Dr Villain 
Posts: 33
(8/16/03 6:24 am)
Another Mod
I am making a mod(which seems to be a pretty popular thing to do now) Find information on it at the projects page of my site. I can't figure out how to edit the in game text(Statue messages, cinematics). Is there a file I can edit, or is it in the EXE? If it is encoded in any way, is there a program to decode and edit it?
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) |
Posts: 829
(8/16/03 7:19 am)
Re: Another Mod
Sounds interesting; but with all due respect, you should not be providing information about a Commander Keen mod on your site: after all, you say "no heroes allowed"
Posts: 3812
(8/16/03 9:50 am)
Re: Another Mod
Wow! So many mods this month!
Sounds interesting, and also that one pic on your site looked very nice.
And about that editing, there are plenty of topics about that in this board, try to search, though it isn't very good.
Oh, and you can try this xtra's tutorial, it's pretty good one:
BB - CK - MR. 314 |
Posts: 213
(8/16/03 9:57 am)
Re: Another Mod
Looks nice, good look with the modding.
Dr Villain 
Posts: 34
(8/17/03 4:51 am)
Re: Another Mod
I considered making a mod starring Mortimer, but I didn't feel like editing the sprite that much. It does have some pretty fierce villains in it though.
I will study some of the mod related posts to figure this business out.
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) |
Dr Villain 
Posts: 35
(8/20/03 11:31 pm)
Re: Another Mod
Finally kicked Keen out of the Emporium. The Mod now stars The Grand Intellect.
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 3859
(8/21/03 4:02 am)
Re: Another Mod
Hmmm, this is going to be interesting!

Dr Villain 
Posts: 36
(8/23/03 6:48 am)
Re: Another Mod
Most of what I need to know seems to be on Xtraverse's site but I can't seem to get to it. I'll keep trying though. Anyway, my site has been updated with 3 new screenshots. In case you're wondering what the fine print on the sign says, It's cybernetics. You'd have to have read "The Resteraunt at the End of the Universe" to get it.
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) |
Robo Blue
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 548
(8/23/03 6:57 am)
Re: Another Mod
hehe, the drink machine that never works? Figueres MM would have one of those.
Official Keenbound Site
Visit The Dos Vault Message Board. I'm an admin 
Posts: 841
(8/23/03 7:27 am)
Re: Another Mod
From the story:
"Who but a completely brain-dead Ravenous Bugblatter Beast would dare wander into this desolate wasteland?" thought Mortimer as he planned the base's construction. Unfortunatly he over-estimated keen's intelligence.
That's a nice touch
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 3884
(8/23/03 8:12 am)
Re: Another Mod
Those shots are awesome, it really is Keen6ish.

Robo Blue
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 553
(8/23/03 9:21 am)
Re: Another Mod
Is it based on Traul?
Official Keenbound Site
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Dr Villain 
Posts: 39
(8/24/03 4:24 am)
Re: Another Mod
You mean Traal? No, it's on Fribbulus Xax. I just mentioned the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal because it's the dumbest crerature in the galaxy. If sombody mentions a brain-dead monkey, it doesn't mean you're in a jungle.
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) |
Posts: 15
(8/24/03 6:02 am)
Re: Another Mod
Actually, there's an interesting direct relationship between incidences of jungle inhabitance and the aforementioned monkey mentioning.
Dr Villain 
Posts: 41
(8/25/03 3:00 am)
Re: Another Mod
I was only trying to say that one shouldn't jump to conclusions.
I have just created the first level. See the screenshots on my site.
I have been trying to reach Xtravaganza for days now, and it still won't work. I won't be able to finish my mod if I can't get the information and tools I need from there! So, Xtra if you read this, you may want to make sure your site is running properly. I have been there before, so unless you have added something really fancy, I don't think it's my computer. If it is my computer, or if it is a really bad problem with the site, please, you or someone else who has the data and programs, provide an alternate way to get the things I need.
Needed: information and/or programs for editing Statue messages and ending.
Also, does anyone know where I can get a good hex editor?
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 3915
(8/25/03 3:46 am)
Re: Another Mod
Also, there is very good hex editor on xtra's page.
But you can get some Keen editing tools here:
Hmmm, those screens look awesome! But could I give some suggestions?
1. In that first new pic, where that shadow comes to ceiling, I think those round corners doesn't fit very well.
2. Like in the last new pic, below that small sga sign, there is that left down corner, that doesn't look good to me, because it doesn't look it's "connected" to the other texturing. Maybe you could do some corner graphics for those, like where that shadow gray would be going through the tile from left to right too? I hope you understand what I mean.

