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Vorticon VI 
~A Commander Keen Website~ 

    Episode 2:  The Earth Explodes 

    The Second Episode in the Trilogy, finds Commander Keen, saving Earth.  With a Vorticon Mothership, hovering above Earth, ready to destroy it, Keen must find and destroy the Tantalus Rays.  If he doesn't, Earth as we know it will be gone... 

                                                    The Earth Explodes 
                                                     An Apogee Presentation 
                                                   of an ID Software Production 
                                                                        Copyright 1991                 


    His parents think he's asleep, but there's no time for napping, a Vorticon Mothership is poised above Earth, preparing to destroy every major city with their deadly Tantalus Ray! Keen must sneak aboard the ship and stop each Tantalus Team from their terrible task. If he fails, the earth explodes! Of course, this will mean he won't have to get home in time for school... The Earth or no school. Hmmm..... 

    After much deliberation, Keen decides to save the Earth anyway. Don't miss an action-packed second of this exciting episode in the Commander Keen Trilogy! 

                                                What Keen Must Do 

    As Commander Keen, you must reach and destroy each X-14 Tantalus Ray, powered by cells from the big purple Space Amoeba. The Tantalus control rooms are located on various parts of the ship. You start in the ship's gallery and must find items to help you on your quest. When you blasted your way onboard, you found a nearly-empty Vorticon HyperPistol, the weapon of the Vorticon 
Warrior Elite. If you could grab some more of those.... 

    You still have the Pogo Stick from your Mars adventure. 

                            Information On The Vorticons 

     All the Vorticons are controlled by the Grand Intellect, some mysterious being on the planet Vorticon VI. 
     That's of no concern now, you must save the Earth by destroying those Tantalus Rays!  Luckily for you, one of the Vorticons you "dealt with" on Mars had a Blueprint for the Vorticon Mothership. Unfortunately, you can't read Vorticon. 
    The Vorticons have robots, just like the Martians, except Vorticon robots are worse. 
    Certain areas of the Voticon ship seem to be inaccessible. You must find the controls to doors or bridges that will let you continue. 

    The Adventure Begins... 
    Your task is before you. Go get 'em Commander Keen! 
Commander Keen says: "You won't believe what happens in Episode 3!" 

                                             Extra Information on Vorticons 
    In some levels of the Mothership, you may find Vorticon Elders in a stasis.  I've found two of them, but then again, I haven't really been looking for them.  And isn't it weird, that in the first one it says, 'Elder Vorticon'  and in the second, 'Vorticon Elder'? 
This message is from the first Elder I found.  If you want to see which level he's in, go here. 
This is the second message I found.  It's more inportant tthen the first.  To see which level it's in go here.  If you've found any other Elders that I don't know about, please e-mail me at 


    After disabling the weaponary of the Vorticon Mothership, Billy heads 
 for earth. Even great space heroes need a nap after defeating a vicious 
 horde of violence-bent aliens! 
     The Vorticon Ship limps back toward Vorticon VI to tell of their defeat 
 at the hands of Commander Keen. The Grand Intellect will not be 

  Wake up, Billy. It snowed last night! There's no school! 

    Wonderful, Mother. That will give me time to rid the galaxy of the Vorticon menace and discover the secret of the mysterious Grand Intellect! 

Ok, Hon, but you'd better have a nourish vitamin fortified bowl of Sugar Stoopies first. 

     Ok, Mom... 


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