Perhaps it would be a far stretch to say that this series was revolutionary. However, its significance has been understated and largely overlooked and forgotten. The purpose of this website is to enhance society's awareness of this classic game, and hopefully provide an appropriate and lasting tribute, dedicated to not only Jill, but all DOS games.
 The software company, Epic Games, which was formerly known as Epic MegaGames, was the creator of the currently popular and well known Unreal. Its beginning came in 1991 with the ASCII-based adventure game ZZT. The success of this game lead to the creation of Jill of the Jungle in 1992, which in turn financed future projects such as Epic Pinball, and ultimately led to Unreal. Without the foundation of these earlier games, Epic and its newest games wouldn't exist.

In addition to providing a critical link in the development of this major software company, Jill demonstrated the upper limits of graphics and sound capabilities found in the most widely used and available PCs. It was one of the first games to use the full 256 (VGA) color palette, although still providing players with 16 (EGA) and 4 (CGA) color options. The musical accompaniment is of unusually high quality. The songs, composed by Dan Froelich, are rich, melodic, and have the ability to be enjoyed separate from the game. Jill utilized the new Sound Blaster sound card, however, still gave the option of using an internal PC speaker. This flexibility, combined with its option of EGA or CGA graphics, made it accessible to a wide variety of computer configurations. Not to mention its rendering was as smooth on an older 286 as on a 486.
 It goes without saying that Jill gave Epic a definite edge in the emerging PC gaming market, competing with other side-scrolling platformers such as the highly popular (but technologically less advanced) Commander Keen and Duke Nukem. Jill could be considered the precursor to more advanced games of this genre which followed, such as Xargon and Jazz Jackrabbit (which also shared Jill's engine,) as well as Vinyl Goddess from Mars and others.
So, enjoy this site, and remember- winners don't lose frogs!