The Yorp, while much cuter and more useful a creature
than the Dopefish is sadly not portrayed as often in games
other than our beloved Keen. However, the Yorp has been
honored three times (as far as I know) by making cameo
appearances in other games.

In Episode Two of Bio Menace, an older platform game
by Apogee, The Enforcer has a statue of the Yorp:

in the level "Specimens Lab", where models of future
monsters he is creating are kept. Along with a statue
of our cute and innocent Yorp (The same except for an
enlargement and a red eye) these two manglers
are standing:

Here's what the enforcer has to say about the
menacing trio:

Isn't just a bit hilarious that an enlargement of the
cuddly and harmless Yorp can be coupled with this pair
and described as a "kamikaze mutant"?

In the same level (Specimens Lab) of Bio Menace 2, the
Yorp makes a second appearance. Stacked on the shelves of
along with scoring items from Commander and Duke Nukem
in the "Secret Apogee/ID room" are three Yorps! Here is
a picture:

Cool, eh? Just goes to show the YORP LIVES!!!

The best appearance of the Yorp is in Paganitzu 2, Level 15.

Here are a couple clips:

For the full story, instructions, and pics, visit Little
Known Facts on Quest of Commander Keen.

Well, we never knew the Yorp had a use as livestock
as well as a pet, but here is proof it does!:

Now what they produce, I can't imagine...

The Yorp in Keen Cameos

The yorp is also mentioned in the "manual" version of
Keen4- (The version you get when you order it from Apogee-
no longer available to the best of my knowledge) These
are the words-

"While listening to an alien sitcom, "My Favorite Yorp", Billy hears a disturbing message...."

...And the rest can be seen by going to "The Story" in
any verison of Keen4.

In the ending of Keen1;

and the ending of Keen2;

You can see that Keen brought back a yorp, nicknamed
"Spot" from his trip to Mars.

In the ending of Keen4, Spot also shows up:

sitting, smiling against Mr. Blaze's leg.

If anyone knows where we can get a hard copy of this
mention, please let the yorpmasters know. Thanks.