Here are electronic copies of some of the magazines produced in the early 1990s by the Brisbug PC User Group, based in Brisbane, Australia. A non-profit organisation dedicated to helping people learn to use their home computer, Brisbug operated at a time when owning a computer was something of a novelty and expert help was hard to come by.
Part of the membership fee went towards the production of a monthly magazine, which was posted to members before each meeting. These magazines have been scanned in to produce the files below.
Use one of the links under each image to view or download each magazine in your preferred format.
DjVu (short for Deja Vu) is a simpler alternative to PDF, better designed to handle on-screen document display. Historically It offered far superior compression, with each magazine issue being around 15MB in DjVu compared with 250MB or more in PDF. However in recent years PDF compression has improved, so now the difference in file size is much smaller, with PDFs now only being 3-4 times larger than DjVu.
The DjVu hub contains many options for viewing DjVu files on various platforms. The most widely used viewer is DjVuLibre djview4. The DjVu format has not seen much adoption, with PDFs having become the defacto standard, which is why they are now also offered here as an alternative.
Alas, no. As I was only a member of Brisbug for two years, most of the issues are missing. If you have any issues that are not listed here and are able to scan them in, or loan them to me so that I can scan them, please get in touch. Note that the staples will have to be removed so the magazine can be fed through a document scanner, but they are otherwise unharmed.
Yes! They have a homepage at, although the club is much smaller now than it was in its heyday in the early 1990s.