CCCC OOOO M M M M AA N N DDD EEEE RRRR CC OO OO MM MM MM MM AAAA NN N D D E R R C O O M M M M M M M M A A N N N D D E E R R C O O M M M M M M AAAAAA N N N D D EE E RRRR CC OO OO M M M M M A A N NN D D E R R CCCC OOOO M M M M A A N N DDD EEEE R R K K EEEE EEEE N N K K E E NN N KKK E E E E N N N K KK EE E EE E N N N K K E E N NN K K EEEE EEEE N N COMMANDER KEEN NEWSLETTER :) Issue-14: Mar 31, 2003 Working Title: Fan Pages (C) 2002-2003 by Joseph Burke all rights reserved. All trademarks are properties of their respective owners. Warning: This document may not be distributed without permission. ----------------------------------------------- Newsletter Homepage: Newsletter Index: [1] Featured Articles [1.1] Zorath is Interview [1.2] We Interview Flaose [1.3] A Talk with Travis Lauver [2] Fan Game Reviews [2.1] Planet Destruction [3] Website Reviews [3.1] Gert's Commander Keen Page [4] Monthly Fiction [4.1] Chapter 5 of Chris' Story [5] Keen Community News [5.1] Shadowlands, episode 2, is released!! [5.2] Cool Keen art! [5.3] Fan game news! [5.4] Some mods news.. [5.5] Keen @ Slashdot! [5.6] New Keen mod! [5.7] Mouse support in Keen 4? [5.8] Learn more history! [6] Miscellaneous Stuff [6.1] Fan Art [6.2] Announcements [6.3] Credits ----------------------------------------------- [1] Featured Articles (We aren't looking for a permanent "Featured Article" writer at this time, but if you want us to publish an article for you, we'd be most obliged. Email us at "" about this.) [1.1] Zorath is Interview CK-Newsletter: Well, first of all, could you tell something about yourself (where you live, your age, hobbies)? :) Zorath: I'm 16 years old and live in Finland. I like to do things with my computer, like playing games and make websites. Question: Do you like other classics than Keen, if so, what are they? Answer: I like most classics, but some of my favorites are Bio Menace, Duke Nukem 1 and Jazz Jackrabbit 1. There's also some not-so well-known games that I really love: Skyroads, Stoneage, Framed and Dyna Blaster are some of them. Question: How much do you play and use computer a week? Answer: Depends, but some hours every day. On the weekends when I don't have schoolwork I use the computer more. I like to play older games, but there's also a few newer games that I like, for example Warcraft III, Diablo 1&2 and Descent 3. But, mostly, I use the computer for creative work, like image editing and webdesigning. Question: Well, when you played Keen first time? And was it fun? :) Answer: The first Commander Keen game I played was Keen 4. I got it from my cousin in 1995, when I was seven years old. I loved the game! The graphics, music and enemies were fantastic! I and my older sister played the game over and over again. Once when I visited a friend, he showed me a game ha had: Keen Dreams! Now I understood that there were more Commander Keen games. My cousin downloaded all the games for me, except for Keen 6. I really loved Keen 5, this is still my favorite game. First I didn't like Keen 1-3 that much, but I soon got used to them. Soon I recieved the demo version of Keen 6, and later the full version. Question: Then, how long you have been in Commander Keen community? Answer: I got access to the internet in early 1998. One of the first sites I found was Cerebral Cortex 314, back then it was Geoff that maintained the site. I found the site very interesting and read throught almost everything on the site. I remember that you could download a beta version of KMO... :) Well, for some reason I never noticed that there was a message board. Some years later, after a period of not- so-much Keen playing, I remebered Keen and Cerebral Cortex, and I decided to visit the site again. The site had a totally new design and also new content, as Flaose, Cho'gall and eK had taken over the maintenance of it. My interest in Keen grew, and I started to make some Keen related work, some of which you can see on my site. First i never bothered to click the message board link on CC314, but one day when I was bored I decided to visit it. The board was much more interesting than I had thought it should be! There were discussions about level editing, modding, fan games I never heard of and much much more. First I just read the topics, but maybe a month after I had found PCKF I decided to join it - I became a member in November 23, 2001, to be exact :) Question: Well, we have heard that you are working on a Commander Keen mod. What can we expect from this mod? :) Answer: The mod will have a tilted perspective like in Keen 4-6 (and Dreams). I have finished a few sprites, and the tileset is almost finished. I've planned the story and also made some level designing. You will visit four different planets in the mod, one of them will be a jungle world and another a planet