~A Commander Keen
Episode Six: Aliens
Ate my Babysitter
Your Babysitter, Molly, has been kidnapped by the
Bloogs of Fribbulas Xax. You must rescue her!. This episode
is my favortite Keen.

Commander Keen: Aliens Ate my Babysitter!
An ID Software Production
Commander Keen in "Aliens Ate my Babysitter!"
Copyright (c) 1992, Id Software Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
Distributed by Apogee Software Productions
Published by FormGen Corporation, North Andover, MA, USA.
this episode, Billy is out in the clubhouse, busily working on his handy
new ComputerWrist wrist computer. He hears Molly, his baby sitter,
calling hime to supper but he keeps on working. He hears a strange
noise in the backyard and decides to investigate. On a patch of scorched
grass he finds a note...
Thanks for dinner.
--The Bloogs of Fribbulus Xax
P.S. Next time get one with more meat, please.
He puzzles over
this for a moment, then notices the baby sitter has stopped calling.
Suddenly, he realizes that aliens are having her for supper - and when
they say "for supper" they mean "FOR SUPPER"! If he doesn't save
her, his parents will be furious. They'll never believe that "Aliens
Ate My Baby Sitter!"
"This is a job for Commander Keen!" He declares.
Once again, he dons his brother's football helmet, hops into the trusty
Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket and starts the launch sequence for Fribbulus
Xax. He's got to save Molly from becoming a snack for creatures from
another planet!
It's great arcade action and hilarious fun in the
latest episode in the Commander Keen Saga!
"Gee, thanks Billy,"
said Molly. "Boy, my brother is gonna get in trouble for this."
"Your brother?" Keen asked.
Molly is the older sister of his former nemesis, Mortimer McMire. But he
was caught in the explosion of his Mangling Machine... wasn't he? Could
he be alive? "But he's... he's..."
"He's in trouble
is what he is. He told the Bloogs to take me hostage. In exchange, he told
them where to find the Stupendous Sandwich of Chungella IV."
"Yeah, I've seen it,"
Keen said. So, Mortimer's Back, eh? though Keen. "Where IS Mortimer?"
"Oh," said Molly.
"He said something about blowing up the entire universe or something. Well,
let's get back before your folks get home."
"Yeah, we'd better
- THE UNIVERSE?!" Keen said. "Yikes!"
See you next time, when
Commander Keen and Mortimer McMire battle for the Universe!
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