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Well, this site is Commander Keen fan site. :) You can download all kinds of Keen related stuff, read all kinds of Keen related and so on.. This site is simply just about Commander Keen! And if you don't know anything about Keen, I suggest you reading all info from this site you can! Then you know a lot..

The maker of this site is KeenRush, a long time Keen fan and plans to be one rest of his life. If you have something to say, be sure to e-mail me to keymaker@operamail.com or tuomoh@mail.com!

More you can read about me, if I write something here later.. Well, this site is hosted by Commander Keen Network, big thanks to my good friend Forge315! :) I'm also "working" in newsletter that is owned by CK.net..

Oh, and the address of this site is http://www.commanderkeen.net/keenvault/.. (Now tell your all friends and family about this site and make it to you starting page..) :)

Have fun and keep Keen alive! :)

Commander Keen Vault
(c) 2002 - 2003 KeenRush & Commander Keen Network