Dr Villain 
Posts: 42
(8/30/03 4:31 am)
Re: Another Mod
I have done alot of work on the project recently, and will upload all new screenshots soon.
Recent Changes:
.The menu is now in monochrome red instead of green, so that it is different from Keen's Computer Wrist.
.The corners now have a black border which fits in better with either background.
.The Helptxt file has had a slight update.
.The first shrine is now complete.
KeenRush, I don't quite understand what you mean, but I am trying to make the tiles work better with the lighting effects.
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) |
Dr Villain 
Posts: 43
(8/30/03 5:57 am)
Re: Another Mod
I have just downloaded a hex editor, but I can't find the post with the information on editing the labels on the status screen. The search engine isn't worth a , and I haven't had any luck finding it manually. If Adurdin could please send me or post the information to change "Keen" to "Mort"? Or can somebody find the topic and post a link here?
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 3947
(8/30/03 7:24 am)
Re: Another Mod
Hmmm, have you noticed to unlzexe your exe first?
Do it with:
And try then that hex editor again.
Oh, and I really can't expain with any better way than that. But those are great with that way, I was just suggesting they could be a bit better with that way. Never mind..
Oh, and new screens, can't wait to see them!

Stranded Fish
Posts: 2420
(8/30/03 1:54 pm)
Re: Another Mod
That should be what you're looking for, Villain.
I'm actually remaking it completely at the moment, but the current version is still pretty handy.
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you on experience -- Mark Twain
spatang.comEdited by: Xtraverse at: 8/30/03 1:56 pm
Dr Villain 
Posts: 44
(9/3/03 10:10 pm)
Re: Another Mod
With the new Keen Modding forum, and Xtraverse's site back up, I won't be posting any more modding questions or problems here. I seem to have everything I need and hope to complete this project soon. I will keep you posted on the progress of my mod.
Edit: Thanks to Unlzexe and XVI32 (a hex editor), I can now change any in-game text I wish! The menu, status screens, version # and date, the file extension(it's been changed to .mm1 ) and a few minor texts have been customized! Did I mention the lack of unsightly CKpatch files?
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) Edited by: Dr Villain at: 9/3/03 11:46 pm
Stranded Fish
Posts: 2425
(9/4/03 3:09 am)
Re: Another Mod
Yah but you have to do that for Keens 1 and 2.
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you on experience -- Mark Twain |
Dr Villain 
Posts: 45
(9/6/03 4:28 am)
Re: Another Mod
I realize I'll have to do it all over again for the second and final episodes if that's what you mean, but I find it very enjoyable. (I wish there were more Mortimer emoticons.)
The following changes have been made since the last update:
. I have changed the background color to purple and fixed the exit sign and door to look more like the Keen6 versions.
.The Level##.ck1 format has been changed to Stage##.mm1
.Levels 1-3 have been completed with the exception of enemies for which I haven't sprites yet.
I am still working on the enemy and misc. sprites and the ending, as well as the levels from 4-16.(assuming there will be 16 levels.) I am having trouble thinking of enemies. So far I have come up with Feral Bloog to replace the or Vorticon, and that's it. I am considering Wild Blooglet for , but I don't want too many enemies like that.
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) Edited by: Dr Villain at: 9/6/03 10:26 pm
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 4009
(9/6/03 6:18 am)
Re: Another Mod
Well, maybe you could take a look at some space movies and take some enemy ideas there.

