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Vorticon VI 
~A Commander Keen Website~ 

                                    Episode Four
                                                                              COMPILED BY DOPED-UP-FISH 

ORIGINAL GAMES                            UNOFFICIAL GAMES                
K1-  Commander Keen:  Episode 1                                             K2000-  Commander Keen 2000 
K2-  Commander Keen:  Episode 2                                             KI-  Commander Keen Immortal:  The Lamers 
K3-  Commander Keen:  Episode 3                                       KE- Commander Keen:  Earthbound  
K4Commander Keen:  Episode 4(Compiled by Doped up Fish)    VVI-  Vorticon VI:  Episode 1:  Captive Planet   
K5Commander Keen:  Episode 5                                             AOE-  Vorticon VI:  Episode 2-  Attack on Earth  
K6Commander Keen:  Episode 6                                              LIT-  Lost in Time  
3.5Commander Keen:  Episode 3.5(Compiled by Doped up Fish)  
AK-  All Keenshi                                                                           

Arachnut: Insane, green, crab-walking creatures with two dangerous mouths. One shot stuns it 
temporarily.(K4, VVI) 

Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket-  Keen's Spaceship that he uses to travel to different parts of the galaxy(AK) 
Berkeloid: This fiery fella is not to be toyed with. He throws big fireballs, and is impossible to kill.(K4, VVI) 
Billy Blaze-  Eight Year Old genius that is Commander Keen(AK) 
Bird: These guys can fly and walk. You can shoot them, but it only paralyzes them temporarily.(K4)   
Blochowaik, Jason-  Software Engineer(K4, K5, K6) 
Border Village: A level in Keen 4. (K4) 
Bounder: These red, friendly, bouncing guys can be annoying, but they can be helpful, too! They push you around and you can stand on top of them.  One shot stuns it permanently (K4, VVI, KI) 


Carmack, Adrian-  Artwork(K4, K5, K6) 
Carmack, John-  Software Engineer(K4, K5, K6) 
Cave of Descendants: A level in Keen 4 where a Council Member is hidden(K4) 
Chasm of Chills: A level in Keen 4 where Princess Lindsey is hidden(K4) 
Cloud: When you approach it, you'll make it angry, and it will try to strike you down with a 
lightning bolt! They are immune to your shots.(K4) 
ComputerWrist-  The main menu screen for Keen that includes starting a game, saving, loading, paddl wars, and quitting.  (K4, K5, K6, LIT)                              
Council Members- These old guys are the ones you're supposed to save.(K4, KE) 
Crystalus: A level in Keen 4 where a Council Member is hidden.(K4) 


Dopefish: The second dumbest creature in the universe, this creature's thought patterns go 
"swim, swim, hungry, swim, swim, hungry." They'll eat anything alive and moving near them, 
though they prefer heroes. (K4, VVI) 
Doughnut- 2,000 ,Points(K4, K2000) 


Gems-  Gems are used to open doors found in various levels in Keens 4-6.  To open a door, just carry the gem to an appropriate gem holder in the vicinity of the door.  Keen knows all about the gems and will put them in the holder.(K4, K5, ,K6, VVI, K2000, AOE, KI) 


Hall, Tom-  Creative Director(AK) 
Hillville: A level in Keen 4.(K4) 

Ice Cream Cone- 5,000 Points(K4, K2000) 
Inchworm: These placid yellow creatures are all over. Watch out where you step or they'll be 
afoot! (K4) 
Isle of Fire: A level in Keen 4 where a council member is hidden (K4) 
Isle of Tar: A level in Keen 4(K4) 


Jawbreaker- 1,000 Points(K4, VVI) 
Keen-  Billy Blaze's Alter Ego(AK) 


Lick: These blue beanbag-like monsters breathe a deadly lick of fire. On e shot stuns it 
permanently (K4, VVI) 
Lifewater Flask(1-up)(K4, K2000, VVI, LIT) 
Lifewater Oasis: A level in Keen 4 where a Council Member is hidden (K4) 


Mad Mushroom: Dangerous plants that hop and are deadly to touch. They jump higher every 3 bounces. Cannot be killed or stunned. (K4, VVI, K2000) 
Mimrock: When have your back turned, they will sneak up and jump at you! One shot while it jumps will stun it permanently(K4) 
Miragia: A disappearing city where the wetsuit is hidden (K4) 


Paddle Wars-  A game on Keen's ComputerWrist that you can play.  You are a bar, and you have to block a ball and get it past your opponent. (K4, K5, K6) 
Perilous Pit: A level in Keen 4 where a Council Member is hidden. (K4) 
Plastic Tubing-  An ingrediant used to make the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket.(AK) 
Poison Slug: The most common inhabitant of the Shadowlands, Poison Slugs mean trouble twice -once if you touch them, twice if you should land in the puddles of poison they leave behind! One shot stuns it permanently. (K4, VVI, K2000) 
Pyramid of Moons: A level in Keen 4 that lets you go to the Pyramid of the Forbidden (K4) 
Pyramid of Shadows: A level in Keen 4 where a council Member is hidden(K4) 
Pyramid of the Forbidden:  The secret level in Keen 4 where the janitor for the High Council is hidden. (K4) 
Pyramid of the Gnosicene Ancients: A level in Keen 4 where a Council Member is hidden (K4) 
Prince, Robert-  Composer(K4, K5, K6) 
Princess Lindsey- Find Princess Lindsey in the Shadowlands, and she'll give you hints! (K4) 

Rein, Mark-  President of ID software.(K4, K5) 
Romero, John-  Software Engineer(K4, K5, K6) 
Rubber Cement-  Used to make the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket(AK) 

Sand Yego: A level in Keen 4. (K4) 
Schoolfish: These fish are real follow-the-leader types.(K4, VVI) 
Shadowlands: Where Keen 4 takes place (K4) 
Shikadi Soda- 100 Points(K4) 
Shikkars Candy Bar- 500 Points(K4) 
Skypest: Virtually immune to your shots, these guys really are pests. There must be some way to get them though. Pogo on them when they sit to kill them(K4, VVI, K2000) 
Slug Village: A level in Keen 4. (K4) 
Sprite- Don't mess with these problematic underwater creatures: they shoot energy blasts at you!(K4, VVI) 
Stunner- These are used in Keen 4-6 and are used to stun creatures.  You only have a limited number of shots, so be sure to collect them wherever you can.(K4, K5, K6, VVI, K2000, AOE, KE) 
Soup cans-  One thing that Billy Blaze used to make the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket(AK) 

Three-Tooth Gum- 200 Points (K4, VVI) 
Three-Tooth Lake: A lake that you can go into if you have the wetsuit (K4) 




Water droplet(Get 100 and get a new life!!!!) (K4) 
Well of Wishes: An underwater level in Keen 4 where a Council Member is hidden (K4) 
Wormouth: Watch out for these green menaces. They're a lot bigger than they look!  One shot 
while its head is raised will stun it permanently (K4) 



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