Unlike many species and races occupying our galaxy, whose
cultural aspects is a closed book to us, the yorp religion
is much documented, and has many interesting aspects.
Most of the discoveries derive from researches of William J. Blaze
to whom Yorpology, Inc. owes a great debt. The rest is based
upon personal discoveries and galactic data.

The yorp religion is apparently not connected with a certain
deity. It comes, like in many other places, from the long
nights that the yorp ancestors looked to the night skies.
There, among many others loomed a blue planet, large and
peculiar. Naturally, most of the ancestors’ legends and
myths started to revolve around this particular planet.
Stories of mystical bears, flowing over mysterious wheeled
boards around magic circles, raining sweet artifacts.

Centuries later, when space travel was developed, it
was time to venture and to visit this mythical place.
One can only imagine how they assembled their first vessel
to earth. A mission of yorp astronauts, philosophers, scientists,
and religious leaders, returned to mars with teddy bears,
hoola hoops, skateboards and candies.

These were immediately accepted as object of worship and
are still held in that position today.

The means of worship differs from the different species
of Mars. The Yorps tend to place these holy objects in
secured places, sometimes under the care of a menial
robot. Or, in some cases behind locked doors. The Gargs
however guard these objects with religious fanaticism,
threatening to kill whomever dangers these holy objects.

Here is the place to mention that, unlike the common view,
the structures called “shrines” were not created as religious
temples, but they have a whole different position in the yorp culture.

For further details, please turn the general yorp data page.

Once a year, members of the yorp finest, from the branches of
religion and science, are sent to earth, where they try to get
these objects. Secretly as they try, they are still discovered
sometimes, only to cause a lot of embarrassment to those who
try to explain to the authorities that their house was raided
by "green creatures with an antenna, who stole my kids G.I.Joe’s
and his miniature xylophone”.

Apparently the truth IS out there….