Dr Villain 
Posts: 47
(9/7/03 4:07 am)
Re: Another Mod
Latest Updates:
.Mort's shooting animation has been fixed to match the color of the gun pick-up. The blast has been recolored and now looks more like an evil flame.
.I decided to replace the Coke with Bloog soda.
.Some level debuging.
The screenshots on my site have become very outdated in a relatively(to other peoples' projects anyway) short time. I will replace them once I am satisfied with the tiles and most of the sprites.
I attempted to make the feral bloog sprite and found that I have a lot of trouble animating bipedal aliens. If anyone would like to help: the feral bloog looks like a drooling bloog guard with bad teeth and a wooden club. The dying animation should be different from the Keen6 version because Mortimer's gun is far more powerful than Keen's wimpy Neural Stunner. I would like it all in Vorticons style shading. It is to replace the Vorticon.
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) Edited by: Dr Villain at: 9/7/03 4:11 am
Dr Villain 
Posts: 49
(9/21/03 2:45 am)
Re: Another Mod
This post is basically just to keep this topic from disapearing.
I am still kind of stuck on the enemies. I find it very difficult to design aliens. I find robots much easier but I will have very little opportunity to use robots the way the story is going.
I am considering releasing what I have completed so far. There are no enemies and the world map has not been changed yet, but there is enough there for you to get the idea. I think I will fix a few things to make it more presentable before I release it.
Edit: I have just fixed up the mod and will upload the demo immediately.
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) Edited by: Dr Villain at: 9/21/03 3:56 am
Robo Blue
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 687
(9/21/03 4:02 am)
Re: Another Mod
If you want to keep a post from dissappearing, just edit it every month or so.
Official Keenbound Site
Visit The Dos Vault Message Board. I'm an admin 
Posts: 878
(9/21/03 5:14 am)
Re: Another Mod
The demo looks good -- you've got some excellent graphics there.
For those who couldn't find the demo, it's here:
Stranded Fish
Posts: 2464
(9/21/03 10:16 am)
Re: Another Mod
I like it--my only criticism is that it's too dark, but maybe that's how you want it.
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you on experience -- Mark Twain |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 4110
(9/21/03 1:37 pm)
Re: Another Mod
Pretty cool!
Can I host it on my site?

Holy Monk Yorp
Posts: 1889
(9/22/03 7:05 am)
Re: Another Mod
Did you take the demo offline cause I can't download it anymore.
Download free games on The Dos Vault!!!
The Dos Vault forum, guest posting allowed.
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 4113
(9/22/03 4:32 pm)
Re: Another Mod
Don't worry, it should still be there; go to and click there that link..

Dr Villain 
Posts: 51
(9/24/03 4:07 am)
Re: Another Mod
Just so nobody gets confused, "Mort1 Alpha Release" and "Mort1 Beta Release A" are the same. I just changed the name because I have recently learned more about Computer Programing and have found the term Beta more accurate in this case. If you don't understand what I just said, consider reading "Beginning Programming for Dummies". It's a very interesting book.
Dr.Villain's Evil Emporium (No heroes allowed!) Edited by: Dr Villain at: 10/16/03 12:47 am
Dr Villain 
Posts: 62
(10/22/03 10:01 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
I am considering discontinuing the mod and remaking it as a Fangame:
![missing image ( Mort1_4win.png]()
Some of the advantages of this are:
. Running under Windows.(No Dos support necessary)
. More unique gameplay. ( does not enjoy sharing an engine with )
. Better graphics.(Perhaps less original graphics, but, in 16 million colors!)
What do you think?
Villain Technologies Helping the Bad Guys since 2003 |
keen online 
Posts: 45
(10/23/03 1:08 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
go for it
Keen says: Visit the keen archive for all you keen needs.
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 4263
(10/23/03 3:38 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
Looks pretty nice..
Well, do if you want to - and if you do, we all lose one great mod..
Oh, and your new site looks pretty cool!

Posts: 61
(10/24/03 2:32 am)
Re: Another Fangame?
That's just beautiful, man.
Quote: Well, do if you want to - and if you do, we all lose one great mod..
Sure, we lose a great mod, but I expect we'll gain an even greater fan game.
>Commander Spleen
ö Cave assectatorem Ductoris Alacris ö
"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
So why choose to be poor?"
- My cat's food tin (a.k.a. Larry) |
Dr Villain 
Posts: 64
(10/25/03 3:49 am)
Re: Another Fangame?
Just don't hold your breath, this will only work if I can get past the problems I had with the mod. However, on the positive side, this does make a few of the more unique ideas I had possible, like the certain appliance hinted at in the old screenshots.
Villain Technologies Helping the Bad Guys since 2003 |
Stranded Fish
Posts: 2510
(10/25/03 3:34 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
If you've forgotten Spleen, KeenRush hates fangames for some unknown reason.
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you on experience -- Mark Twain |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 4277
(10/25/03 5:30 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
Yes.. Mostly because:
1. They can't beat original games any way.
2. Usually they look bad.
3. Often lot's of bugs.
4. They're often made with some game making tools and come with annoying installers that add shortcuts and stuff like that everywhere..

