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Posts: 7
(7/28/04 11:20 am)
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Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
I think one of the versions should be a 3-D one (Of course) and have all the standard moves (Pole climbing, pogo stick, jump and shoot) with new ones in there will punches and kicks that do have damage so you can use them when you're out of and/or low on ammo.

Not only that, but, as well as a jump like the ones used in Ninja Gaiden Trilogy on SNES where you, when one grabs onto a wall, they jump in the opposite direction... but in this 3-D Keen it will be in 3-D (Obviously) and you will have to do it before Keen falls... much like the triangle jump in Sonic Heroes where you have to jump before Sonic falls.

Maybe, speaking of Sonic, it would be somewhat similar to the Eternal Engine level in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle... except you need to find keys and it will include no booster but a pogo stick instead and no lock-on laser, but a plasma blaster instead, that might lock-on after first fired...

Also, in terms of story, it will be somewhat darker, as Keen and Mortimer Fight for the universe (Continued from Keen 6, almost obviously) but they will actually be older... almost teenagers... and Mortimer McMire knows a lot about a-bombs at the time (I know this is off the wall, but since when is Keen SUPPOSED to be realistic) so he decides to design and build his own, making the casing thick enough to withstand over ten seconds of nuclear chain reaction (Anyone who knows how a-bombs work knows that that's quite a while for an a-bomb) and Keen has to find McMire to fight with him in the last level so he can't detonate the bomb, then find the bomb and hide it. Where he hides it determines the ending.

Edited by: matthayter700 at: 7/28/04 11:20 am
Posts: 200
(7/28/04 12:28 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
A little 8-year old punching and kicking Bloogs and the like?
Doing walldodges like in UT2004 (I think that's what you're talking about)?
A-bombs? (Not really sci-fi compared to the rest of the story elements.)
That (doesn't) really (doesn't) sound like a Commander Keen game.

If there ever will be new Keen games, my opinion is that they should remain similar to the old games, style-wise.
But... I don't think there will be any for quite some time.

You live, you die, you are remembered, you are forgotten.

Posts: 532
(7/28/04 12:52 pm)
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It's Gotta Be Keen!
Noooooo! It's all wrong! Too sci-fi, not enough Kee-fi! Keen's bright and cheery, not dark and dreary. No offence. It's a good concept, just not suited to Keen IMKO.

If you want my Keen Opinion, observe here.

I'd much like to see an immediate follow-on from the original plot. Mort actually does have a plan to destroy the Universe, and is putting it into effect ASAP.

I can scarcely imagine what adventures might ensue--there would be a lot of planets involved in the final battle for existence... Keen would travel to a select few that would make it possible for the many allied races--maybe even some Earthlings?--to attack the outer reaches of Mort's empire.

The game has a lot to live up to, especially considering there's every indication that it might not happen.

Long live TUIT!

OMG! I just noticed something!

KG(R83) i think that commander keen should disapper under strange circumstances at the very end of the universe is toast episode or trilogy.

In February 2002, Keengamer... *ahem*... Rorie wasn't anti-TUIT! :eek

>Commander Spleen

Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 6645
(7/28/04 12:53 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Well, not very much to my taste.. Agree with Retodon8.

I would like to see TUIT as 2D platformer, or at least the way Tom Hall originally planned it. I don't mind good graphic resolutions or others, I don't mind if the textures are 32 bit and 512x512 big, as long the graphic is Keenish and the engine works (read: where the camera is, how levels are done) and the story overall remains Keenish and so on.

No kick and punch. I don't know about walldodges or whatever, but no them!

Also, if Mortimer can build space vehicles, control the minds of entire planet, having business with other races and so on, I'm sure he knows enough of bombs. And besides, he might have some way for blowing up the Universe already made.. Mort definitely won't use anything bombs we know. And probably they won't ever be bombs, it'll be something cool weapon that fits the Keeniverse well.

Anyways, I wouldn't like to see this kind of Keen game. What it needs is
1. Tom Hall with all his plans and tricks to make it
2. originality
3. Keenishness

We want Keen Chronicles!

