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Vorticon VI 
~A Commander Keen Website~ 

                                    Episode Six 

ORIGINAL GAMES                            UNOFFICIAL GAMES                
K1-  Commander Keen:  Episode 1                                             K2000-  Commander Keen 2000 
K2-  Commander Keen:  Episode 2                                             KI-  Commander Keen Immortal:  The Lamers 
K3-  Commander Keen:  Episode 3                                       KE- Commander Keen:  Earthbound  
K4Commander Keen:  Episode 4(Compiled by Doped up Fish)    VVI-  Vorticon VI:  Episode 1:  Captive Planet   
K5Commander Keen:  Episode 5                                             AOE-  Vorticon VI:  Episode 2-  Attack on Earth  
K6Commander Keen:  Episode 6                                              LIT-  Lost in Time  
3.5Commander Keen:  Episode 3.5(Compiled by Doped up Fish)  
AK-  All Keenshi                                                                           



BabobbaThis little red fella is a baby Bobba. Babobbas are not quite as tough as full-grown Bobbas.(K6) 
Banana Split-  2000 points(K6) 
Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket-  Keen's Spaceship that he uses to travel to different parts of the galaxy(AK) 
BipBips are the cogs in the Bloog's machine.  They run platforms, they patrol areas in their Bipships, and generally cause havoc.  They fight for anyone, but they happened to hook up with the Bloogs.(K6) 
Billy Blaze-  Eight Year Old genius that is Commander Keen(AK) 
Blochowaik, Jason-  Software Engineer(K6) 
BloogThe Bloogs stole your baby sitter.  These one-eyed green carnivores are driven by their hunger across the galaxy.(K6, VVI, AOE) 
Bloog Aeronautics and Space Administration-  A level in Keen 6(K6) 
Bloog Control Center-  A level in Keen 6.(K6) 
Bloog Lab Space Station-  The Secret level in Keen 6 that you reach using a satilite.(K6) 
Bloog Soda-  100 points(K6) 
Bloogbase Management District-  A level in Keen 6.(K6) 
Bloogbase Recreational District-  A level in Keen 6.(K6) 
Bloogdome-  a level with a hazerdous area sign on it that you don't have to go into in Keen 6.(K6) 
Bloogfoods, Inc.-  A level in which you get a sandwich to give to a Grabbiter to pass in Keen 6.(K6) 
BloogletBlooglet-  Baby Bloogs come in four colors:  red, yellow, green, and blue.  They aren't very dangerous, and they might even prove helpful sometimes...(K6) 
Bloogton Manfacturing-  A level in Keen 6.(K6) 
Bloogton Tower-  A level in Keen 6 that has the rocket passcard in it for Keen 6.(K6) 
Blooguard-  These burly Bloogs have big clubs to bonk their enemies.  Even if they miss, their clubs shake the ground so violently you might get knocked out! (K6) 
Bloogville-  A level in Keen 6(K6) 
Bloogwaters Crossing-  The first level in Keen 6.(K6, AOE) 
BlorbThese red gelatin-like beings are deadly but slow.  They bounce around and make you nervous.(K6, VVI) 
BobbaBobba's are nasty indestructible beings that hop and fire deadly energy bolts from their eyes.(K6) 


Carmack, Adrian-  Artwork(K6) 
Carmack, John-  Software Engineer(K6) 
Ceilick-  The purple beings hide in holes in the ceiling and will try to get you with their forked tongues.(K6) 
ComputerWrist-  The main menu screen for Keen that includes starting a game, saving, loading, paddl wars, and quitting.  (K4, K5, K6, LIT, KE)                              


First Dome of Darkness-  A Level that contains a grappling hook and rope to get up the cliff in Keen 6.(K6) 
Flect-  These yellow fellows have big teeth but their bite isn't the problem!  Watch out where you shoot when these guys are around.(K6) 
Fleex-  The Fleex are amongst the finest engineers in the universe, having designed all the buildings and devices on Fribbulus Xax.  Unfortunately, the Bloogs built them, devestating the sleek and elegant designs. 
    The Fleex have very sesitive eyes (a natural consequence of spending s lifetime in a basement lab), so sensitive that they have to wear dark shades when they're out in the light (making them nearly blind).  To compensate, they've developed an oversized ear which allows them to hear other creatures as they move around.(K6, KI) 
Fribbulas Xax-  The Bloog Homeworld that Keen must travel to to save Molly.(K6, AOE) 


Gems-  Gems are used to open doors found in various levels in Keens 4-6.  To open a door, just carry the gem to an appropriate gem holder in the vicinity of the door.  Keen knows all about the gems and will put them in the holder.(K4, K5, ,K6, KI, K2000, VVI, AOE) 
Gik-   These hard-shelled customer's worst points are it's points!   Its legs are spikes, so it will flip and try to poke you.(K6) 
Grabbiter-  A creature that you feed a sandwich to in Keen 6 to let you pass.(K6) 
Guard Post One-   A level in Keen 6.(K6) 
Guard Post Two-  A level in Keen 6.(K6) 
Guard Post Three-  A level in Keen 6.(K6) 

Hall, Tom-  Creative Director(K6) 
Hazard Signs-  These signs mark the most hazardous areas of Fribbulas Xax.  Traveling the hazard areasis not necessary to complete the game, but will let you rack up extra points and add hours of challenge and enjoyment to the game.(K6) 

Ice Cream Bar-  200 points(K6) 

Keen-  Billy Blaze's Alter Ego(AK) 


Molly-  Your babysitter that was kidnapped by the Bloogs.(K6) 

Nospike-  These blue fellows walk around until they find something to charge at. But even charging, their favorite pastime, will bore them after a bit.  Watch out for their fearsome horn! (K6) 

Orbatrix-  These big blue eyeballs will bounce and spin at you!  Be careful-- They float and follow you. (K6, AOE) 

Paddle Wars-  A game on Keen's ComputerWrist that you can play.  You are a bar, and you have to block a ball and get it past your opponent. (K4, K5, K6) 
Pizza Slice-  5000 Points(K6) 
Plastic Tubing-  An ingrediant used to make the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket.(AK) 
Platform-  Platforms are a major convenience-  even a necessity on Fribbulas Xax.  In most places they are used to transport you over dangerous obstacles, or to places out of reach.  Many of the platforms(or "plats" as the locals call them) are still the old style which are operated by Bips.(K6) 
Prince, Robert-  Composer(K6) 
Pudding-  500 points(K6) 

Romero, John-  Software Engineer(K6) 
Root Beer Float-  1000 points(K6) 
Rubber Cement-  Used to make the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket(AK) 

Second Dome of Darkness-  No real reason to go in here.  A level in Keen 6.(K6) 
Stunner- These are used in Keen 4-6 and are used to stun creatures.  You only have a limited number of shots, so be sure to collect them wherever you can.(K4, K5, K6, VVI, AOE, K2000, KE) 
Soup cans-  One thing that Billy Blaze used to make the Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket(AK) 



Viva-  These are probably the most common form of life on Fribbulus Xax.  Viva's have a wonderful quality-- Touching them improves your health.  In fact, for every 100 you come in contact with,  you gain another life!  Watch carefully for Queen Viva's-- Touching one will give you another life all by itself. (K6) 




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