Computer Wrist - decoration art made by VF

Commander Keen News
Romero & Hall are back!
That's right! The new company is called Monkeystone Games, and their first game will be Hyperspace Delivery Boy!
Written by VF :: October 10 2001.
"Quinlan, TX, October 3, 2001 - There comes a rumbling from the countryside outside of Dallas. Rising from the Texas wilderness with renewed passion and drive, legendary video game creators Tom Hall and John Romero today announce the formation of Monkeystone Games: a video game developer and publisher with an emphasis on handheld platforms."
Monkeystone Press Release

A new game from Tom ;-)The ones who work at the new company are the well known Keen games creators Tom Hall & John Romero, plus Brian Moon and Steven Case. Tom Hall says the new game will be "really fun to play - lots of cool secrets, action combined with puzzle-solving. It’ll be perfect for the PocketPC, and whatever other platform it travels to. It’s a good product to start the company with, as it’s not a huge project, but it’s a really fun project. It’s a blast to work on a small, cool title."

The Monkeystone logo

This is the official description of the game: “Hyperspace Delivery Boy! is an action-puzzle game for the PocketPC with bizarre environments, quirky humor, and fiendishly designed levels! You are Guy Carrington, and it is your job to make your way through thirty tough assignments that span the galaxy in your quest for the title of Delivery Boy 1st Class! Are you up to the ridiculously massive challenge?”

If you want more, here are two helpful links:

Link Interview with Monkeystone:
Link The Monkeystone website, containing the press release:

We'll keep you updated :)

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