Keen Information |
Information on Commander Keen Nexus |
Here you'll
hopefully find all you want to know about
the site you're looking at. You'll find
the history of the site, our email
addresses and more. Have fun reading! |
history :: The start of Commander
Keen Nexus was the small and low-quality
site "VF4588's Commander Keen
Page" -- how original. This was
sometime during fall 2000. VF (Vidar Flak
- VF4588) decided only to feature news
and interviews related to Keen on the
site, and it was renamed "CK
Rocket", for some reason. The other
fans of Keen seemed to like the site, and
I have to admit I (VF) actually still
kinda like it myself! (The design, that
is.) Anyway, I guess I wanted to do
something else after that, and I talked
to Lyris about the bad name. Lyris agreed
it was stupid, and suggested "CK
Nexus". He said, because VF didn't
know, (and found out in a dictionary it
had something to do with
mathematics...!!) that it meant
"space port" (or something...).
VF thought it made sense (well, maybe
Lyris did :P) and we both thought it was
a catchy name. This conversation was in
March a year ago. Lyris joined VF making
CK Nexus, and the new site was launched,
with the menu at the top, and the colors
orange and blue - which as you see still
are the main colors. The number of
sections was increased, and the site was
liked. It was hosted by brone.net -
Newspaz' personal domain. Brone.net was
closed, and CKN had to move. It moved to
ZipZap.f2s.com, together with VF's
homepage. VF got bored of the design
again, and the planning and designing of
CKN version 2 begun. This was in the end
of the summer 2001. I made loads of weird
and oftenly partually cool-looking stuff,
but I didn't really like it. After some
time, I made something way to colorful,
but I liked it. I asked Ilsoap - a member
of VT - to make some buttons for the
site, using Flash. This ended with VT
deciding to join me making the site, instead
of working on one of the ambisious game
projects. I made a new design, and it
evolved to be JUST like the one you see
here, (!!!) and the others liked it.
Thinking you don't really want to know
even more detailed info about the past,
I'll stop with saying the site wasn't
launched before March 2002 - which is
when I wrote this. |
team and our addresses :: The team now
has the following members. Note: The
likeness between the pictures and reality
may be a bit low..
Vidar Flak is the
founder of the site, as you might
understood by the heavy
history-text above.
He's the webmaster and the
designer, and he does quite a lot
other things as well...and to not
forget, his home is in the
freezing country of Norway!
Email: vf@k.st |
Jonathan Hinkle is a
well-known guy among keensters,
and is responsible for stuff like
CK Files and CKD. His state would
be Georgia.
I guess he's also the leader of
VaporTech International! A great
young guy.
Email: tsoism@cs.com |
This fellow is also a
very well-known guy among
keensters. His name is Chris
Hendricks, and he's livin' in a
He's GREAT at graphics.
Email: chris@screenhog.com |
Copyright :: Commander
Keen and his likeness, et cetera, is ©
id Software. The site Commander Keen
Nexus and its self-produced content is
not supported by id, and is © the CKN
Team. |