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Commander Keen in the Yorphius II
I had always dreamed to make something to Commander Keen. When the right tools were released, I started right then. And this is my first mod. Well, I could have done many things better, now when I think about it, but then I couldn't. :)

Well, I can't review my own mod, but here's something what people have said about it:

  • "So this Mod has it’s shortcomings, but doesn’t suck and instead is Keenish to the end." - Forge315 in Commander Keen Newsletter, score overall 8/10
  • "This was the first real Commander Keen mod! Quite fun, and very challening levels. The graphics are drawn in a way that I really like." - Zorath in his site

    Some people have said that mod is really hard, and some people like it more than others.. :)

    I think this is worth of playing, so try it out yourself! :) Here's couple of screenshots too:

    Download here!
    Oh, I also released a beta version of this mod back then, download it here! ;)

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