Keen Crazy
Posts: 346
(2/1/05 2:45 am)
Moving the PCKF
xtra spoke about moving this community to a phpbb because of the rising cost of running this ezboard & limited time of the gold community
any new news on this?
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Posts: 8569
(2/1/05 5:22 am)
Re: Moving the PCKF
At least I haven't heard yet. I can't either annoy what's the hurry!
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Posts: 136
(2/1/05 7:10 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
What does it cost to have an ezboard forum?
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Holy Monk Yorp
Posts: 3765
(2/1/05 7:22 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Ezboard itself is free, an ad-free forum with other features can cost a lot but that depens how much people post.
Quote: I can't either annoy what's the hurry!
I don't understand this.
Posts: 1523
(2/1/05 7:33 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Don't worry, neither do I!
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Vorticon Elite
Posts: 514
(2/1/05 9:39 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Why should things on the internet cost anything? Who are we paying anyway?
It costs money to have a website sometimes, but who is the person paying to have the webspace? No one owns the internet. (i think)

Posts: 1158
(2/1/05 9:47 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Things on the Internet cost money, because the Internet didn't just spring up by itself. A lot of people put a lot of hard work into creating the various places on the Internet. Ezboard doesn't HAVE to give away its services for free. If it was intending to do this for free, it would have folded a long time ago, because free services on the Internet don't usually last very long. |
Mortimer's Righthand Man
Posts: 1401
(2/1/05 10:03 pm)
The question, I think, emerges from the practice of putting a price on things like bandwidth or traffic... how is that possible / acceptable / justified ?
Posts: 694
(2/1/05 10:05 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
The internet is like the "soul" of the huge collection of hardware across the globe (and I suppose slightly outside of it as well).
All the hardware itself is owned, but since "the internet" as such isn't something tangible, it doesn't really belong to anybody.
Speaking of ezboard, for the last few weeks I've been getting messages saying the board is under maintenance about every other day.
I refresh, keep refreshing, but they really are out, as they only get back online again after some time.
I've seen the message so many times now, without trying I learnt this forum is one of the ones hosted on server "pub 72".
(Hmmm, there's just a P in the subdomain, so either I'm still slightly off, or the message is different than the subdomain.)
Anyway, is it just me, or is that a bit much?
As for migrating to something different... I wouldn't mind.
The only problem is that ezboard doesn't need any extra webspace, since it uses ezboard's own, and other message boards don't.
Then again, I'm not sure that really is a problem anyway.
You live, you die, you are remembered, you are forgotten. |
Posts: 1524
(2/1/05 10:13 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Quote: It costs money to have a website sometimes, but who is the person paying to have the webspace?
I always used to wonder this, until I found out how Internet Protocol works.
The webspace provider pays money for the computers that store the websites. He also pays his ISP for an internet connection, and possibly a datacenter that keeps his computers safe.
His ISP pays the internet backbone in their country for a rack in the country's internet exchange. This rack is connected in to a huge mass of electronics, routers and other complex stuff. This in turns connects to a huge underwater cable (in the US and UK, anyway) that connects to other internet backbones worldwide.
The internet backbone pays contractors to build the underwater cables every 40-50 years or so. This is very, very expensive, hence the need of the internet backbone to charge the ISPs - who then charge their customers, who charge their users etc.
So what does Internet Protocol have to do with this? Internet Protocol (or IP as I'll refer to it) is the data transfer system that computers on the internet use to communicate. For example:
Your PC --- ISP's routers --- backbone --- other ISP's routers --- some computer
Pretty any computer with routing software can act as a router. Routers route data from one computer to another. This is a complicated process.
It's hard to say who owns the internet. There are many key players in the internet, and if any of them dropped out the internet would go down. If you had to say "Who owns the internet?", the answer would be one of these:
* Verisign - manages domain name sevrers (the things that change addresses like to numbers like
* Internet backbones - There are too may to count. I only know the UK one - LINX.
* Some ohters - I'm too tired to go on an internet search right now.
(Please note that a lot of this is assumed. I only know the basic facts, which I have elaborated on and then simplified so you can understand. It's not easy to explain stuff like this - I barely understand it myself! )
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Posts: 696
(2/1/05 10:54 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
The fact that there are people taking care of smaller or bigger parts of the infrastructure of the internet doesn't mean they own it.
Then again this very planet we live can't really be owned by anyone either, yet it seems to ignore that fact completely.
Who owns the moon?
There was this guy that supposedly found out nobody claimed the moon yet, so he did, and he sold pieces of land to people on the internet for a small amount of money.
Even if he was right, how valid is his claim, and how valid are all the pieces of paper he sent to the people he sold land to?
Then again if in this world it's possible to trademark hyperlinks, nothing's impossible.
Uhm, in short, I still say nobody owns the internet.
You live, you die, you are remembered, you are forgotten. |
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 516
(2/1/05 11:24 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Oh, well. I think no one should have to pay for anything.
That would be possible if the last person who's paid is someone who creats a ton of robots to make and do everything. Then no one will need to be paid.

