Posts: 73
(7/29/02 11:46:10 pm)
Vorticon VI: Episode II
Wow... There sure are alot of fangames coming out in succession. Hope people will still download this one Hopefully you won't be disappointed. It's a 3 level demo, and I've TRIED to be true to the original games, but not all of it is. I've also done some new graphics for it, which isn't always good because I'm not that great at graphics.
I got inspired by the remake of Spork 3, that I decided to fiddle around with one of my old games and make a new demo for it. Probably most of you haven't played it, but it's called Vorticon VI Episode 2: Attack on Earth. It's made with Cnc *gag* unfortunately. I've tried to limit the amount of bugs in the game, and you can tell me how I did on that part. As always with CnC, Keen likes to stick to the ceiling. I've eliminated, or at least helped some of that problem in some of the levels. In some of the levels the fix screws up jumping, so I can only put it in some levels. Try and see what level the fix is in
Unfortunately, CnC won't allow you to do a true pogo, but one is in the game. You can't toggle it like in the originals, so you can press it once, to pogo once, or hold down shift to continuously pogo. I haven't figured out yet how to get the toggle pogo working.
Everything else is pretty self explanatory, or you can just read the read-me. Try it out and tell me what you think!
Sorry, that there's not saving ability. Saving is more complicated with a world map...
Tell me how I can improve the game, or any errors/bugs you found.
Clickable Link - Flaose
Edited by: Flaose at: 7/30/02 12:25:47 am
Posts: 637
(7/30/02 12:41:18 am)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
I tried it.. I was good, though CnC can be buggy.
Whatcha gonna do when Keenmania runs wild on you? |
Posts: 81
(7/30/02 3:48:34 pm)
That was cool but it was buggy sometimes.
Posts: 148
(7/30/02 5:42:27 pm)
Re: cool
My two cents in this matter:
Posts: 75
(7/30/02 6:31:39 pm)
Get the specific color gems... Either that or flick a switch by going over the switch and pressing up. That what you meant?
Keenrush and superadammario, what bugs did you encounter?
Edited by: TCL999 at: 7/30/02 6:32:48 pm
Posts: 642
(7/30/02 7:15:53 pm)
Re: Answer
Just something sometimes with jumping and pogo, many times in that first level where you can jump to the trees.
Whatcha gonna do when Keenmania runs wild on you? |
Posts: 37
(7/30/02 7:34:22 pm)
It was very jittery, the graphics were kinda oversized and the gameplay was slow. May I recommend restarting it on Klik N' Play or Games Factory? I could do the sprites/graphics for you. I'd hate to see a good game go to waste because of buggy movements.
Posts: 426
(7/30/02 11:59:59 pm)
Re: hmmmmm
You're the one that made that Mario Bros. version of Keen, right Link? Because I found that your game scrolled a lot slower than this one does (it scrolls at just the right speed on my computer).
Must be a difference in Computers. And I liked the way the pogo worked.
(By the way, I do remember the original version of this game.)
Objects in computer screen may be closer than they appear. |
Vorticon Elder
Posts: 116
(7/31/02 5:15:20 am)
Re: hmmmmm
No, that was Superadammario64 who made the Mario Keen game...
Cerebral Cortex 314 - For All of your Commander Keen Needs. |
Posts: 76
(7/31/02 12:58:13 pm)
Re: hmmmmm
You have to play the game on the right computer. I found that the game ran very well on a Win XP computer w/ a AMD XP 2100+ chip in it. That's around 1.6 or so Ghz I think. I also ran the game on a Win 98 w/ an AMD Athlon 266 mhz. The win 98 machine ran the game pretty laggy, and jittery, so I'd recommend running the game on something a bit higher. Around 500 mhz or something.
What OS and processor did you use Link? Ilsoap?
Posts: 263
(7/31/02 2:29:19 pm)
Re: hmmmmm
Er, I'm conufsed now. When I finish the old forest, and then finish Bloogwater's crossing, it crashes. When I finish the Bloogwater's crossing, and then enter the old forest, it crashes. (And the old password "Messie" apparently doesn't work). Anyone else have this problem?
Edited by: Keen Second Universal Empire at: 8/14/21 6:32:58 am |
Vorticon Elder
Posts: 119
(7/31/02 3:20:09 pm)
Re: hmmmmm
I also have that problem.
Cerebral Cortex 314 - For All of your Commander Keen Needs. |
Posts: 77
(7/31/02 3:44:12 pm)
Hm... Strange...
That's kinda strange, but not unusual. I also encountered that bug with testing. I thought I had fixed it. The problem is probably with the world map. If you want to bypass those two levels, The password "p2" will do it for you. "Messie" was never a password I believe...
I'll try working on a fix for the bug. I'll have to look around the code for it. So did anyone actually get to "Mexico City", the 3rd level? If the game screws up after the "p2" password, use the password "p3" to go directly to the "North America" world map.
BTW, Ilsoap, I'm glad that at least one person remembers the original
Edited by: TCL999 at: 7/31/02 3:57:00 pm
Posts: 40
(7/31/02 6:55:47 pm)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
I have no idea what the hell an OS processer is. Bottom line is that I'll help with the game cause Im good at Klik n' Play/Games Factory/CNC. Im the master if you will.
P.S.: CK - Schools Out! is almost finished just a few more frames!!!!
P.S.S.: Call me Trent.
