level in Keen 5 (K5)  
Defense Tunnel Teln-  A level in Keen 5(K5)  
Defense Tunnel Vlook-  A level in Keen 5(K5) 

Energy Flow Systems-  A level in Keen 5(K5)  


Gems-  Gems are used to open doors found in various levels in Keens 4-6.  To open a door, just carry the gem to an appropriate gem holder in the vicinity of the door.  Keen knows all about the gems and will put them in the holder.(K4, K5, ,K6, KI, VVI, AOE, K2000) 
Golplat-  These little people are from the secret level in Episode five.  They just push you along.  1 shot stuns them.(K5,) 
Gravitational Damping Hub-  A level in Keen 5(K5) 


Hall, Tom-  Creative Director(K5, K6) 


Ion Ventalation System-  A level in Keen 5(K5) 



Keg o' Vitalin-  1-up (K5) 
Keen-  Billy Blaze's Alter Ego(AK) 
Keycard-  You sometimes need a Keycard to open up doors.(K5)  

Little Ampton - This purple fellow slides up and down poles and works on his computer terminals. Don't be on a pole he's on, 'cause he slides up and down quickly!(K6) 

Marshmellow-  200 Points (K5, K2000)  

Neutrino Burst Injector-  A level in Keen 5 (K5)  


Paddle Wars-  A game on Keen's ComputerWrist that you can play.  You are a bar, and you have to block a ball and get it past your opponent. (K4, K5, K6) 
Plastic Tubing-  An ingrediant used to make the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket.(AK) 
Prince, Robert-  Composer(K5, K6) 


Quantum Explosion Dynamo-  Last Level in Keen 5 that has the Shikadi Master in it.(K5)  

Regulation Control Center-  A level in Keen 5(K5)  
Rein, Mark-  President of ID software.(K5) 
Robo Blue-  A enemy in Keen 2000.(K2000) 
Robo Red - Robo Red is a nasty guard. If he hears a sound, he shoots first and asks questions later. Avoid, avoid, avoid!(K5) 
Romero, John-  Software Engineer(K5, K6) 
Rubber Cement-  Used to make the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket(AK) 
Secret Korath III Base-  The Secret level in Keen 5 with the Goplats.(K5)  
Security Center-  A level in Keen 5(K5) 
Shelley - This tiny darling seems pleasant until you least expect it, then she goes all to pieces!(K5) 
Shikadi - These energy beings built the Omegamatic and plan to destroy the galaxy. Watch out for them near poles. (K5) 
Shikadi Gum- 100 Points 
Shikadi Master - The most frightful foe aboard the Omegamatic, they cast Electrospheres at you and teleport around. Very dangerous.(K5) 
Shikadi Mine - Woe be the hero that wanders near one of these. They will follow you until they are close enough, then they explode!(K5) 
Shockshund - Three-legged energy dogs of the Shikadi, their spark is worse than their bite!(K5) 
Slicestar - The slicestar is a crystalline being with razor-sharp points. Don't get near 'em!(K5, K2000, VVI) 
Sparky - This gray guy has a magnetic personality. His presence is electrifying. You'll be shocked when you see him! Watch out when he "charges!" (K5, VVI) 
Sphereful - Frightful plasma orbs with orbiting diamond sensors, tread carefully by these dangerous denizens.(K5, KI) 
Spindred - Spindred slam angrily at the floor and ceilling. They'll crush you quicker than... something quick.(K5) 
Spirogrip - The spirogrip spins and launches toward walls. If you're in the way, you'll be toast!(K5) 
Stunner- These are used in Keen 4-6 and are used to stun creatures.  You only have a limited number of shots, so be sure to collect them wherever you can.(K4, K5, K6, VVI, AOE, KE) 
Soup cans-  One thing that Billy Blaze used to make the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket(AK) 
Sugar Stoopies Cereal-  5,000 Points (K5, VVI)  

Tart Stix-  1,000 Points (K5, VVI, K2000)  


Vitalin- by Vitacorp that is a refreshing health drink.  If you get 100 hundred of these things, you get a new life.)  (K5)  
Volte-face - Volte-faces are crazy, insane floating creatures that have electric arcs for hair! (K5, KI, VVI) 



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