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Vorticon VI 
~A Commander Keen Website~ 

                                            Vorticon VI 
                     Episode 1:  The Captive Planet  

    The first game I ever made, using Klik and Play.  It's not exactly good.  But...  It's okay.  It has lots of levels.  Download it at my downloads page. 

                                                        Captive Planet 
                                                    A Dopesoft Presentation 
                                                       By Dopefish Nine                  
                                                                     Copyright 1999 


    "Ahhh...  Here we go."  Billy says to himself, as he works out in his clubhouse on the Bean-with Bacon Megarocket.  Billy presses a button, and a green glow lights up around the front of the ship.  Two rods stick out also from the front.  Billy smiles and steps back to take a look at his job.  Out of only, forks, a electric can opener, batteries, metal rods, and wire Billy makes two new pyronetic lazer bolt discus guns onto the front of the Megarocket.  After admiring his work, he steps back and turns on the radio. 
     "You're tuning in to J101.7 You're..  bzzzzzzzzzzzz...Roc....bzzzzzz......" 
     "What's wrong with this thing?" Billy wonders?  He then hits the radio with his fist.  Slowly, Billy starts to hear strange things. 
"Vorticons...Planet...Six...Captured...Bloogs...Now...In...Control..  Will...Never...Know...Ha...Ha..."BzzzzzZZZzzZzzzZzzzxz!!!!!!!  Suddenly, the radio explodes, spraying shrapnel and other things all over the Clubhouse.     Billy barely manages to get away from the radio in time. 
     "Well, it looks like the Bloogs of Fribbulus Xax are at it again.  Better go help the Vorticons."  Billy dons his brothers football helmet, and jumps into his newly remodified Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket, and sets a course for Vorticon VI.  As soon as he gets on out of Earth's atmosphere, he finds a Vorticon Warship, hovering over Earth. 
     A voice comes over to Keen's ship from the Warship.  It's a Bloogs voice-  "I've been waiting for you Commander Keen.  You'll never reach Vorticon VI!  With me in your way and many others on the path.  Your pathetic little ship, has no power.  Prepare to met your doom, COMMANDER KEEN!!!!! 


    You drive the bloogs out of Vorticon VI, but you get home and get an e-mail that says. 

Dear Commander Keen, 

     Hello Mr. 314.  How are you doing?  I'm doing quite well thankyou.  As you may have guessed, I'm Mortimer Mc Mire.  Yes, yes.  You thought I was dead.  Well.  I'm not, Dodo-Tag.  You're it.  Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that the invasion of Vorticon VI was, yes, not my idea.  I'm still in contact with the Bloogs you know.  However, I told the Bloogs that they should try for a different planet.  They said okay, an I said, How about Earth.  They thought it was a great idea actually, since they wanted to get back at you for what you did.  Just wanted to warn you.  No hard feelings I hope.  Anyway.  Enjoy your slavery by the Bloogs.  Ah well.  Good-bye Billy, 314 or Keen or whatever your name is.  Tag.  You're still it, Dodo. 

-Your nemesis Mortimer Mc Mire. 

p.s.  I'm just warning you Dodo.  Don't know why though.  I must be going soft. 


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