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 2106
(2/2/05 6:00 am)
Re: Moving the PCKF
I hope your robots don't need repairing, do whatever new tasks we want them to do, create, invent, and create a class structure so that some people can feel superior to others. Among other things.
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"No one should be here.
" -Level Lord |
Core of the Nospike
Posts: 89
(2/2/05 6:10 am)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Quote: LL: I hope your robots don't need repairing, do whatever new tasks we want them to do, create, invent, and create a class structure so that some people can feel superior to others. Among other things.
Of course they wont! They don't call him Genius314 for nothing! (Oh, G314, the original price we settled on for me to make that statement has increased. Not only will you still be paying for this, you'll be paying MORE! )
Quote: Retodon8: Speaking of ezboard, for the last few weeks I've been getting messages saying the board is under maintenance about every other day.
I've noticed that. I also paniced when PCKF and the entire ezboard website was down for about two days and sent emails to various people thinking it was my crappy computer not allowing me to see the board (KeenRush, you may remember that...)
Although there's not too much wrong with this board, I wouldn't make a fuss if migration was decided.

Posts: 1527
(2/2/05 7:37 am)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Problem: The existing programs for converting ezBoard to phpBB aren't all that good.
Solution: I'll code one myself, someday.
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Posts: 8572
(2/2/05 11:35 am)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Solution: Don't use messageboards if nothing's good.. And yes, coding one would be nice, although I wouldn't have any use for a forum made by me.. Although, I could make simple brainfuck forums sometime.
"I don't understand this."
I simply forgot the 'n', I'm sorry. This time it was typing error, I would've known to put it there.
Life.. It's worth 20000 points! |
Vorticon Elder
Posts: 1529
(2/23/05 9:44 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Currently I'm the one paying for the message board.
Lately, the price for an ezboard Gold community (which we pay in order to get no ads and several useful features) has risen quite a lot. The reason for this is that ezboard's Gold price is calculated based on page hits, and our board has become quite a lot more popular since we first joined the Gold program.
Because of this, the admins have realised that we can get the same level of service for a lesser amount of money by purchasing web space from a web hosting provider, and running a scripted message board. phpBB is such a message board, but there are other solutions as well, and we haven't made a final decision on what to choose.
Basically, this board is probably going to move some time in the future. We still have funds for ezboard service until this autumn, and it is possible that we will move the board at that point. Anyway, the decision will be well researched, and we will consider several web hosts and message board programs. The community will be notified of an eventual move a long time in advance and we will do what we can to make the move as smooth as possible.
Posts: 1629
(2/23/05 9:55 pm)
Re: Moving the PCKF
I am writing a message board conversion program in VB, after being unimpressed by the quality of the only other script (ezConvert). I plan to make it convert sticky topics, polls (ezConvert doesn't do this, but it shouldn't be hard to do) and - if possible - locked topics. It will have a proper GUI and should be much easier to use than ezConvert.
I would donate to this board's ezBoard community chest, but I would rather see my money spent on web hosting to move to another board system. I would rather stay here than destroy all existing members/posts, though. Remember, we do have 7 months to organize moving - there's no rush.
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Posts: 8716
(2/24/05 4:41 am)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Hmmm, ok. And wow, if it's possible to switch all the crap from here to there, then I can agree. As well, the new forum's design must be made as Keen as possible..
Life.. It's worth 20000 points! |
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 451
(2/24/05 5:02 am)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Hmm well internet is free in a sense of what u can do, but you still gotta pay for it month to month. Just like where you buy your domains from pay 10,000 USD a year to ICANN to be allowed to register domains to people.
Posts: 1630
(2/24/05 7:42 am)
Re: Moving the PCKF
Quote: As well, the new forum's design must be made as Keen as possible..
I'm working on that.
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