
Here are some links to other Keen related sites.

Spatang - This is the site the newsletter is hosted on and xtraverse provides a variety of sites. From the spatang index you can get to Beyond to the Pogo which is a site that focuses on Keen and has MANY downloads and information about the games. There are also sites based on other classic games.

Keen Galaxy - KeenRush's Keen site provides information and downloads of many mods. There is also a quite extensive link section.

Public Commander Keen Forum - This is really the home of the Keen Community. Everyone hangs out here and talks about Keen among many other things. This is the place to go if you have a general question about the Keen games.

Keen Modding Forum - This is where you can find out everything you wanted to know about modding the original Keen games and get help from those who are experienced.