Posts: 249
(5/27/02 1:09 am)
Xky makes an announcement.
A few of you are already aware that I have had intentions of a Keen 1 mod for some time now, and I'm pleased to announce that work has begun. Without giving too much away, I'll release the following:
* 16 All-new levels with redesigned Map and Title Screen.
* New tiles, new sprites, new everything.
* Integration of the CkPatch utilities for storyline.
[Edit: June 23, 2002] (it's 4am!?)
I figure you guys deserve SOME kind of preview... here goes nothing *covers his eyes and grins*
![missing image ( XkyKeen1ModPreview.txt]()
--Xky foolishly enters the Bloogdome
Edited by: XkyRauh2001 at: 6/23/02 11:12:13 am
Posts: 208
(5/27/02 6:24 am)
Re: Xky makes an announcement.
Hmmm, I thought the White Tower would be a little more...white.
Please click at least once: here, here, here, and and here. |
Posts: 265
(5/27/02 2:41 pm)
Re: Xky makes an announcement.
Sounds good this far, have you any beta screenshots to show?
Who ever needs Doom 3, we have Keen 6. |
Posts: 250
(5/27/02 8:53 pm)
Re: Xky makes an announcement.
No beta shots yet :-) i wanna keep things hidden for the time being.
[Edit May 28, 2002:]
Worked a lot on the Mod last night... have the Story reworked, all 5 Enemies redesigned, Keen's Sprites completed and tested, and about 75% of the Mapping Tiles finished. From here, I'll just need to design 14 more Levels, revamp the Yorp Statue Messages, and then Play Test. Things are coming along quite nicely--thanks for your support, everyone :-)
[Edit: June 6, 2002:]
Tiles are completed, 3 levels designed and tested. All that's left is the rest of the levels, and double-checking the Yorp Statues. Playtesting, Playtesting, Playtesting. thanks for keeping with me :-D
[Edit: June 9, 2002:]
Things are coming along nicely. got 2 of the 4 "Parts" levels done, and a few of the "Dome" levels done. all in all, probably about 40% through Level Design. I'll take a guess that overall Modding progress is around 70%. I'll keep ya posted!
[Edit: June 21, 2002:]
Wow, long stretch of disaster in there, but i'm back on task. Added more tiles, completed all but 2 levels and the map/title screens. have about 16 tiles un-used left in the entire tileset, and already have plans on where and how to use them. entering the home stretch, with estimated 90% completed! yay!
[Edit: June 23, 2002:]
Refined the Map tiles a bit, did a lot of Title Screen work, put some time in on the 2 remaining levels, things are starting to tie in together--also, spent a few minutes putting together the preview poster seen at the top. Awaiting reactions... *gulp*'s also 4:00am now ^_^;; g'nite!
[Edit: June 24/25, 2002:]
Yay! This is practically it, folks. from what my original plans were about a month ago, i'm now 99% done. i've revamped the map, done all 16 levels, re-dressed the sprites, have the help and story menus under my belt... practically all that's left to do is a minor tweak to the High Scores list. but since i've got some time left, i'm going to try and add 2 extra levels, for the Keenest of the Keen, and then start on a Finale picture, to coincide with the release of Mr. Durdin's* editor.
Edited by: XkyRauh2001 at: 6/25/02 6:39:19 am
Posts: 267
(5/28/02 1:48 pm)
Re: Xky makes an announcement.
Ok, I understand..
Who ever needs Doom 3, we have Keen 6. |
Posts: 749
(5/28/02 11:24 pm)
Re: Xky makes an announcement.
Dude 75% of the mapping tiles? I’ve only completed one tile set for my ever growing MOD, and 75% of one foe.
Posts: 258
(6/6/02 10:58 am)
wheee... more progress
Alright, official release or something *laugh*
i've got all the tiles redrawn, all the sprites redone, and the first few levels intact. however, i've got the following questions, of varying importance:
1) does the "invincible" vorticon HAVE to be on level16? i tried a few gimmicks, and found no way to have a shootable-yet-unkillable vorticon on any level besides 16. is the game hard-coded as such? i'd much rather level11 be my "conclusion"
2) listed in KeenEdit's txt file is a listing of additional level numbers which worked consistantly when designing additional levels and maps. is there any way to add additional dialogue boxes (i.e. Yorp Statues) to the game? or are we limited to the 4-6 levels which already have them implemented? (i'm using ckPatch to change what they say already)
[problems 1 and 2 are sorta mutually exclusive--if i can get a workaround for one, i shouldn't necessarily need the other. if i'm left high and dry on both, i've got a few ideas on how to fix things--we'll see what happens]
3) is there any way to get KeenEdit to use the custom-made blocks i've made so far, possibly reading from the* file, rather than using its own built-in data file? my mod is using a lot of those "blank" black tiles down at the bottom of the default* and it's mildly inconvenient to have to start up the game and use trial-and-error to get it all looking spiffy.
