Anatomy of a Lick

External Anatomy

Skin- Bluish-purple and dry. Like most parts of a lick, it is resistant to heat up to very high temperatures.

Eyes- Generally fixed in an expression of anger.

Mouth- The most important part of a lick anatomy. The mouth consists of the palates, which rub together in the throat to create a spark, and the cheeks, which secrete a sort of saliva that turns the spark into a flame. The cheeks also direct the flame in the direction desired by the lick. One side note: you may notice that even though they're called "licks", they don't have any tongues. I have absolutely no explanation for this.

Foot- Although it is a mostly unseen portion of the lick, it produces the thrust necessary to lift the lick off the ground and propel it forward in a kind of hop.

Internal Anatomy

Heart- Important part of a lick, although it doesn't do any blood pumping whatsoever, as there is no blood in a lick. However, the muscular contractions of the heart are what powers the foot to jump. This is why the lick never stops bouncing.

Appendolia- The function of this is unknown, however it has been used by some Gnosticene Ancients as an aphrodesiac.

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