This section of our site will attempt to give a brief
outline of the enslavement of the Yorps under the Gargs
and their subsequent liberation.


To do this we shall first have to examine how the
Yorps came to be slaves in the first place. It is
uncertain at what point in Martian history the Yorps
were enslaved by the Gargs. However we need only
examine the Nature of the Martians to see how this
could have occured. By nature Yorps are non aggressive,
friendly creatures while the Gargs are naturally
aggresive and angry. It is likely a Garg king or visionary
at some point realised that it would be far easier to
get the Yorps to do all the hard work than for them to
do it themselves. Due to their passive nature the
Yorps would have done very little to stop their
enslavement. In fact it is very likely that the entire
Yorp population would have been enslaved in a matter
of days.


The next question we face is what did the Yorps have to
do as slaves? Well, judging by Garg attitudes and
foresight it is very likely that the work was hard.
Yorp slaves would have had a lot to do with the building
of the many Martian cities that dot the surface of the
planet.This involvement would have only been in the
labour needed to shift building materials and the like.
We need only look at the cities to see that Yorps had
nothing to do with their design. They are cold metalic
structures with the odd antenna and satelite dish.

An example of Yorp architecture is the dome shaped
temples that can be found on the Martian surface.

These two buildings couldn't be more different. To
build such structures the Gargs would have needed a large
work force. This would have been comprised of the
unfortunate Yorp slaves. However basic work such as this
is perhaps not all the Yorps did as slaves. It is very
likely that Yorp slaves assisted Gargs in the construction
of space craft and then helped crew the vessels in the
quest for the toys which are so vital to Martian religion.

These few lucky Yorps may have had an easier existance
under the Gargs than the others. Unfortunatly it would
seem that they were a minority.


It is unlikely that the Vorticons had anything to do
with the enslavement of the Yorps. In fact it is very
likely they arrived on Mars after the Yorps gained
their freedom. The Vorticons do interact with the Gargs,
using them as guards. Despite this they seem to have
no interest whatsoever in the Yorps.


So, how did the Yorps gain their freedom? Well this
is a very interesting story. Suprisingly the people
of Earth had a lot to do with it. When the space probe
Viking landed on Mars it actually landed right on top
of the Garg king of the time.

This had an amazing effect.

The Gargs were unable to recover from losing
their king in such a strange way for some time and in
the confusion the Yorps were freed.

Even though the Gargs got another king eventually,
they were never able to get organised enough to regain
their slaves. As a result the Yorps were free, with no
restrictions placed on them by either the Gargs or the

It is posible the Vorticons did have something to do
with the Yorps being able to keep their freedom. If
we assume the Vorticons set up their outpost on Mars soon
after the Yorps were freed then we can also assume
that they would have been requesting a lot from their
new allies, the Gargs. Having to do the bidding of
their new and powerful Vorticon masters would have
left the Gargs with little time to enslave the Yorps
a second time.