from the original Keen games... You will not be playing as Commander Keen, but I won't tell what you'll be playing as, it is a secret. ;) I will upload some consept art to my website soon. You can also see the art here: Question: How long you have worked on this mod? Answer: I don't know, one or two months... Actually, first I started to work on a mod last summer. The mod didn't have a tilted perspective. When I was done with half of the graphics, I noticed that I didn't like the way I had drawn them. I started to redo all the tiles, but I soon got bored of it and I didn't like the story idea for the mod so I abandoned it. The mod was going to take place on earth. You will see some of the things I planned for this mod in my new one. I also had plans to make a mod in which Keen travels back in time, and I also thought about making a christmas mod. Question: Have you other Keen related future plans yet? Answer: I will finish my SGA mod for Keen 3 soon. It's 95% complete, I've just been to lazy to make the final touches. I should also want to make a Keen 4 or 5 mod, but there's no way to edit the graphics (yet)... :( Question: What's your favorite thing in Keen and why? It can be enemy, level, goodie or whatever! Answer: I like almost everything in the games (except for the vorticon children, grrr!). But my favorite thing must be the dopefish. Burp. ---------------------- [1.2] We Interview Flaose CK-Newsletter: May I see your Keen credential please? What's your history with Keen and how do you think this relates to who you are now? Flaose: I was first introduced to Commander Keen many years ago. The family had been at a church party, part of which had included an arcade. I came home crying because I didn't get to play a 'cocktail cabinet' version of the original Super Mario Bros (I can see the true classic gamers nodding their heads in memory of the cocktail cabinet). My dad said that there was a game on our computer, which he had never shown to us, that was a lot like Mario. It was then I was first introduced to Commander Keen Episode 1: Marooned on Mars. My dad, brother, and I each took a turn playing a level. My level was the green, emerald city level. Of course, I immediately fell into the spike pit at the beginning. 'Okay, you had your turn,' my dad said, 'time to go to bed.' Fast-forward many years. It's now late 1997. I was browsing the internet on my dad's work laptop that he occasionally brought home (my home computer didn't have the internet until February 2000, but I digress), and I was doing my usual perusal of Dark Forces websites, looking for good levels to download. Suddenly, a thought occurred to me: 'I wonder if there's any websites for that old game I used to play, Commander Keen' lo and behold, I came upon a site called 'All-You-Can-Eat Commander Keen' (why All-You-Can-Eat? Because it has everything you'd want to know about Commander Keen!), I also found 'Robin's Commander Keen Page', and 'Geoff's Commander Keen Page'. From there I was led to good ol' 5517, and posted an anonymous message, which read to the effect of: 'Who is Molly? Is she Keen's sister? It's just a nagging question I've been wanting to ask.' The rest, as they say, is history. (Dave, I asked for your credentials, not your freakin' life story!) Question: You're an admin at the public Keen board, do you think people treat you different because of this? Answer: Due to my ridiculous powers over members of the message board, of course people are going to treat me a little differently. Probably more out of fear rather than respect, but I'll take what I can get ;) Question: When you got a chance to become a part of cc314, how did you feel? Answer: I'll admit, when I was recruited by eK to help revitalize cc314 I was pretty excited. I was being offered the chance to work on THE Commander Keen site! It was a dream-come-true! These days, I can't even remember now why he chose me (or last week for that matter), but I'm sure glad that he did. Question: What happened once the team for the new cc314 was formed? Answer: Once the dream team (eK, Cho'gall, and I) was assembled, we set off to work trying to figure out what the new site will look like. Those early results will never leave my hard drive. Anyways, eK had a pretty good idea what he wanted the site to look like, and so that's pretty much how it turned out. Of course he'd already started complaining that he didn't like the new design about a month after we opened to the public ;) Question: Does the team of hard-boiled mad-keenists at cc314 plan to make any -- gargantuan Garg sized -- updates in the future? Are Gargs dangerous to play with? Answer: I'll quote what I said two years ago in a interview: 'Expanded Encyclopedia and Fanworks sections. Bi-weekly features (oooo), a new, top- secret project (ahhhh), and of course news on the new Commander Keen game as it becomes available.' Seeing as how almost none of that has come to fruition, I wouldn't hope for anything big anytime soon. I've always wanted to create an online version of my Keen FAQ (what? Flaose made a Keen FAQ?), but I don't see that happening anytime soon either. Like poisonous snakes, gargs are always dangerous to fool around with. However if you have the proper skill, you could be the next Steve Irwin (only in space, surrounded by green aliens). Question: In the future do you plan to do a MOD or level pack, or something else Keen related? Answer: For some reason, making levels frustrates me to no end. Perhaps it has to do with me having a big part in creating a Keen level editor (KMO). I mean, you don't see Andrew Durdin making many levels do you? So no, don't expect anything besides the levels I've already created. Question: Do you think cc314 will still be around in twenty years, or the unknown future? Where do you plan to be then? Answer: I'd be pretty surprised if cc314 is still around in 20 years, but I guess it's not impossible. I don't suppose that'll it'll be us three still in charge'll probably have gone through three more 'generations' of site supervisors. As for me, I plan to be married to a hot wife, have a few kids, be the Prime Minister of Canada, and be worried about approaching middle age. Question: If you were to become lame tomorrow, to the degree that you only had the use of one arm and two of the fingers on it, would you still play Keen? Answer: Well I doubt I'd have anything better to do, but even if I did, I'd still be playing! Question: Is there a favorite delicacy or variety of food you like to eat? Answer: I prefer South American food, mostly of the Mexican persuasion, but Oriental food isn't bad either. Question: When you go to buy a game or download one from the Internet, what elements do you look for? What kinds of games do you like? Answer: Obviously gameplay comes first. Like a woman, if it's not fun, then who cares how good it looks? Besides my computer is fairly outdated, so I can't run new games without tweaking the graphics WAY down anyways. The best game I've ever played is System Shock 2, with Anachronox, the Thief series, and the Dark Forces series being my other favorites. From that list, it seems I prefer action games with a story, and something more than run-and-gun gameplay (though I suppose Anachronox isn't really an action game). CK-Newsletter: We'll see you next time Floase, thanks! :D Flaose: Jerk! Did you spell my name wrong on purpose?! ---------------------- [1.2] A Talk with Travis Lauver (Travis' Keen page can be found here: CK-Newsletter: Who are you, and what was life like till this moment? Travis: I am a 17 year old (18 in June) student named Travis Lauver that lives in the slightly uninteresting town of Daleville, VA (That's close to Roanoke, VA). I'll be at college next year as a Freshman at Virginia Tech majoring in Computer Science. And up till now my life has been great :p Question: What's some of the funnest games you've played, but not necessarily your favorite; and why do you suppose they interested you? Answer: Geesh, you're really making me think here. The funnest games I've played would most likely have to be First Person Shooters like Counterstrike, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, or even Max Payne. Course I also like strategy/RPG games like Starcraft or Diablo II. And of course there's Commander Keen and all the other "abandonware" as it's called like Jazz, and Wolfenstein 3D. These games interest me because they're fun of course, and it's something to do that hopefully someday I'll be able to make. Of course I must admit that I don't play Keen as much anymore as I used to. I play other games much more. Question: When playing games, do you prefer a controller or mouse+keyboard; what's your personal preference? Answer: My personal Preference is Mouse+Keyboard definitely. With a controller you don't have the movement capabilities that you have with a mouse. It's MUCH better in my opinion. Imagine playing a game of Halo with one person having an Xbox controller and the other a mouse+keyboard. It's no contest, mouse+keyboard will win most of the time. That's only when Halo comes out for the computer though... if it ever does. Question: When did the idea for your website first come to you? Answer: From my old website, Vorticon VI. I had a Keen Encyclopedia there as well, and transferred most of the material from there to the actual Keencyclopedia. Besides that, I got the idea from other Encyclopedias that I saw online about different games (I think I saw one for Duke Nukem?) or books. I had been interested when I was in middle-school about a book series called "Redwall" and there was a encyclopedia of the series online that had a complete encyclopedia of it, but it was also divided into other sections according to the book or letter. I thought to myself that I could do the same exact thing for Keen. Question: Your website is pretty big and extensive, and there's difficulty in updating it I'm sure; what are your thoughts on this? Answer: Hehe, yeah. You don't know how right you are. Updating the site is a pain, especially when it's not just a new entry. I have to add a new entry into 4 different places so that's what makes it kinda hard. First the complete Keencyclopedia, then the text version, then the letter version, and finally the episode version. Plus if I have to do any research for new entries, or if I have to get/edit a image file. The Keenware and Link Appendix are easier to update than the others. Question: If we consider every part of Keen's world, and the elements of it that are classifiable, then in your opinion how much of this classifiable area is listed on your website? Answer: At the moment probably 25%-35%. A new update coming soon should bring it to 70%- 75%. You can bring in the actual game elements of Keen's world like enemies, items or other characters. But besides that you can also put in the makers of the Game like Tom Hall and everyone else who helped. Then you can get even further away from Keen's world by mentioning other games that Keen or things related to Keen have had cameos in, like Duke Nukem (Keen) or Max Payne (Dopefish). Outside of that, there isn't a ton of things to add although no doubt there is more. Question: Will you spare some advice for fellow website makers? Answer: When you make a site, make sure you put a proper amount of time and effort into it. After reviewing over 50 websites for my site, I've noticed that lots of Keen sites are poorly laid out with bad links and lots of the same common information on other sites. If you want to create a site, you have to make sure you come up with a unique idea that no one else has thought of, or no one will want to go to your site. Also make sure you have a good layout with good graphics. But the biggest thing still is a unique idea. Question: Is there any unique things you like to do? like eating mustard with everything, this is the kind of thing that separate you from the monsieur Bob next door. Answer: Unique things I do? Wow, I have no idea. I'm pretty common, unless it's unique to be on the computer for hours at a time playing games or doing other work. I do like Peanut Butter Pancakes if that's unique. And I hate mustard... and I know THAT's not unique. Question: Are there any weird experiences from your life that you'd like to talk about? Answer: Does stupid work? Earlier this year I stuck a Ethernet cable into a floppy drive during my Computer Science class. Don't ask me why, I was just fooling around with one of my friends. Thing was, I didn't think that it would get stuck in the drive! I tried to use a knife to get the cable out, but ended up cutting myself. Finally, I decided to just cut the cable and leave the RJ-45 jack inside the disk drive. I cut the wire, and then the stupid RJ-45 jack just slide right out. This played out over a 40 minute time span, and the whole time I don't believe my teacher ever noticed. Question: Do you have any pet peeves? Like being asked dumb questions, ;) Answer: "No questions are dumb questions" as some of my teachers say. I tend to disagree. Some of my pet peeves are people who talk to you as though you're not as important as them, or people that won't shut up and ask you questions all the time that they should already know. CK-Newsletter: Been good talking, keep Keening! :) Travis: No problem, thanks for the chat. Keep your eye out for an update to the Keencyclopedia soon! Talk to you later. ----------------------------------------------- [2] Fan Game Reviews (if you want your game reviewed please email "") Rating System Horrible (1-2) Bad (3-4) Okay (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent! (9-10) [2.1] Planet Destruction Game Rating: Okay Quality - 7/10 Originality - 4/10 Keenishness - 8/10 Overall - 6/10 download game here: First thing that should be said is that this MOD is more or less a reinvention of Keen2. The plot remains the same but the graphics and level design have been changed. What is there to the graphics? They’re creative though not completely original; some of it is taken from other MODs, however not noticeably. I liked the graphics better than the original Keen2 ones; they were well enough to add a better side to the game. The real shining point to this MOD is level design, which is an important part in gameplay and can make or break a game. As it was already said it’s this games shining point. Some of the levels are