The Slugs have quite interesting religious beliefs. As a matter of fact, it is their
thatr brought the slugs under the reign of the Shikadi. For more about his, read
The Slug Story.

Anyways, down to the beliefs. The slugs were rather self-sufficient and gooily
independant, (before the Shikadi took over, that is), so naturally their object of
worship would be a slug like themselves. But Moo Slug Head was no ordinary
slug. He was a hero.

Moo Slug Head was a poor peasant Slug, who one day went out to seek his
fortune. Unfortunately, before Moo Slug Head had gotten far, an enormous frog
reared up in front of him, and before all the villagers, made a lunge at Moo Slug Head.
Well, Moo Slug Head was poor, but he wasn't a wimp. He wrestled the frog to the
ground and chucked him into the desert. Gargles of joy could be heard throughout the
land and Moo Slug Head was immediately elected King. Sadly, though, because of weak
internal goo (I'd say heart, but hat's a very touchy subject for slugs), Moo Slug Head was
dead in several hours. His deathbed scene is still shown in statues around Gnosticus IV
to this very day, but the most famous is residing in an underground temple in Border Village.
It is shown here:

The Slugs still worship Moo Slug Head and offer his statue only the best rotted leaves every day.
Because of tight schedules and the severe difficulty lying in trying to get clean for an event, the only
special occasion the Slugs celebrate is Moo Slug Head day.

I could not receive much more information on the Slugs' religious beleifs, because the Slugs are
very close-knit and supicious of strangers, but I think this conveys their basic traditions.
This is only a small window into how dedicated and true the slugs are to those who protect them.
The Oily Storyteller,

You are soft-bodied mollusk number
to view Slugology's Religious Beliefs,
since I created it April 10th, 1999!