Posts: 197
(7/28/04 3:26 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
I don't even care about 2D or 3D. I would just want TUIT period. But as for my ideas i would want the game to have more game play elements while the game still keeps the classic Keen game play we all know and love. Like maybe giving Keen more moves,weapons, or even vehicles.

The end is near. An evil force returns. And only Commander Keen can stop him, but this time he must team up with a super sonic hedgehog and a two tailed fox. Follow the adventure:Dimension Chaos
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Holy Monk Yorp
Posts: 3041
(7/28/04 3:46 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Darkness will suit Keen well, take a look at Rayman to see what I mean, it can go together.

I'd like to see a new Keen 1 3d plaform game re-make like Duke Nukem Manhattem project.


Back to spring 2002 when the crusade started...

Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 6650
(7/28/04 5:50 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
^ I'd like to see that as well.. But in that I would like to have the same system; Keen dies from one hit (enemy, bullet) and has lives. Also, enemies has the same strength and yorp would be possible to stun.

We want Keen Chronicles!

Posts: 202
(7/28/04 7:15 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Yorps could be stunned by simply jumping on their head... well, eyestalk, before, so it wouldn't make sense if suddenly they were invulnerable creatures.

You live, you die, you are remembered, you are forgotten.

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 6652
(7/28/04 7:42 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
"Yorps could be stunned by simply jumping on their head..."
Yes, that's what I meant, though I forgot to write 'by jumping on them'.. :o

We want Keen Chronicles!

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 3043
(7/28/04 8:32 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
But in that I would like to have the same system; Keen dies from one hit (enemy, bullet) and has lives.

Lives is a horrible system and has been cut out since a looooong time. Just starting on the last saved point is easier and logical. Same for die-by-one hit system, it's not going to work nowadays.


Back to spring 2002 when the crusade started...

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 930
(7/28/04 10:14 pm)
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re: checkpoints, savestates, and lives
Personally I really like the concept of a Lives counter.

Checkpoints are nice if they're in predefined, static locations (i.e. in Super Mario World on the SNES, a level's checkpoint was always more or less half-way through it) or if they're used sparingly in longer levels (Sonic the Hedgehog on the Genesis did a good job with this) etc. Both of these games used checkpoints as an allowance for mistakes (and goofing off) rather than a necessity. If a player squandered their lives, they went back to the beginning of the Forest of Illusion, or the Chemical Plant Zone.

If you take away the lives counter, what's the gamer got to lose? Nothing. Just keep running into the level like nothing matters, shooting as fast as you can, wasting all your ammo, not caring about anything, because hey--if you die, you start again 3 seconds back with a full armament. Big loss. Giving a player lives (and points! SCORE IS IMPORTANT!) encourages a player to value their progress--especially if checkpoints are few and far between.

Half the reason I like Keen:Vorticons better than Keen:Galaxy is because it doesn't allow in-level saving. Really--how many times have you died in Keen4 and actually accepted the loss and gone back to start? How many times have you died, mashed Escape, pressed Up twice, pressed Enter, and then hit Y, all in less than a second? ;-) You know who you are. Saving in the middle of a level makes the player overall weaker... they become too reliant on the idea of infinite tries and never really losing.

The whole point of a high score table is based around lives. A player is given this many chances to get as far in the game as they can, and when they're done, they get a little stamp saying how well they did. Removing score and lives from games makes them... well... stupid. In my opinion. In MY opinion.

If we do see a Keen game in the future, I really really hope that there are lives, points, and perhaps a checkpoint or two before particularly hairy places (if the levels are big). If Keen gets multiple weapons, wall jumps, a mid-air jump, any form of hip-drop/butt-whomp/slam attack, or a health-bar, I'm gonna cry. Drop to my knees and weep real tears. :-(


Posts: 203
(7/28/04 10:59 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Yes, that's what I meant, though I forgot to write 'by jumping on them'...