redesigned Keen2 maps, while others are completely original; the changed levels are good and fascinate me, hopefully you too! So there’s no fascinating new story in this MOD, but if you like relaxed graphics, good level design, and a rehash of a new Keen2 play this MOD, ;) - Forge315 ----------------------------------------------- [3] Website Reviews (If you want your website reviewed, please email "") Rating System Horrible (1-2) Bad (3-4) Okay (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent! (9-10) [3.1] Gert's Commander Keen Page Site Rating: Okay Quality - 7/10 Originality - 5/10 Keenishness - 7/10 Overall - 7/10 I guess this is one of the older classic Commander Keen sites. Being old it doesn't have that much to offer but some screenshots and bunch of broken links. The site itself is just one long page of stuff. Consisting of sections of links to downloads, links to other Commander Keen sites, links to the forum, and links to screenshots of each of the games the site is mainly a spring board to get someone started on exploring Keen on the internet. There is also a letter section where you can see a translation of the letter at the end of Keen 5 and a key for translating the SGA. The site doesn't seem much useful but I think it holds a nostalgic value being one of the older sites. - Yorpy ----------------------------------------------- [4] Monthly Fiction [4.1] Chapter 5 of Chris' Story Chapter 5 Keen paced back and forth in the cockpit. "No, no, NO, this can't be right! How could this NOT be my ship? It hasn't been out of my sight since I left earth, and I'm SURE that it was my ship then!" Keen's face regained some of its green color as he slumped down on the floor. "None of this makes sense. I'm no longer all me, my ship's no longer my ship... okay, Keen, think logically. How could this have happened?" Keen took out a piece of notebook paper and a pencil, and began to write down what he knew, to try and make sense of the situation. "Fact 1: My body is merged with a yorp's body. Fact 2: Sometime between when I left earth and now, my Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket was switched with a very similar ship that has nearly everything the BwB had, except for faster- than-light propulsion. Fact 3: Whoever is responsible would have had to have known an awful lot about my ship to be able to switch it so closely. Fact 4: My ship is one of a kind, so to have learned anything about my ship, they would have to know me too. Chances are, the culprit is someone I know, and most likely, that someone is Mortimer McMire." Even though the voice of the intercom had said he was Mortimer, Keen couldn't make any assumptions... he had other enemies in the galaxy, too. Keen paused to correct a punctuation error he had made, then continued. "Fact 5: My only lead was to go to Dimorphius II and find out who sold Mortimer that Merger device, but I don't know where Dimorphius II is. Fact 6: No matter where it is, because I don't have faster-than-light speed on this ship, I can't get there anyways." "So," Keen concluded, "No matter what Mortimer's up to, I can't stop it without making upgrades to this ship. And the only place where I can make upgrades is in my clubhouse. I have to go home." Keen stood up and walked back to the cockpit, then punched in the coordinates for his home and started the BwB's engines. The journey home was silent. There was no Spot for Keen to talk to, or scold for chewing on the upholstery, and all of the sounds inside the fake Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket seemed foreign. For the first time in a long time, Commander Keen was confused. Being confused is bad enough if you have normal intelligence, but Commander Keen, second-smartest kid on earth, not knowing what's going on? The fake Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket entered Earth's atmosphere, and blasted towards home. Commander Keen normally kept his ship in his clubhouse, but since the fake ship didn't have the high-frequency automatic-clubhouse-roof-opener, Keen had to risk parking it in his backyard. It wasn't much of a risk, though, as his dad was at work, and his mom had taken his sister to the mall for a few hours. The hatch on the Bean-with-Bacon opened, and Keen stepped outside. "I'd better head into the clubhouse and start fixing my ship right away," Keen said. He walked over to the clubhouse, opened the door, and stepped inside. Keen flipped on the light, and then saw something that stopped him in his tracks. There, sitting on the ground, was Spot, his pet yorp. "But how?" Keen exclaimed. "You're me... er... you're inside of me... merged... aren't you?" Keen walked over to Spot, slowly. Spot turned his eye around to look at Keen, and started growling. "Whoa, there, Spot, easy boy." *tvang* A