
These are pics of the 2.5 cm worm in action-
what little action it gets. It should give you some
idea of what their moves could be.

Some deadly consequences of messing with the 2.5 cm worm's pals!

Rocks are not supposed to fraternize with 2.5 cm worms,
but these two don't seem to care;

It is impossible for 2.5 cm worms to fall of ledges-
special internal protection prevents it.

Like all other K4 enemies, Spikes and Darts do not harm
the 2.5 cm Worm. Even Keen's neural stunner makes no impression.

The Shikadi treasure the 2.5 cm worms, so some of them
are kept behind locked doors to prevent 30 cm apparitions.

Wike a fwock of widdle wambs!

ARGH! They're acomin' frum ull durectiuns Captun! I can't
Hold 'er! She's gonna blow!

Twelve spells trouble!

Oh look, the LONE STRAGGLER! Thanks for making us wait!

Whoa, he's got a hangnail!

You expect me to get on THAT?