Posts: 5
(7/25/03 4:12 pm)
..New keen mod demO..
Im working on a mod for keen.
I've finished most levels, just need to make 2 or 3 more.
Then after I edited the graphics and the story it's finished. I'ts gonna be the first of a whole series of keen games, at least if i'm still gonna be into this editing keen shit. However the ideas for part 2 and 3 are there.
I wanna put one of my levels on the net so i can have your opinion. Can anybody do that for me? I'll email the file, you know.
I got a lot more and better levels done but im not releasing them till the whole game is finished.
The level should be played without the pogo and without any bullets. It has 2 exits and a secret.
When its online please give me your opinion about it and wether it was to hard or not.
Robo Blue
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 318
(7/25/03 4:32 pm)
Re: ..New keen mod demO..
A new Keen mod is always a good thing. Welcome to the world of modding!
Official Keenbound Site
Stranded Fish
Posts: 2357
(7/25/03 4:57 pm)
Re: ..New keen mod demO..
I'll put it up..
xtraverse at hotmail dot com
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you on experience -- Mark Twain
xtravaganza: |
Posts: 3675
(7/25/03 8:00 pm)
Re: ..New keen mod demO..
A new mod! Sounds really cool!
BB - CK - MR. 314 |
Posts: 6
(7/27/03 7:08 pm)
thnx xtraverse ill email it now
Stranded Fish
Posts: 2361
(7/28/03 2:23 am)
Re: ..
You can download Eazy's level here:
My opinion: Funky and cool design, but there are a bunch of flaws. Mainly, a lot of the graphics didn't flow together well. Large walls that are rounded on the corner shouldn't be in water if they have a grey background. Nor should the spikes sit on corners if the are rounded. Since you will be modding all the graphics, these problems may fix themselves. Also, you should use more background graphics. The level looked a little boring. And remember, there's more than one enemy you can use! Also, I would have something actually shooting the balls of ice in the real game, not just having them apparating out of no where.
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you on experience -- Mark Twain
xtravaganza: |
Posts: 3686
(7/28/03 8:18 am)
Re: ..
Yeah, agree.. But good level with challenge.
BB - CK - MR. 314 |
Robo Blue
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 352
(7/28/03 3:06 pm)
Re: ..
That level was pretty challenging, so here's a general suggestion: you could release easy, medium, and hard versions of the game, for gamers of different skill. It wouldnt be that hard (all you'd have to do would be put less/more spikes and enemies), and even newbies would be able to have fun with it.
Official Keenbound Site
Posts: 7
(7/28/03 4:51 pm)
As for the graphics: the problem with the round edges is gonna be fixed in half a second when i edit the graphics and yes im gonna make some more background and different walls to make the game look less boring, these are just the tiles im keeping original. Im not editing all the graphics by the way, yorps, gargs, and some ice tiles will be original. This is only because keen returns to mars in this game, if there will be a part 2, just the keen sprite will be a bit the same.
The reason i only used yorps has to do with the story, gargs and my own new aliens will come later in the game.
Im not making 3 versions of the game, thats just not my style. Most levels can be completed in multiple ways, an eazy way or one more chalenging with more bonus... For example in this level you can try to get to the secret passage.
However plz tell me how hard this level is considering not only die hard keen fans should be able to complete it, cuz its hard to say when i made it myself...
Posts: 3689
(7/28/03 6:35 pm)
Re: ...
Yeah, and I don't think you should make three versions of it, that's a bit pointless.. Yes, and I know you said you wont, but I just wanted to say my opinion about that one..
Can't wait to see this mod ready, that level has been the hardest one I have played for a long time, or hardest ever!
BB - CK - MR. 314 |
Robo Blue
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 358
(7/28/03 7:31 pm)
Re: ...
It was just a suggestion, since you can't change difficulty in keens 1-3.
