I got a total of  7 entries!  If I forgot your poll tell me at Dopefish9@hotmail.com

This Week:  Keen Enemies

1:  What game do you think had the best enemies?
4 people thought that Keen 4 had the best enemies.
2 people thought that Keen 6 had the best enemies.
1 person thought that Keen 5 had the best enemies.

2:  What Enemy is your favorite of all keen games and why?
-Yorps and Bips, i really like there originallity. But for some reason, i just like them.
-Sparkys cause theyre cool.
-Ceilick... his laugh.
-The Bloog.  It's so cool, so much better than that big burping oaf that we know and love(?).
-The bip 'cuz he's so cute and little I just love him!!!
-Dopefish.  Because he's crude and rude and all that cool stuff.
-The Yorps because they are usually harmless, and they don't look like enimies.  The animals in Keen 4 were made with evil expressions, so they weren't as interesting. Overall though, Keen 4 still has the best enimies because of variety.

3:  What enemy do you think had the best features, and characteristics?
Those Sparkly Red Ghosts
I dont know
Fleex. He bounces back gunshots with his teeth. You gotta love that.(I think the person meant Flect)
I don't know.  Maybe Arachnut.  For years I thought that thing on his stomach was Kirby.
The Sneaky Rock

4:  Do you think if a new Keen game is made, that an old enemy will be in it?
4 people thought that there would be no new enemies in a new keen game.
2 people thought maybe there would be
1 person thought yes there would be
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