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Check out also our site at http://www.spatang.com/cknews/ ========================================>>>>>>>> >> In this issue << [1.0] Articles [1.1] Xky's Modding Column [2.0] ReviewCorner [2.1] None [3.0] KeenFiction [3.1] None [4.0] Keen news [4.1] A new fan game! Woah! [4.2] TMST working on Keen movie! [4.3] XkyKeen3 released [4.4] Real Keen stuff [4.5] Keen: Modding is back! [4.6] New mods [4.7] A TED tutorial [4.8] New mods started [4.9] 3D Keen movie [4.10] Web sites [4.11] New tools to modders' toolbox [5.0] Miscellaneous [5.1] Announcements [5.2] Credits ========================================>>>>>>>> >> [1.0] Articles << ---- [1.1] Xky's Modding Column Author Xky Rauh offers some insights and points of discussion regarding modding in the Commander Keen community. This issue's topic is Detail Tiles! The discussion of Detail Tiles at the temporariy downed Keen:Modding was an important development for the modding community, because it shed light on an interesting topic: How does an author balance scenery in a mod? While it is easy to throw together a level's rough form out of two base tiles (sky and ground), the end result will often feel very plain and unpolished. Somewhere along the line, the author must step in an paint in smaller details to spruce things up--be it a flower growing in a field, a smokestack atop a factory, a piece of coral in the underwater maze, a cloud in the sky, or a piece of pipe jutting out of the wall. Detail tiles exist to break up the mundane repetition of the more common tiles. Without enough of them, levels are visually tedious; with too many of them, levels appear jumbled, random, and confusing. But you'd be surprised how close to each extreme an author can come without ruining the effect--it all depends on what sort of mood an author has in mind. Example: Go play through the first level of Keen1. Notice that as Keen travels left to right, there is occasionally some sort of landmark visible in the distance. The interval is not consistent, but for the most part Keen can never travel more than a full screen's width before passing some sort of tower or mountainous background object. What kind of impression does this sparse but meticulous placement give? Exactly the mood Keen1 needs--a barren (but populated) atmosphere. Compare this approach to Keen3's first level--which has a multitude of detail tiles, ranging from pictures hanging on walls to automobiles parked in futuristic garages. Keen can't travel more than 1/3 of a screen before encountering some sort of detail tile. The two levels are about the same size, but Keen3's instantly feels like a more cluttered, populated, and diverse area simply because of the abundance of detail tiles that exist. How does this apply to modding? The level of complexity the author is trying to achieve should directly correspond to their use of detail tiles. Going for a barren planetscape a la Keen1? Put a few detail tiles every screen or two. Going for a densely urban environment a la Keen3? Sprinkle them everywhere--in fact, it might not hurt to have detail tiles FOR your detail tiles! Be aware that something as simple as the frequency of background activity can drastically change the mood of your mod. Imagine the first level of Keen1 with twice as many landmarks in the background; suddenly Mars is an active, populated place! Imagine it without any detail tiles at all; suddenly Mars doesn't feel populated at all... in fact, it feels artificial! Imagine it with a detail tile in nearly every square; Mars is now also artificial, but in a far different way. Experiment, and find a way to define your world. --Xky ========================================>>>>>>>> >> [2.0] ReviewCorner << ---- [2.1] Nothing this issue. ========================================>>>>>>>> >> [3.0] KeenFiction << ---- [3.1] FanFiction Maybe next time. ========================================>>>>>>>> >> [4.0] Keen news << Grgrg, hiya. Yeah, it's been a while. But now we should be back. We've got a new member in the team. Yes. Say hello to Xky!! :) There will be also switch to html-format and new redesign for the Commander Keen Newsletter page comin' sometime next year. Anyways. Here's the newest Keen news, along with some oldies that weren't published until now (due our 'break'). ---- [4.1] A new fan game! Woah! A new member in the Keen forums, z hyphen one, has started to work on a fan game. Usually I'm not very much into fan games, but this one seems blow other minds than my as well. The art is so stunningly high quality, combined with really good engine programmed with C++ and Allegro library, makes one's mouth wet. The physics are already almost done, engine scrolls smoothly and nicely. This game will be neat. There has been several test releases that one can try. Read more here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=1056.topic (To mention, first the game was meant to be done with Java, but then the course changed.) ---- [4.2] TMST working on Keen movie! Now this'll be interesting. One of the most known