Uhm, oops!
It seems you didn't even notice, but actually I read "impossible" in your previous post, so my post didn't make sense.
I just assumed you said "impossible" since "possible" would be stating the obvious...
Of course Yorps can be stunned by stomping on them! :)

You live, you die, you are remembered, you are forgotten.

Posts: 154
(7/28/04 11:58 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
I'd like some better climbing abilities. Horizontal climbing, and more things to climb on. The unfortunate side effect would be that the level designers would have to be watched very closely. That kind of thing could easily get out of hand.

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 583
(7/29/04 5:40 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Personally I won't mind if there would be more enemies - and raging from that a health counter would make the game and the difficulties more universal.

Keep in mind, I'm not an artist.

Posts: 22
(7/29/04 6:50 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Hmm. I've thought about the following for a while now, but can't seem to find a way to word it properly, so I'll just type it as it is in my head:

IMKO, it would be nice if first level of the game was an 'intro' type level (for example) and was 2D, EGA colours, Keen 4-6 style graphics and music, then, for whatever reason after that level, the game would become 3D. Although, I guess there'd need to be lots of explaining in the story done to explain why Keen is suddenly in a 3D world...

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 3047
(7/29/04 8:25 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Well I agree Xky up to a point. Games like Rayman and some parts of Duke Nukem Manhattem project project didn't allow you to save at every point in the game. However they didn't use a live counter because it has no use. If I die in Keen 1-3 I quit and reload my saved game again because I don't want to lose my lives and so do probably most people. You see what I mean?


Back to spring 2002 when the crusade started...

Posts: 204
(7/29/04 9:57 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
I guess there'd need to be lots of explaining in the story done to explain why Keen is suddenly in a 3D world...

The Keen Dreams story didn't explain how suddenly the camera regarded Keen at an angle, so you could see the top of the soil he was walking on, not just the sides of the walls actually facing you.
Keen Dreams did however explain why suddenly you were fighting potatoes.
Fighting potatoes was a part of the story, but the way the story itself is told is not, so it should be completely ignored.

Of course there are some exceptions to this rule, some games have the characters talking to the player for instance, but that is usually used in a humorous way.
It totally breaks the believability of the game.
Keen isn't exactly realistic, but it's not the kind of game that "realises" it's just a game.
Well, that's my two pence worth.

However they didn't use a live counter because it has no use.

I agree.
Touching en enemy and losing a life, meaning you have to restart is what Keen is all about.
Suddenly having a hitpoint system would be weird.
I'm not saying that it wouldn't work, it could very well be, might even end up being more fun, but it'd be different.

As for lifes, indeed I'm pretty sure everybody just keeps loading a game instead of trying again with a new life.
The earlier Keen games were harder, and because of that more fun because you couldn't save every 10 seconds, but saving every level made sure I just loaded a new game once I lost a life.
I really wouldn't mind getting rid of the lifes system completely, if the levels are difficult enough, that should be enough of a challenge.

As for saving mid-game...
I recently started playing Keen 4 in hard again, and there is a spot I just had to use mid-game saves.
I think it's Sand Yego.
Wait... I can just look up the map on CC314. :)

Hmmm, no I can't; it won't load for me now. :(
Anyway, somewhere in Sand Yego, right after you go through the door in the tower, you end up in a room filled with Snails and Arachnuts.
You need to jump/climb up zig-zag, through a hallway formed like an S, only repeated.
Since those Arachnuts only lie for a few seconds, yet still block Stunner shots when lying down, meaning you can't hit the Snails if they are behind them, you need to time everything, every floor in the S perfectly.
Not using ammo sparingly and repeatedly firing at the Arachnuts helps, but then still...
That part is HARD!!!
If anyone knows the "proper" way to systemetically beat it, please do tell! :)

You live, you die, you are remembered, you are forgotten.

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 6653
(7/29/04 11:14 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Very good post Xky.. I agree entirely.

