Commander Keen 3: Keen Must Die!

Location: Vorticon VI


WARNING The following is a spoiler WARNING

As it turns out, Mortimer McMire, Keens schooltime rival, is planning to destroy the world. Why? Because, when Mortimer and Keen had their IQ tests done, Mortimer scored 315 (As I like to say, by cheating [although this is my idea only, no one else's]) and Keen scored 314. Mortimer always held that over Billy (or, in this case, Commander Keen). And here he is, planning to blow up the world! The ending is:

No ...

It can't be ...


Mortimer has been a thorn in your side for as long as you can remember. Your IQ test was 314; Mortimer's was 315. He has always held that over you, never letting you forget for one day. All the practical jokes, the metal cruelty, the swirlies - each memory makes your teeth grit harder. And now he's out to destroy Earth! You have had enough!

"All right Mortimer! what's the problem, why destroy Earth?"

"Those mental wimps deserve to die. I'm the smartest person in the galaxy, aren't I MR. 314 HA HA HA!"

"I'll get you for that Mortimer."

"Come and try. You'll never get past my Hideous Mangling Machine. Prepare to die, Commander Clown!"

WARNING Spoiler is over WARNING

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This page created by Michael Wikoff, aka Michael Blaze. Last modified August 20, 1998.