Yorp statue - decoration art made by Too Much Spare Time

Commander Keen Interviews
Interview with Stan Broné (Newspaz)
This is an interview with Newspaz about his (old) game project, called "The New Episode".
Interviewed via email by Vidar Flak :: Released on the 7th of April 2001

VF: OK, first, could you give me some info on Commander Keen - The New Episode?

Newspaz: Well, the game is entirly programmed by DaffyDrukz in Div gamestudio. A pascal alike language. You could compare it with RKP with prestation. Altough it has a higher resolution and we will be mostly using the Keen 1,2,3 sprites.

VF: What's the basic storyline?

Newspaz: The robots of Keen 2 came to earth to take over. They're controled by radio towers that you will have to destroy. That's it in a nutshell.

VF: Are you going to make new graphics, enemies, music and Keen tiles?

Newspaz: Well, the sprites we go out from are from Keen 1,2,3. I'll be redrawing them so they will look pretty much the same.

VF: Could you give me some info about the engine you are going to use?

Newspaz: It's being programmed by DaffyDrukz in Div gamestudio, as said before a pascal alike programming language. We'll be using a resolution of 640x480, levels will be build as bitmaps. We are planning to try to make a level editor but it won't be putted with the game.

VF: Who is on the team?

Newspaz: Me and DaffyDrukz. We are also trying to find someone to design levels and someone who could compose some nice music for us.

VF: When did this project start?

Newspaz: 2nd of January DaffyDrukz started searching for team members.

VF: When will a demo version be released? What will it contain?

Newspaz: It will contain one single level, keen and enemies up and running.

VF: Have you got any idea of when the game will be finished?

Newspaz: Probably over a few months

VF: Anything more you would like to say?

Newspaz: Visit our website at http://knepisode.hypermart.net !

VF: Thank you for doing this little interview for CK Rocket*!

Newspaz: No problem =)

*CK Rocket: This interview was made way back in the beginning of 2001, for VF's magenta-colored Commander Keen Rocket site...

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Created by VT :: CKN Team Leader: Vidar Flak :: Copyright © CK Nexus :: Commander Keen is © id Software
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