And Djaser, yes, but players still have to finish the level without saving. No matter how hard the level is, you gotta get through it and you can save only before and after it on the world map. :)

"IMKO, it would be nice if first level of the game was an 'intro' type level (for example) and was 2D, EGA colours, Keen 4-6 style graphics and music, then, for whatever reason after that level, the game would become 3D. Although, I guess there'd need to be lots of explaining in the story done to explain why Keen is suddenly in a 3D world..."
That's very nice idea; also, it would be great to see a new Keen game in old-school 16-colour palette (and the same 2D look) rather than 3D one..

And yah, Sand Yego it is. That part is probably the hardest one in Keen 4. I don't know any other way than just that shoot shoot run shoot jump way.. :)

A 3D Keen game with interactive Keenish 3D environment sounds nice; like a play you can walk around (in z-axis as well), do different things and so on, sounds nice. It also allows a lot more complexity in the level design. But, on the other hand I'm still pretty interested seeing classical platformer style games in 3D..

We want Keen Chronicles!

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 3052
(7/29/04 2:25 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
And Djaser, yes, but players still have to finish the level without saving. No matter how hard the level is, you gotta get through it and you can save only before and after it on the world map.

A world map again would be neat but you can count on it that it will be ik Keen GBC style: just walking to the next level. I think it's important to have saving points in big levels because hasty new Keeners won't have so much patience as you probably have.

"IMKO, it would be nice if first level of the game was an 'intro' type level (for example) and was 2D, EGA colours, Keen 4-6 style graphics and music, then, for whatever reason after that level, the game would become 3D. Although, I guess there'd need to be lots of explaining in the story done to explain why Keen is suddenly in a 3D world..."
That's very nice idea; also, it would be great to see a new Keen game in old-school 16-colour palette (and the same 2D look) rather than 3D one..

Hmmm that would be cheesy. Wouldn't you rather see a cool intro movie with aliens ships gathering to attact the earth or Keen fighting aliens while exploring another planet. That would be way cooler and give the game some atmosphere. Tom would certainly put in some refrences to the old Keen games probably some mini games you have to unlock.


Back to spring 2002 when the crusade started...

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 6660
(7/29/04 3:54 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Of course he would! :) Also, newer thought that. Yes, no doubt there probably will be somekind of animations in the new Keen game! Who knows, maybe story and other things are all animated.. :drool

And, if Tom gets a change to make the TUIT the way he wants to, I'm sure he does a world map similar to the one in Keen 6 (or even more interactive etc..).

And, if someone can't play the game without having checkpoints everywhere, they're losers. :p

We want Keen Chronicles!

Keen Crazy
Posts: 174
(8/2/04 11:18 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
please don't post stuff like this, i have said this to everyone on this board the universe is toast will never happen & nothing is gonna make me stop doing this

The Dos Vault Forum

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 342
(8/3/04 3:49 am)
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stop ruining peoples fun rorie. just because you are miserable about this doesnt mean you have to ruin other peoples enjoyment.
As for my ideas to tuit, well i dont want to think of one, because if my ideas were used for the game, it wouldnt feel real keenish to me. id rather have tom use his and only his ideas (well it wouldnt hurt to get ideas from the public i guess ^^)

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 6736
(8/3/04 8:10 am)
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Re: .
But I'll want my revenge; Wolfenstein ruined my whole youth; I couldn't get playing The Universe Is Toast. I want to see there in some hidden level or room that Wolfenstein main character and shoot him piece by piece with neural stunner..

We want Keen Chronicles!

Posts: 8
(8/3/04 4:51 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
A little 8-year old punching and kicking Bloogs and the like?

Heh, look at Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Tails is 8 fox years old and he's in a mechanical walker, blowing stuff up.
Doing walldodges like in UT2004

No, it's a wall kick that's probably a bit more like the one in Super Mario 64.
I'd much like to see an immediate follow-on from the original plot. Mort actually does have a plan to destroy the Universe, and is putting it into effect ASAP.

Ok, whatever plot Mort has will do fine. But remember, the newer versions of games are supposed to be darker than the older ones. Compare Sonic 1 to Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. If that could happen to Sonic, I'm sure far more could happen to Keen.
I can scarcely imagine what adventures might ensue--there would be a lot of planets involved in the final battle for existence... Keen would travel to a select few that would make it possible for the many allied races--maybe even some Earthlings?--to attack the outer reaches of Mort's empire.

