This is the place where all your questions about the
beloved creature named Yorp will be answered!!

1. All around information

1.1. Why a Yorp site?

Well, my colleagues and I felt, along with the entire
humdrum around Commander Keen and the characters in the
game, that the Yorp was being neglected, and since we love
that green alien, we sat down to make this site.

1.2. Ok, you’ve made an entire Yorp related site, so why the FAQ?

As anyone who visit this site can see, the site deals mostly
with the character of the Yorp, i.e. the fictitious creature,
however there are some facts and information about it that
derive from the real world, hence the FAQ.

1.3. Are these really Frequently Asked Questions?

Not really.
Since this is a new site, no questions were asked as of yet.
But I’m sure that people visiting this place will find answers to
questions they may find the need to ask. Call this a FFAQ
(Future Frequently Asked Questions).

1.4. Oh, but I have questions that I can’t find answers here.

No problems!! Just write them to , and we’ll
either answer them by e-mail, or publish the answers here.

2. What is a Yorp

2.1. Who created the Yorp?

The Yorp, as well as any character in the Keen series,
was created out of the feverish mind of Tom Hall, then Creative
Director in ID software, now in IONstorm.

2.2. Where does the name come from?

when we first wrote the FAQ
we had two assumptions;

one was that the name was chosen cause it sounds alien,
and also friendly (unlike the gargs, that sound aggressive)

Two, the Keen character was based on a short story by sci-fi
writer Lion Miller: “The Available Data on Worp Reaction”.
and perhaps the name Yorp was a spin off from the title.

However, i contacted Tom Hall
and this is what he had to say in the matter:

I just kinda called them Yorps.
I didn't think about the Worp Reaction thing. :)
Might have been subconsciously there.

Might also mention the style of Keen
was influenced by Chuck Jones' Warner Bros. cartoons,
and in some way,
I think the Yorps come from the aliens on Sesame Street a little
the ones that go "Phooooone! Yep yep yep yep yep, uh huh, yepyepyepyepyep."
(Their stunned anim looks a little like those guys.)
Maybe a combo of their "Yep" and "Worp" made their name. :)

2.3. What is a Yorp anyway?

The Yorp is described as a ”Friendly One-Eyed Martian”,
in the game’s story section “Information on Mars”.
It is a cute creature who spends its time wandering around
pushing heroes (accidentally) to their death. For more description
and pics, see the other pages of this site.

2.4. Who owns the Yorp?

The Yorp, along with the rest of the Keen characters,
(including Keen), is belonged to ID software.

2.5. The Yorp can be stunned by jumping over its head. Why?

The origin of the Keen game was from an attempt to make
a Mario-like game by the ID-to-be founders Tom Hall and
John Carmack. Several features remained, the main screen
overhead view, to name one. Also the much familiar jump-on-the-head feature.

3. Yorp in Keen


3.1. Where does the Yorp appear?

The Yorp appears in 3 of the 7 Commander Keen games:
In Keen 1: Marooned on Mars, as a character
Keen 2: The Earth Explodes, in the ending, tied to a tree in the snow.
Keen 4: Secret of the Oracle, in the demo, while the story rise in a "star wars" way,
you see a yorp tied tied a tree
and in the ending, accompanying Billy's dazed Parents
It also appears in the APOGEE info about Keen4. Apparently the "bad alien sitcom"
is "My Favorite Yorp" [See the cameos page for more info on these]

3.1. The Yorp is an enemy, right?

A tricky question.
The Yorp does not cause harm in itself (like most of the
other characters in the keen games), but it can hurt Keen by
pushing him over platforms, sometimes to pits with fire, Gargs,
or other harmful objects. But as I said before, not intentionally.

3.2. So can I finish the game WITHOUT KILLING ANY YORPS?

As any one who played keen can tell you, it IS possible to do.
Try it, you'll find it is a bit problematic, but very much within
your reach.

4. The Yorp in games other than Keen

4.1. Where else did the Yorp appear?

As far as we know, the Yorp made cameo appearance in APOGEE
games Bio Menace 2, Paganitzu and Crystal Caves. For the where and how, look on the Yorp cameo page.

it had also appeared on the new Duke Nukem GameBoy game
"Time To Kill"

If you know about any other appearances, please contact us;

4.2. Are there any Yorp games?

Yessir, and one of them, "Yorpwars" is placed in this site, and was
made by our own beloved site designer, the honorable Mr. Tom Bailey , and
can be downloaded from the downloads page.
Although there are other Yorp games, we have failed to find them. Please write to us with the where and how. Thanks.

Tom is also working on a game called Yorp EXCEL with Click 'n Create.

5. About this site

5.1. Why did you choose to do an ENTIRE site about Yorps?

The Yorps are an example of the genious and originality of the
Keen series. An "enemy" character, who is cute, unharming (well,
not intentionally) and smiley. We all share a very deep love of the
Keen series, and find the Yorp as an example of the why , and what
we love in the games.

5.2. Who are you anyway?

We are three dudes, who were joined by a common goal, to spread
the message of the Yorps in the world.

Seriously, we are three guys from all around the globe,
with no connection to any company, or organization (save Yorpmasters. Inc.).

5.3. Where did you pick the term "Yorpology"?

The term ****ology, relating to a site made about Keen characters,
was coined by Thea Gregory, and we send her our thank you's.

5.4. Why should I care about those goofy creatures?

Because, we humbly believe, the Yorp should set an example
to the world of gaming, where the enemy characters are usually
bloodthirsty, stupid, frightening, or all of the above.

5.5. Wow, that sounded great, can I pay for the enjoyment of visiting your fabulous site?

Of course you can. Send your credit card number to our e-mail address

5.6. Can I worship you, too?

Um… aren't we taking this a bit too far?

5.7. Do the silly questions end sometime?

Yes!!! Right now!!!