
By nature, the mimrock is a gregarious creature. The group is led by
a dominant rock. (You can never tell who this is by looks because
they're all the same) Mimrocks are similar to wolves- superior numbers
is their major strength. They usually travel in groups of three, but have been known to guard a position alone.

Being rocks of very little brain, (Pooh?), the mimrocks have never formed any type
of religion to follow, but instead spend all their time concentrating on how to get
their feet to move in coordination to their minimal brainwaves.

Mimrocks, unlike Poison Slugs, are native to the Shadowlands. However, because of their
aforementioned none-to-powerful brains, The fell easy prey to the scheming Shikadi and
it was not long after their landing in The Shandowlands that they found an easy way to bribe
the mimrocks for the use of their deadly skills. So the mimrocks banded together, too stupid
to realize they were just tools being wielded in the hands of the wicked Shikadi.

And so to this day, the mimrocks remain enslaved, because they're concentrating too much on
the task at foot to realize that Commander Keen freed them from the powers of evil long ago.

[backtorock.gif ]