Good idea! :)
No kick and punch.

*Sighs* Fine.
control the minds of entire planet

Never noticed that.
having business with other races

Again, never noticed that. Then again, I didn't beat Keen 1-3, just 4-6.
Darkness will suit Keen well, take a look at Rayman to see what I mean, it can go together.

Never played Rayman, but thanks.
Lives is a horrible system and has been cut out since a looooong time. Just starting on the last saved point is easier and logical. Same for die-by-one hit system, it's not going to work nowadays.

Well, I think it should be an unlimited-life system like Ecco had, to make it easier.
Personally I won't mind if there would be more enemies - and raging from that a health counter would make the game and the difficulties more universal.

Yeah, the one-hit-and-die system made Keen look difficult, so it should be an energy meter.

Keen Crazy
Posts: 177
(8/3/04 11:17 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
stop ruining peoples fun rorie. just because you are miserable about this doesnt mean you have to ruin other peoples enjoyment.

i've said this once, i'll say it again

I will not stop until people admit that tuit will not happen, ever

The Dos Vault Forum

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1367
(8/4/04 10:48 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
And we'll never even think about considering the possibility of TUIT's nonexistence.

If no one gets whats going on- too bad!

UR A Frt Ltl Mrt Dsinhrt!

"No one should be here" -Level Lord

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 344
(8/5/04 4:16 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
either way u lose rorie, no point in me talking about that anymore, everyone here beleives it might happen ^^

Posts: 225
(8/5/04 6:43 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
i've said this once, i'll say it again
I will not stop until people admit that tuit will not happen, ever

I usually don't like to speak on others behalf without consorting with them first, but...
Trust me, we noticed!

It does sort of bug me, so could you tell me why exactly you'll keep doing this until...
Well, until every single person on this board admits it or something?
That's not exactly likely, so probably/hopefully not. :)
Also there's nothing to admit really, since nobody here has such intimate knowledge on what goes on with the license, meaning everything people here say is just guesses and speculation.

So... what is the use to try and make people stop talking about a Keen sequel through means I don't think are very efficient at accomplishing that?
It's all in good fun, though we don't always agree with eachothers views.

You live, you die, you are remembered, you are forgotten.

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1373
(8/6/04 12:36 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Toatl Agreement! :)

If no one gets whats going on- too bad!

UR A Frt Ltl Mrt Dsinhrt!

"No one should be here" -Level Lord

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 346
(8/6/04 3:04 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
like i said, he cant do a thing about it.

Edited by: BlueIllusionX at: 8/6/04 3:05 pm
Posts: 3096
(8/6/04 3:49 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
But I'll want my revenge; Wolfenstein ruined my whole youth; I couldn't get playing The Universe Is Toast. I want to see there in some hidden level or room that Wolfenstein main character and shoot him piece by piece with neural stunner..

But Keenrush, how could you say that? He's is Keens grandfather after all.


Back to spring 2002 when the crusade started...

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1385
(8/7/04 1:19 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
And a WWII hero too. Kill the anti americian bastard!

If no one gets whats going on- too bad!

UR A Frt Ltl Mrt Dsinhrt!

"No one should be here" -Level Lord

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 6778
(8/7/04 2:11 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Oops, I forgot! :o Ok, get me Quake then.

We want Keen Chronicles!

Keen Crazy
Posts: 179
(8/10/04 3:49 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
i am standing by my choice that it won't happen, & i'll keep telling people that it won't happen, cos it will not

nothing will stop me on this issue

The Dos Vault Forum

Posts: 241
(8/10/04 9:16 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
Whether or not this will happen is not your choice... or...
Are you really the president of id Software posting here in the guise of rorie1983?

As for the rest of your statement...
I don't really understand the "cos" (because).
Why is it so important for you to tell people it isn't going to happen, even if that is the case?
Why won't you let anything stop you?
It seems like it's one of those "Everyone is here for a purpose. My purpose is to educate people on TUIT, until I die." kind of things.
It's not bad to have a goal in life, but I really don't understand this particular one...