Edited by: LinkTempletonTM at: 7/31/02 6:59:25 pm
Posts: 82
(7/31/02 7:01:53 pm)
I liked the Mexico city level.
and just to tell you my game series is'nt totally mario. The other two games are more keenish.
Posts: 78
(7/31/02 7:35:56 pm)
Re: Hey
An OS is an Operating System. A processor is a chip that is either made by Intel or AMD and is the speed of your computer. You know, 1000 Mhz = 1 Ghz, that sorta thing.
As for your help Trent, I'm not sure if I'd need it. First of all, I'm using CnC, which I don't believe you have. Second of all, I'm not sure if you have knowledge of ini files, and flags. The only game you've released was in KnP which doesn't have those features. But perhaps you know more than what was released in that game. As for the master, I'm not sure of that... Have you ever played "Rule of a Yorps Supper?"
Edited by: TCL999 at: 7/31/02 7:36:52 pm
Posts: 207
(8/2/02 7:47:01 am)
Re: Hey
May be it's just me, but I think this is the first KNP/CNC/TGF game with the use of Pogo stick. Pretty good and promising.
Posts: 42
(8/2/02 3:54:21 pm)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
Alright. If you don't want my help, that's fine. Basically, I know ALOT more than what I've shown in the game. Since Klik N' Play only supports one jump button, I couldn't have pogo. It's your game, you make the discisions.
I am a musicain. Im mellow. I play guitar a sense changes in mood vibes. Im different. Im....somebody. Who said punk is dead?..... Call me Trent. Please. |
Posts: 265
(8/3/02 11:26:41 am)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
Is Mexico city beatable? In the deepest place to the left, past the clouds, I get to a dead end, elsewhere too. i can't find the green gem anywhere.
Edited by: Keen Second Universal Empire at: 8/14/21 6:32:58 am |
Posts: 79
(8/3/02 6:19:23 pm)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
Hehe... Yep, you can beat the level. If you keep going straight right from the start of the level you will encounter a glowing "portal." Enter the portal to go to a series of platforms where there is a switch. The switch may be a little tricky to get, but you can tell if you do once it turns green. That switch will make the green gem appear.
BTW, Trent, CnC or TGF only support one jump button as well.
Posts: 429
(8/3/02 8:03:51 pm)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
I had the same level bug as the previous posters. But the levels still run pretty smoothly. I'm on Win 98, with about 300 mHz and 192 RAM.
This actually isn't the first game with the pogo. I believe it was also attempted with Commander Keen: Psychedelic (or something like that). That game also had the added bonus of being able to hang on ledges.
P.S. TCL, next time you release this game, make the snakes a bit slower.
Objects in computer screen may be closer than they appear. |
Vorticon Elder
Posts: 968
(8/3/02 10:02:45 pm)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
I liked the way you've actually made new tiles and stuff (I'm thinking of Mexico City). The graphics aren't fantastic, but your game is made better by the fact that you have new stuff.
On my computer, the ground shakes a little when Keen walks, perhaps you need to readjust his hotspot?
If you want this game on CC314, use the submission form at our fan game projects page.
Posts: 268
(8/4/02 8:58:48 am)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
Aaah, I see now. The reason I jumped directly from that teleporter into the one up in the sky was that I was hitting my left button at maximum speed!
Thanks, and cool.
The only problem is that, when you start to pogo, you don't stop until you hit the ground, even on poles and such.
Edited by: Keen Second Universal Empire at: 8/14/21 6:32:58 am |
Posts: 80
(8/4/02 2:00:13 pm)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
Obviously I have some problems with the game that I'm still working out. But thanks to all the comments on how to improve the game and what some bugs were. I've already fixed some. I'll slow that snake down btw Ilsoap. I'll also check out the hotspot. I did fool around with that a little bit so I perhaps screwed it up somewhere and forgot to change it back.
CK Psychodelic didn't have any pogo that I could find (I didn't play it all the way through), but it did have the ability to hang on ledges which was pretty cool if it could've been made a bit less buggy. Maybe I'll experiment with that
Before I want the game on CC314, I want to get rid of some of the bugs. I'll submit it once that happens.
Edited by: TCL999 at: 8/4/02 2:02:15 pm
Posts: 43
(8/4/02 8:40:42 pm)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
Then how did you get pogo? LTP has been expermenting for weeks! How do you get it?
I am a musicain. Im mellow. I play guitar a sense changes in mood vibes. Im different. Im....somebody. Who said punk is dead?..... Call me Trent. Please. Edited by: LinkTempletonTM at: 8/4/02 8:42:29 pm
Posts: 82
(8/5/02 12:37:13 pm)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
You have to experiment and keep experimenting and find what works best for you. My pogo Keen is a whole seperate sprite from the regular Keen, which can make it hard to do the events. The pogo Keen will appear when you press shift. And disappear once it lands on a background object. This can be a problem if you hit a ceiling though.
Vorticon Elder
Posts: 137
(8/5/02 1:55:03 pm)
Re: Vorticon VI: Episode II
Quote: I'll submit it once that happens.
Remember, if something doesn't happen for a while, it means the submission form's being stupid again (and you should therefore just e-mail one of us)
Cerebral Cortex 314 - For All of your Commander Keen Needs. |
Posts: 86
(8/5/02 4:04:56 pm)
Okay, thanks for the info
Thanks. I'll probably submit it sometime this week. I've gotten most of the bugs out so it shouldn't be long.