Keeners in Keen circles, Too Much Spare Time is going to create a Commander Keen fan movie! It will be made with Flash, I assume. Voice actors are needed. There will be many actors: Keen, Mortimer, teacher, school kids, bloogs... Here's one small TMST quote about this movie: "It's a story of Keen and Mort that begins in the classroom and ends up in outerspace, battling for the fate of the planet. Featuring hyperanatomical robotic assistants, intellect, stupidity, and swirlies..." Can't wait!! Talented work ahead! http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumothercommanderkeenstuff.showMessage?topicID=1020.topic ---- [4.3] XkyKeen3 released That's right -- Xky has released his third mod, Episode Dash. It's quite different from the others. This is different from any mod out there. Just awesome work. The mod is time-based. You literally need to jump and run your way through it. :) The graphic is awesome, as well. The mod even includes options for easy, normal and hard game modes. Try it out now! http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm18.showMessage?topicID=18.topic Xky is now working on his fourth mod (for Keen 4). I hardly can't wait. Just look at his avatar picture in PCKF and you'll realize what I mean... ---- [4.4] Real Keen stuff Keen in Hama beads (no, I have no idea what that means): http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumothercommanderkeenstuff.showMessage?topicID=1037.topic Keen was in a Danish newspaper! Read more here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumothercommanderkeenstuff.showMessage?topicID=1032.topic Keen is dead. No, not really!! Nooo! Who can say now that Keeners can't make any statues? It even has a garg: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm18.showMessage?topicID=25.topic Spleen has decorated his window with something Keenish; a yorp. Take a look: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm18.showMessage?topicID=26.topic ---- [4.5] Keen: Modding is back! In case you didn't know (yes, I'm sorry there wasn't newsletter) Keen: Modding was down many weeks! Gaaarg, it was hard time, but now it's finally over. The forums are back! More here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumother.showMessage?topicID=1843.topic And naturally, check it out: http://www.andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/ ---- [4.6] New mods There are also some other great mods than XkyKeen3. Here should be the ones released in time between the previous newsletter issue and this. Woah, I can't believe there are so many released in that time! :) Keep up the good work, modders! Shadow Keen 2 by LevelLord: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=987.topic Better than Shadow Keen 1, gotta say. Still features ripped graphics, but this one looks really nice. The Last Moon by allstories: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=991.topic Interesting, but quite short mod. Monky Business: An Essence of Mayhem (beta) by Spleen: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=996.topic Woah. This is one of the best mods ever. It's beta, but it's ultra trippy and surreal already. :) Can't wait to see Spleen's future work. The Search for the Sentinel (starring Commander Keen) by kohntarkosz: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=1001.topic Nice surprise. Has interesting graphics and levels. Kidnapped Keen by ceilick: http://www.andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=361 Very good idea! You play as Keen but Spot follows you wherever you go. ;) Commander Keen: Vanished to Venus by Benvolio: http://www.andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=365 Nice mod. Commander Keen: Stopping the Skypest by Benvolio: http://www.andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=365 Also nice mod. Commander Keen: Exiting Epsilon: http://www.andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=365 Another nice mod by Benvolio. Commander Keen in Bad Dreams by LevelLord: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumother.showMessage?topicID=1746.topic A birthday present for Spleen. A lot stuff ripped from Keen Dreams. Shadow Keen 3 by LevelLord: http://www.andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=336 Best Shadow Keen yet. This one has good graphics and levels that are actually possible to get through in finite time. :) Great job! Bunny Basher by Benvolio: http://www.andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=409 Interesting mod; you'll play as a rabbit! Zapping the Zot by ceilick: http://www.andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=410 Another nice mod by ceilick. This mod has a lot Keen 5 feeling in it. Ok, if you haven't played those yet, I recommend doing so, NOW! :) You can get all those mods from my Keen site, along with screens: http://keengrid.net/ckgalaxy/ ---- [4.7] A TED tutorial Woah, here's one really nice tutorial. There are never enough tutorials about different software used for Keen editing, so this one is (probably) needed addition. :) Written by Dr Witherstone (yep, the same dude that has found a lot interesting stuff about Keen 4-6 engines). Read it here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumothercommanderkeenstuff.showMessage?topicID=1035.topic ---- [4.8] New mods started Naturally Xky's fourth Keen mod is the one most people are waiting for, but there are also many others. Second patchwork mod is under work, but has had some problems. You can check out its topic here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=1029.topic I have a feeling it'll be pretty good. DasBrot is working on a Keen 4 mod! This one'll have interesting stuff. Read more here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=1063.topic This is one of my favourites. A Keen 1 mod featuring interesting plans for story. The main character looks pretty cool and fun. Check out: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=1059.topic Zero Diamond is working on this one. Genius314 is working on Mortimer mods. Judging by the tiles and sprites seen so far, they'll be excellent. Check out: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=1067.topic The Purple Cheese has started to work on a mod that'll have Keen as ninja. Sounds highly interesting, read more here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=1019.topic There probably is some others that I couldn't remember. And hopefully some I didn't even know about (to have some nice surprises later). :) ---- [4.9] 3D Keen movie DSL has been working on ultra-delicious 3D Keen movie. You can see some really cool pictures from the movie, check out this topic: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumothercommanderkeenstuff.showMessage?topicID=988.topic Good luck! ---- [4.10] Web sites This bit of news is actually a bit old, but never mentioned before in this newsletter so here it goes. Keener allstories has opened a Keen site dedicated for modification reviews. Currently the site has quite much content already and the design is very nice. Read more here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumfrm17.showMessage?topicID=989.topic And check out the 'Gnosticus VII': http://www.geocities.com/keenmod/ There's also small Keen fan site by DivoKeen. It hasn't much stuff yet, but it's very nice still. Read more here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumothercommanderkeenstuff.showMessage?topicID=947.topic Here's the page: http://www.geocities.com/divokeen/ Genius314 is working on a Keen site. Read more here: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumothercommanderkeenstuff.showMessage?topicID=1014.topic Sounds promising. I opened my Keen site months ago, but since there has been no newsletter issue for a long time, check out this topic: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumothercommanderkeenstuff.showMessage?topicID=959.topic And do visit it. :) Here: http://www.keengrid.net/ckgalaxy/ ---- [4.11] New tools to modders' toolbox There has been two new tools for Keen modding! CK Guy has made a tool for editing Commander Keen 1-3 sound files. The tool is very useful. But too bad it doesn't help much if you want to edit the actual sounds, or import sounds back to Keen 2 or 3. Check out: http://andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=333 I (KeenRush) have made a tool for Commander Keen 1-3 high score files editing. I'll hopefully add there the support for Keen 4-6 and Dreams later, if not too lazy. Anyways, check it out too: http://andy.durdin.net/keen/modding/viewtopic.php?t=327 Some people are planning to make modding studios. As far as I know xtra has been working on one for a while already, but seems that some others are going to start their own: http://p072.ezboard.com/fpubliccommanderkeenforumothercommanderkeenstuff.showMessage?topicID=1028.topic --KeenRush ========================================>>>>>>>> >> [5.0] Miscellaneous << ---- [5.1] Announcements So its been awhile AGAIN, we've all been busy with school and such so we didn't really have much time to devote to putting an issue together AGAIN. Please forgive us! Hopefully, the next one will come soon, though somehow I don't think we'll ever get back to a constant monthly schedule like we once had. Also, we're sorta working on a site redesign! We've had the old site for a while so I think something new will be nice plus we've also discussed releasing issues in an HTML format kinda similar to what we did for Christmas last year. The next issue will probably have a bit more content too. AND we've added a new member to the newsletter, XkyRauh! He's been in the community for quite a while and is quite knowledgeable on modding and such. I think he'll be a great addition as an article writer. Once again, I remind you all that you should feel free to submit a story or article, or website, or ANYTHING you would like to be in the newsletter. That's it! --Yorpy ---- [5.2] Credits Yorpy - composition MRC Marky - website, graphics KeenRush - news xtraverse - hosting Xky Rauh - article Forge315 - started this newsletter ========================================>>>>>>>> * swim swim hungry *