Posts: 61
(10/26/03 2:46 am)
Re: Another Fangame?
So do you hate them unilaterally because of that, or are you just dubious about a fangame turning out well?
Stranded Fish
Posts: 2511
(10/26/03 4:02 am)
Re: Another Fangame?
If a fangame lacked all those flaws, would you still be against it?
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you on experience -- Mark Twain |
Posts: 63
(10/26/03 6:42 am)
Re: Another Fangame?
I intend to avoid all the problems you mentioned when it comes to creating a fan game after the completion of my mod (possibly sooner).
Hopefully we can help dislodge your phobia with upcoming productions, KeenRush.
>Commander Spleen
ö Cave assectatorem Ductoris Alacris ö
"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
So why choose to be poor?"
- My cat's food tin (a.k.a. Larry) |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 4283
(10/26/03 1:36 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
"Hopefully we can help dislodge your phobia with upcoming productions, KeenRush."
Heh, let's hope so..
Hmmm, and I just don't like them no matter how good they are.. But believe or not I've sometimes myself planned doing a Keen fangame.. Though, my plan was to make it quite different than others around.
Maybe I don't hate all so much, but every time someone thinks "shall I make a mod or a fan game" I quickly say MOD!
And maybe I should have a little bit more respect towards them, they are one big reason there is still Keen community, or Keen is so well known..
And who knows, maybe someone in the future can make a fan game I like too..

Dr Villain 
Posts: 67
(10/27/03 5:48 am)
Re: Another Fangame?
![missing image ( Mort1_4win2.png]()
Here is another screenshot. I am currently using a slightly modified version of my Megaman engine. I will probably change a lot of it soon to support platforms, ledge-grabbing and Mort's version of a pogo. I may consider slopes, but I never quite figured them out.
I've added platforms, Moon Shoes, Items, Deadly objects, and a 'GPS' to the game. See for yourself:
![missing image ( Mort1_4win4.png]()
And here as well :
Villain Technologies Helping the Bad Guys since 2003 Edited by: Dr Villain at: 10/30/03 12:28 am
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 4304
(10/30/03 4:58 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
It really does look good!
I really like the graphics, background is soft and the objects are clear. The 'GPS' is pretty cool idea, so are the Moon Shoes.
Oh, and seems that the mod is now stopped. Too bad..
Also, could I put it (mod beta) on my site when it's ready (the site)?
Keen mods, please! |
Dr Villain 
Posts: 68
(11/7/03 4:53 am)
Re: Another Fangame?
It'll still be on my site, but go ahead.
I have hit a bit of a snag with the platforms but, I have an idea to make them work properly. Now if I could just get the solution to work.
Villain Technologies Helping the Bad Guys since 2003 |
keen online 
Posts: 80
(11/7/03 4:14 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
I have to say this, Dr Villain you have the best signature.
Keen says: Visit the keen archive for all you keen needs.
Posts: 22
(11/7/03 5:53 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
helping mortimer mc mire huh then your my rival the rival of memmer industries we are helping keen
Edited by: memsys at: 11/7/03 5:55 pm
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 4327
(11/7/03 6:23 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
Yes, thank ya!
Keen mods, please! |
Dr Villain 
Posts: 69
(11/8/03 6:23 am)
Re: Another Fangame?
You may want to include this version as well. It's my last build before discontinuation.
Memsys, if you're really helping Keen, Spybot or Mort would have informed me of it by now.
Villain technology is superior!
So is villain spelling and grammar!
Villain Technologies Helping the Bad Guys since 2003 Edited by: Dr Villain at: 11/8/03 6:26 am
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 4333
(11/8/03 10:32 am)
Re: Another Fangame?
Ok, thanks.. This brings tear in to my eye; this would have been so cool mod..
Keen mods, please! |
Posts: 24
(11/8/03 7:24 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
ok if your spybot is working because if you ask my its malfunctioning, then how looks keen now ?
Edited by: memsys at: 11/8/03 7:29 pm
Dr Villain 
Posts: 71
(11/9/03 8:51 pm)
Re: Another Fangame?
I guess it is about time I developed a universal translator. But until then, could you please try to speak English?
I have fixed most of the issues with platforms now and am working on the map and menus. I should have enough for a demo soon.
11/21/03 - That demo could be a long time coming though. I have been thoroughly engrossed in other projects lately. In a related story, due to an utter lack of new content, my site has had a very insignificant update.
Villain Technologies Helping the Bad Guys since 2003 Edited by: Dr Villain at: 11/22/03 12:04 am