You live, you die, you are remembered, you are forgotten.

Posts: 6815
(8/10/04 12:23 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
:p Agree. There's double the fun when TUIT is released. A new Keen adventure + Rorie freaking out entirely.

Keen Crazy
Posts: 202
(8/25/04 12:52 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
that is correct retodon
i will not stop till people admit it cos it won't ever happen
if people are so bloody worried about tuit then contact id & they will say that will never do another keen game cos tom & john quit years ago besides tom hasn't got the rights & he probally won't ever get them so don't hope for the universe is toast cos the good old days of keen are over

if no one is going to contact id then i will & show you concrete proof that tuit won't happen

Anti - Government

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 606
(8/25/04 12:56 am)
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He's Evil! Pure eeeevil!

R8 Are you really the president of id Software posting here in the guise of rorie1983?
R83 that is correct retodon

I knew it!

>Commander Spleen

ö Cave assectatorem Ductoris Alacris ö

"[T]here's far too little sharing in this world and it's a sad place because of it. Too many people sitting on the blessings that the Good Lord intended for everyone, raking in a fortune selling what isn't theirs to people who have a right to it. Take what you need out of life and no more. Leave the rest for those who need it too."
- Mary Pound (quoted in Reaching for the Other Side by Dawn Hill)

JimSoft Lair

Edited by: CommanderSpleen  at: 8/25/04 5:05 am
Posts: 6946
(8/25/04 4:06 am)
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Re: He's Evil! Pure eeeevil!
First of all: We don't expect, or even want to, that iD makes the game! Only thing we want is to have Tom Hall in the team, Tom's own team can handle that pretty well, without any Doom3diD.

Galaxy is open.

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1519
(8/25/04 10:27 am)
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Re: He's Evil! Pure eeeevil!
Behold: The solution to all our problems:

Me first...

Damn! Missed! Yor turn KeenRush.

If no one gets whats going on- too bad!

UR A Frt Ltl Mrt Dsinhrt!

"No one should be here" -Level Lord

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 609
(8/25/04 1:45 pm)
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I've got dibs on turn three!!

Hmm... now there's a conflict of interest if ever I saw one.

>Commander Spleen

ö Cave assectatorem Ductoris Alacris ö

"[T]here's far too little sharing in this world and it's a sad place because of it. Too many people sitting on the blessings that the Good Lord intended for everyone, raking in a fortune selling what isn't theirs to people who have a right to it. Take what you need out of life and no more. Leave the rest for those who need it too."
- Mary Pound (quoted in Reaching for the Other Side by Dawn Hill)

JimSoft Lair

Posts: 6959
(8/25/04 5:02 pm)
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Re: I've got dibs on turn three!!
Hope he doesn't mind.. :mortlol

Galaxy is open.

Posts: 3185
(8/25/04 6:44 pm)
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Re: I've got dibs on turn three!!
This why I'd never post a picture of me online.

You are all evil!

I don't care.


Keen Crazy
Posts: 206
(8/26/04 3:54 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
i don't care what you say about me
the thing is i am not stopping and that is that


Anti - American

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1536
(8/26/04 10:04 am)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
This why I'd never post a picture of me online.

Oh but you have...

You are all evil!

...yeeees... :evil

I don't care.

Now thats just asking for it.

Behold: A second target!

i don't care what you say about me
the thing is i am not stopping and that is that

OMG! He just keeps going and going and going...

If no one gets whats going on- too bad!

UR A Frt Ltl Mrt Dsinhrt!

"No one should be here" -Level Lord

Posts: 240
(8/26/04 3:19 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
This why I'd never post a picture of me online.

We all just believe you look like a monk yorp anyway.


Posts: 1474
(8/26/04 4:46 pm)
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Re: Ideas for the "The Universe is Toast" game...
This is stupid, and has nothing to do with "The Universe Is Toast".

Thread closed.

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