Mortimer's Right Hand Man
Posts: 587
(7/28/03 8:10 pm)
re: difficulty
hey, Robo, you gotta keep in mind that all the Easy/Normal/Hard difficulty on Keen4-6 did was change the number of enemies--level hazards remained intact :-) as a result, releasing an Easy/Normal/Hard version of this level would just result in a level with 10/20/30 Yorps!! ;-)
this level's got a few things in it that absolutely bug me. blind drops into spikes, drops down 1 tile chasms that you need to hold left/right to escape (Grelphy's Keen1 mod had these too), no directional guidance (FOUR potential paths at the beginning of a level!?), and a few one-way traps (teddys with spikes, ice leading straight to an exit). argh. took me a few minutes to make sense of what i was supposed to do--fortunately there was a huge abundance of teddy bears. i don't think i was ever below 9 lives, at any time O_o;
nonetheless, it was still a good challenge... a bit point-filled for a normal level, but would make a spectacular secret level (especially considering the scope of it. for a Keen1 level, that's quite long--about as long as the Vacuum ice level or Vorticon Fort level, but much much harder.)
looking forward to the full mod :-)
Posts: 3695
(7/28/03 8:33 pm)
Re: re: difficulty
Also, try to make sure that player can't get stuck on those ice cubes, because I got stuck on one up shooting ice thing. You know, you freeze and fly up, and then come back down, and freeze again and so on..
And I'm sorry Robo Blue, I don't try to be mean or anything, I hope you didn't get me wrong. I'm sorry.
Your idea was really good, but I still think that in Keen 1-3 mods there shouldn't be difficulty settings, those are for "newer" Keens (4-6). I think that first levels would be good to be easy, and last ones really hard. Like levels getting harder and harder..
BB - CK - MR. 314 |
Posts: 8
(7/28/03 9:11 pm)
blind drops into spikes,
true, can be anoying... im gonna add signs..
no directional guidance (FOUR potential paths at the beginning of a level!?)
took me a few minutes to make sense of what i was supposed to do
i consider that a good thing, you have to find out what path to take first. i hate it when levels are just one straight way. in my game you can always take different paths and have multiple ways to go, it gives a more adventurous feeling.
and a few one-way traps (teddys with spikes, ice leading straight to an exit)
they're there to keep you sharp, never just walk into something without knowing what youre doing.
fortunately there was a huge abundance of teddy bears. i don't think i was ever below 9 lives, at any time O_o;
true, i havent fixed the amount of points yet.
Also, try to make sure that player can't get stuck on those ice cubes, because I got stuck on one up shooting ice thing. You know, you freeze and fly up, and then come back down, and freeze again and so on..
damn right i hate that extremely annoying problem. i got rid of most of them but ill look for the one you found.
did anybody get to the secret passage without using cheats??
Edited by: chogall at: 8/8/03 11:44 pm
Mortimer's Right Hand Man
Posts: 588
(7/29/03 9:03 am)
re: secret passage
by "secret passage" do you mean the Green Door? yes, it was easy to get to after 3 deaths from those freakin' drops onto spikes... also, it appears you meant the Green Keycard to be collected by dropping off the ice above it--but it's low enough that a player can snag it with a pogo jump! (i grabbed the pogo before playing the level)
i'm very impressed to see you so receptive to feedback :-) makes me anticipate the mod more than before--keep up the good work and enthusiasm!
Posts: 74
(7/29/03 11:43 am)
Re: re: secret passage
Well, he did say to do it without pogo
*Hates doing levels without pogo though *
EDIT: Had a look at the level, and.. I HATE YOU!!
Only joking of course . I only had a couple minutes to look at it, so I didn't have time to finish it.. But from what I saw, it looks good
Edited by: Yowza at: 7/29/03 11:50 am
Posts: 9
(8/8/03 5:08 pm)
everybody download it!
and once again play the level with no cheats no pogo and no bullets
Posts: 6
(8/9/03 11:37 pm)
Re: .
Wow that's hard. I had to give up and play through all the standard levels to calm down.