familiar sound behind him caught his attention. Keen spun around, and in front of his eyes was... him! Billy Blaze, a.k.a. Commander Keen was in front of him! But not a green, one-eyed, two-toed Keen, it was himself as he was before he merged with Spot, with two eyes and white skin all around! "How... what?" the original Keen spluttered. Commander Keen, defender of the universe, stood in front of him, stone-faced and holding a charged Neural Stunner. "I don't know what you're trying to pull, greeny, but you have ten seconds to tell me who you are." TO BE CONTINUED... - Chris (c) ----------------------------------------------- [5] Keen Community News Ah, this has been a really cool month! :) If you don't know why, read on! :) [5.1] Shadowlands, episode 2, is released!! The real work of art made by Ilsoap, Shadowlands episode 2, is released! This is long waited Flash animation, that has a high quality on all levels - art, sound, music, story and everything else! People have waited this one year, and finally they saw the light end of the tunnel. Let's see when episode 3 is ready.. :) Be sure to visit in a topic where Ilsoap told that he has released it - it is full of comments like "10/10! Cool! Awesome!". :) ssage?topicID=635.topic Oh, remember to visit the official Shadowlands web site too! ---------------------- [5.2] Cool Keen art! Some new cool art again in this month too! But at least there is one 3D drawing by our new member in PCKF, DSL! His stuff looks very promising, he has also done a very cool Keen game! Check out his Commander Keen model here: This is about one real work of art! KeenCommander has made enemy from Keen 5 of snow! It's really cool! Check out what therealdopefish has made with PovRay: ssage?topicID=628.topic UnFleexable has released a trailer of his animation, Viva Las Bloogville, that is the first episode of his Bloogville! animation series.. ssage?topicID=641.topic One image I made, or actually I just captured a screen and added something: ssage?topicID=645.topic Oh, and Public Commander Keen Forum has some new and cool emoticons again: ssage?topicID=652.topic ---------------------- [5.3] Fan game news! :) Hmmm.. New games! DLS' new, and first Commander Keen fan game! Go here to see some screens and download it! Worth of playing! Xtraverse has done a really addicting arcade game, where you have to fly with Bean-with-Bacon Megarocket! Idea of the game is very clever! :) Can you beat his high-scores? ;) ssage?topicID=633.topic RKP3: Commander Keen: Attack of the Cones is released! :) Time Keen is stopped, maybe it will be continued sometime, but we don't know. Also some other projects stopped. Too bad that those projects stopped.. I would really have wanted to see Time Keen! :) ---------------------- [5.4] Some mods news.. Not much, but some.. I have posted some screenshots of my upcoming Commander Keen 1 mod: ssage?topicID=637.topic Xky is making a mod again! Read more here: ssage?topicID=636.topic UnFleexable has started a new mod: ---------------------- [5.5] Keen @ Slashdot! They in, a large geek site, posted something about Commander Keen! ssage?topicID=643.topic This is link to that thing in Slashdot: And.. That caused that Public Commander Keen Forum had a lot of visitors! Maybe some of them joined too, I'm not sure! Check out this screen I took from that moment: ---------------------- [5.6] New Keen mod! :) One new member in PCKF has posted screens and info about his new upcoming mod for Commander Keen 1! Read more on these topics! By the way, he's in a band called Paperface, you can go their site to: Oh, and maybe the beta version is released now, when you're reading this! ---------------------- [5.7] Mouse support in Keen 4? There's talking about it, and even something to download: wMessage?topicID=557.topic ---------------------- [5.8] Learn more history! :) You can read some history of Commander Keen community here! ssage?topicID=651.topic ---------------------- Again, till next issue! :) - KeenRush ----------------------------------------------- [6] Miscellaneous Stuff [6.1] Fan Art Oop, nothing this month. There will be next month though, ;) ---------------------- [6.2] Announcements We added the feature for you to pick a design for the newsletter website. Right now the only choices are the old design and the current one. This has only been tested on my computer and may or may not work on the server right away. - Forge315 ---------------------- [6.3] Credits Too Much Spare Time: some Proofreading KeenRush: The news MRCMarky/AEWorld: Old and new web design! Yorpy: Website review Forge315: Newsletter composition Other thanks: All you Keen fans and your awesome Keen pages! ----------------------------------------------- "Swim swim hungry, swim swim hungry. Doesn't this sound whiney!"