The plot thickens.....

The different subpages of this site are as follows:

The Lost Journals of Dr. Thomas Bailey

Billy's distraught family drags him to the psychiatrist,
and, as you can imagine, it's not your average case.

The writings recorded on this page are actually excerpts
from a book written by Dr. Bailey, called simply
'I was a Psychiatrist', only part of which could
rescued before it was shredded.

The Secret Diaries of Mort McMire

Scraps from a diary written by the Grand Intellect
himself pertaining to Commander Keen. Very informational
if you like pointless evil and the writings of an eight-year-old

The Family

The Chronicles of the Blaze family...

Billy Blaze: a Short Commentary

Keen's thoughts on the matter.

The Ravings of a Lunatic:
a Quest King Commentary

My thoughts on the matter.