Mortimer's Right Hand Man
Posts: 714
(2/20/04 5:17 pm)
Less than a month to go...
Alright, Keeners--3/14/04 is less than a month away now. Last I heard there was a slew of new Mods, Fangames, and more coming out on or around that date. Would anybody like to share a progress report of their project, or drop screenshots and other teasers? :-) At the very least, could we try and get an all-inclusive list of what's potentially coming out on 3/14?
My Keen2 mod is chugging along nicely, and will definitely be done in time. At this point (Feb 20) I've got 3 levels to start on, 2 levels to tweak, and the ending sequence text to do.
How about you?
 Edited by: XkyRauh2001 at: 2/20/04 5:22 pm
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5089
(2/20/04 7:48 pm)
Re: Less than a month to go...
I wish my things would be that well. If I don't work more quickly, I probably can get my Keen site web that day - or after.
I should work on my mod, but I just can't get the missing stuff done ever.
"For years they studied, collected, catalogued. When they had learned all that they could, they began to modify." 3001: The final Odyssey |
Holy Monk Yorp
Posts: 2360
(2/20/04 7:56 pm)
Re: Less than a month to go...
Well I started working on my mod again and I hope I'll make it to level editing this time. :P I won't get it done at 3 14 and I don't want to show graphics. But well it will be a mix between Duke and Keen. (Style not in storyline it's not a Duke game)
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Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1452
(2/20/04 9:19 pm)
Re: Less than a month to go...
i haven't done very much concerning keen lately. But i'll try to do something soon.
Family, Religion, Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business! - Charles Montgomery Burns |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5092
(2/20/04 10:05 pm)
Re: Less than a month to go...
Sounds pretty exciting mixture of styles Djaser, can't wait to see what you come up with!
Half a hour ago I did some work with the vorticon replacement sprite of my mod, maybe it was because of this topic I did work on it.
"For years they studied, collected, catalogued. When they had learned all that they could, they began to modify." 3001: The final Odyssey |
Mortimer's Right Hand Man
Posts: 717
(2/21/04 9:37 pm)
re: 3/14
Wow, I'm surprised to hear so many projects have been postponed / cancelled! I was expecting a bunch of new releases on 3/14! :-(
I've been playtesting my mod as a whole up to this point, and I've only got 2 levels left to start on, 1 level left to tweak, and then that ending text. Very excited about how things are going!

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1468
(2/21/04 10:35 pm)
Re: re: 3/14
i can see you winning another keen award xkyrauh!
Family, Religion, Friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business! - Charles Montgomery Burns |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5099
(2/22/04 9:00 am)
Xky's mod
And I can't wait get playing this mod - judging by some screenshots in Keen: Modding.. Yay!
Annoying thing when releasing some stuff on the same day with someone else, is that you won't get any replies or comments about your work you have made for a long time, since nobody is bothered with that if there's some better. (except some people, but I'm talking about most of them)
"For years they studied, collected, catalogued. When they had learned all that they could, they began to modify." 3001: The final Odyssey |
Mortimer's Right Hand Man
Posts: 718
(2/22/04 10:35 pm)
re: multiple releases
That's true, KeenRush... but there's a few members of the community who are pretty good about posting at least a minimal reaction to anything new. :-)
Only one level to start, and one level to tweak at this point... and then the ending text. I can almost taste completion!

