I got a total of  12 entries!  If I forgot your poll tell me at Dopefish9@hotmail.com

This Week:  Keen in General
Sorry, I didn't have enough time to write comments for this poll.

1:  Do you think Keen will ever die, or fade away until he's forgotten?
No-  6 people think that Keen will never die
Maybe-  4 people think Keen will maybe die
Yes-  2 people think Keen WILL die

2:  Are you actively involved in the Keen Community?
Yes-  8 people are involved
Partially-  2 people are partially involved
No-  2 people are NOT involved at all
3:  How long ago did you first find out about Keen?(IN YEARS)
2 years ago-  2 people learned about keen
5 years ago-  2 people learned about keen
7 years ago-  2 people learned about keen
8 years ago-  2 people learned about keen
3 years ago-  1 person learned about keen
4 years ago-  1 person learned about keen
6 years ago-  1 person learned about keen
Can't Remember- 1 person

4:  Do you like ID, the company?
Yes-  5 people like ID
No-  4 people don't like ID at all
Sorta-  3 people sort of like ID

5:  Why do you like Commander Keen?
Cause hes cool. Hes my *sniff* hero.
cause he is cute.
cause he reminds me of my brother
Because it's perfect.  I've always liked 2D games, and Commander is the best one.
It is totally non-violent, and it has a good storyline.
It's a sidescrolling game that has humor in it! Most sidescrolling games are stupid shoot-em-up things with no storyline.
Because it's like a saturday morning cartoon.
It's the best platform game EVER!
The game play is great and the plot and humour of the games are excellent.
He kicks ass, Nuff said...
it kicks asssssssss!
kuz it rox
6:  Lastly, What do you think would be a good subject for a poll?
I think your running outta ideas. so, i think you should put less questions.
I dont know, it should be keenish
I dont know, it should be keenish
How you think Keen will be in many years to come.  Like whether he's still two dimensional and peaceful, or if he's 3D and rated Mature.
Umm... favorite level in keen 5?
Come up with what you think an -ology should be (create a bit of a storyline)
??? Dunno...
Keen's future.
i dunno
something really good.

That's all!  Check back next monday for the results and new poll!
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