
As mmuch as I like to say I did this page all by myself, I must give credit where credit is due. I did take screenshots of Keen and whip them up in what I consider the frightenly complex "Adobe Photodeluxe," and I did make all these pages, but I gotta' thank someone, and I gotta' give them their own page or I'll look greedy. So here you go.

    Id Software
    These are the fellers that made Commander Keen. They turned to the Dark Side though and now make nuthin' but Quake. Whatever happened to the peaceful bunny games like "Doom?"
    Apogee Software
    These folk published Keen and Bio Menace. They also have Joe Seigler for a webmaster, who's obsession with the Dopefish helps keep Keen alive.
    Gamer's Edge
    They did something with Keen Dreams. I don't know what. And I don't care. If I don't know, it must not be important to you either.
    Ditto. See above.
    Bobby Prince Music
    Bobby Prince wrote all the funky white rap you hear in Keen (and all the other music in it too).
    Nintendo is providing the Game Boy Color as the OS for the next Keen Game. Go Nintendo!

As my web site grows, I'll have to get stuff from other sites, so this is bound to grow.

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