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Well, you need help? :)

This site should be easy to navigate, use those links up there! But if you still aren't sure what to do, read a bit about them:

  • Main - Moves you to the main page..
  • The Oracle Post - Read some Keen related news! ;)
  • The Dopefish's Downloading Area - Download all kinds of stuff.. Keen related, ofcourse!
  • The Gik's Bug Base - All kinds of errors, bugs and so on, what you can find from Keen games! :)
  • The Keen Community - Keeners. :)
  • Links - Enter the world of other Keen site! ;)
  • Help - Maybe the file you're reading.. Who knows?
  • About - About this site and so on.. :)

    Have fun now!

  • Commander Keen Vault
    (c) 2002 - 2003 KeenRush & Commander Keen Network