[problem 3 is just more of a "in the future, when more people are modding..." type deal, it's really not that big of a nuisance to me.]
that's about all that's on my mind at this point. level design is one of my last steps--but definitely the longest. it's taken me about a month to get all these tiles and sprites re-worked, and i'm more than happy to spend twice that long just getting these levels done right. wish me luck, guys and girls ^_^
Posts: 410
(6/6/02 12:59 pm)
Re: wheee... more progress
I'm fairly sure Andrew made some utility for issue #3.
¨@_ |
Vorticon Elder
Posts: 657
(6/6/02 1:45 pm)
Re: wheee... more progress
I'm pretty sure the Vorticon is only invincible in Level 16, but if you only want 11 levels you could create level01.ck1-level10.ck1, then level16.ck1 for the last level, skipping 11-15.
Posts: 308
(6/6/02 1:52 pm)
Re: Xky makes an announcement.
Good luck Xky!
I'm really not sure about these answers of mine, but who cares..
1. I think they're hard-coded.
2. I think there is not way for that. I haven't used that ckPatch prog, but I think it can only replace, not add more stuff.
3. Check this topic: - Though I'm not sure is this what you mean.
Who ever needs Doom 3, we have Keen 6. |
Posts: 261
(6/6/02 10:23 pm)
Re: Xky makes more Progress
KeenRush, you've saved the day :-) thank you for answering Question #3!!
to clarify, my goal with Questions 1 and 2... i was hoping to have the "Invincible" Vorticon on the same level as a Dialogue Box, for dramatic impact, but it sounds like it's not possible--so i'll have to use my pseudo-workaround :-}
thanks again!
Posts: 306
(6/6/02 11:22 pm)
Re: Xky makes more Progress
Well, looks like others have answered your questions already... saves me the trouble!
Posts: 310
(6/7/02 9:43 am)
Re: Xky makes an announcement.
Ok, could you answer my question?
I haven't tested those Yorp statues, do they have to be in the same level as they were in the original Keen 1?
Who ever needs Doom 3, we have Keen 6. |
Posts: 308
(6/8/02 1:47 am)
Re: Xky makes an announcement.
Yes they do -- the text shown is decided by the level number.
You *could* patch the exe to add more text, or have it in different levels, but it would take a little working out.
Posts: 317
(6/8/02 6:21 am)
Re: Xky makes an announcement.
Thanx, well, I was jus intrested. I don't need them in my mod.
Who ever needs Doom 3, we have Keen 6. |
Posts: 264
(6/10/02 2:07 am)
Well, i've decided on a workaround for my Level 11/16 problem. now that the problem is squared away, all that's left is level design! i've done a few already, and they're coming along nicely. the difficulty level is a little above that of the original Keen1, but all the levels are completable. Shouldn't be much of a challenge to the Keenest of the Keen ;-)
still chuggin' away--keep your eyes posted!
[Edit: June 10, 2002: i found this in the archives (page 7 to be exact) and thought that it was kinda cool that approximately 1 year after my comment "I'd love to get a sprite sheet going," it's finally done... who knew? :-D]
Edited by: XkyRauh2001 at: 6/11/02 11:29:02 am
Posts: 347
(6/11/02 1:20 pm)
Re: Hooray!
Can't wait to see Keen now!
Who ever needs Doom 3, we have Keen 6. |
The Soggy Mop
Posts: 368
(6/14/02 6:39 am)
If these levels are anyting similar to your previous works, this is going to be the most awesome thing to happen since CK4 level editing (unless I missed something big in my abscence )!
Posts: 774
(6/14/02 7:11 pm)
Re: Wahoo!
Keen4-6 level editing has ed right now, no one’s making levels!
Posts: 375
(6/14/02 7:33 pm)
Re: Wahoo!
What ed?
By the way, how's your mod Forge?
Who ever needs Doom 3, we have Keen 6. |
Posts: 270
(6/15/02 4:05 am)
Re: Wahoo!
thank you kindly for the praise, Mop... i've got some shoes to fill now, i see ;-) maybe i'll go back and spruce up some of my levels just to make sure they fit the bill.
it makes me proud to know that you guys are interested in my work! thanks!
(page 2 missing) |
Registered User
Posts: 440
(6/28/02 12:10 pm)
Re: off by 20.
When your mod is ready, Commander Keen Vault will interview you, Xky.
Later: Great poster if I have forgot to say!
Who ever needs Doom 3, we have Keen 6.Edited by: KeenRush at: 6/28/02 12:11:28 pm
Registered User
Posts: 288
(6/30/02 8:20 am)
The Release of Xky's Keen 1 Mod is set !!
Okay, as far as I know, my Mod is completed, I'd just like to give it a couple more test-plays to make sure everything is ready to go gold.
If all goes well, I should be releasing it on July 1st late in the evening, which means that by July 2nd, 2002, my Mod will be avaliable for download.
All i've got to do is test compatibility with Keen 1 version 1.1... if everything checks out, the release is solid. if i need to go back and do a bunch of %version hacking in my patch, it may take longer, but i'll crunch it out ;-)
either way, we're looking at a July 2 download for sure--thanks for the patience, everyone. i'll be starting a new thread after it's up.
Registered User
Posts: 448
(6/30/02 9:37 am)
Re: The Release of Xky's Keen 1 Mod is set !!
I can't wait!!!
Who ever needs Doom 3, we have Keen 6. |