Scizor CT
Council Janitor
Posts: 686
(2/23/04 2:50 am)
Re: re: multiple releases
I imagine that we can expect Shadowlands Ep. 3 to make its appearance. I can't say I personally have anything planned. Maybe in the summer.
Posts: 202
(2/23/04 3:16 am)
Release Date: I'll... uhh... get back to you.
Woah... like, less than a month... well, I'll have something out on 3/14. My secret project... err... coffee break... is still in progress, but I haven't touched it for about a month. Haven't been near my mod for even longer.
It's entirely possible that I'll have both projects out, along with a heap of new JimSoft Lair stuff for Keeners and random lunatics alike to explore, but I'm not promising anything.
>Commander Spleen
ö Cave assectatorem Ductoris Alacris ö
"For a long time progress has been hampered by the old feeling of separatism and the intolerance of another's method of approach to the truth. But even that handicap is finally beginning to be overcome. The cry for world-wide unity, peace, brotherhood and the casting down of barriers is increasingly making itself heard."
- The Finding of the Third Eye, Vera Stanley Alder (1938, 1982)
JimSoft Lair |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5107
(2/23/04 9:46 am)
Re: Release Date: I'll... uhh... get back to you.
Ah, Shadowlands III and a mod same day. That would be neato..
Let's see.. I need do some work on every sprite, maybe redo some of them. I have plenty of tiles not replaced in tileset, so maybe I should make some big backgrounds somewhere or other stuff like that. And, the ending sequence. I have no idea for that yet.. And then I finally should convert my help and story texts into CK1 files. It won't take long, but I'm lazy..
Next time I try to do all the sprites and graphics before levels, since I love making levels and can do those quite quickly..
Some things I'm disappointed (?) with my mod is that since there is very few ammo, and the stunning pic of enemies is cool - to finish the levels you can't even spend one ammo to shoot one kind of enemy (yorp replacament).. Well, if you use cheats..
Hope you get something done Spleen, or those wacky Keeners you know.
"For years they studied, collected, catalogued. When they had learned all that they could, they began to modify." 3001: The final Odyssey |
Mortimer's Right Hand Man
Posts: 720
(2/25/04 6:25 am)
re: modding
I just counted my tilesheet... I've got 12 unused background tiles and 2 unused solid tiles. That's it. Everything else has been claimed in one way or another for graphics. I'm proud of that... I think my Keen1 mod had as many as 40 unused tiles, when everything was said and done. (Ironically enough, I designed more tiles than I ended up using in my Keen1 mod!) But this time around, I've used EVERYTHING.
Shadowlands!! I'd almost forgotten about it, after TMST's prank with the 3rd one when he OWNED me. :-) That's gonna be great, if Ilsoap manages to get it out!

Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5123
(2/25/04 8:11 am)
Re: re: modding
Wha whaa?? How that can be possible, I don't have even imagination for so many tiles!
"For years they studied, collected, catalogued. When they had learned all that they could, they began to modify." 3001: The final Odyssey |
Posts: 157
(2/28/04 11:01 pm)
Re: re: modding
I'm hoping to release an engine test for my upcoming Keen game which is going to be different than most keen fanmade games.
Visit my website at
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aka Silly the Ghost
Posts: 1518
(2/29/04 4:58 am)
Re: re: modding
cool! can't wait for the mod!
anyway, i sincerely hope that ilsoap was lying about not starting shadowlands III the last time i've asked him...
> Hello Kiddies! I'm Silly the Ghost!
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5171
(3/1/04 4:58 am)
Re: re: modding
We'll see that in two weeks..
Gaaarg, still so long time..
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Posts: 897
(3/1/04 7:20 am)
Re: re: modding
You know, I never said that I'd actually create Shadowlands III for March 14th. Since I'd much rather not leave you in suspense, no, I haven't even started anything for Shadowlands III, besides the storyline.
It MIGHT be possible for me to create the storyboard for it with voices, and release THAT on March 14th, if you'd want to settle for that. But no, III ain't gonna happen in two weeks. (I assure you, I never promised I'd even make the third one... well, besides the "coming soon" thing on the Shadowlands page, which you should probably ignore.) |
Holy Monk Yorp
Posts: 2381
(3/1/04 1:20 pm)
Re: re: modding
Still I hope that you are going to promise it.
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Posts: 899
(3/3/04 2:04 am)
Re: re: modding
Well, you guys went and done it. All this talk about Shadowlands III, I decided to actually try and animate a few small sections of it. The stuff I created actually looks pretty good too... it gave me an opportunity to use some of the tips I learned from Finding Nemo. It won't be ready for March 14th, of course, but I might have enough to give you a taste or a preview of what the third episode would be like. |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5184
(3/3/04 1:28 pm)
Re: re: modding
Yes! I'll keep it on eye..
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Mortimer's Right Hand Man
Posts: 735
(3/3/04 5:46 pm)
Progress towards 3/14
Ilsoap--willing to share any of the tricks or ideas you picked up from Finding Nemo? I'm always curious to learn little tidbits of animation information.
My Keen2 mod has all text, story, graphics, and sequences done... All I need now is my "Final" level, and then it's ready to go. You guys (almost) ready for XkyKeen2? :-D

Posts: 900
(3/3/04 6:58 pm)
Re: Progress towards 3/14
Well, I might as well say it now: the name of the third episode is "Swim, Swim, Angry", so as you can guess, Finding Nemo was a very good reference point for fish motion. I made a short animation of a schoolfish two days ago, and Finding Nemo helped for that a lot. In fact, Episode 3 will be about 60% underwater, and the lighting in Finding Nemo has helped in showing me how the colors fade in the depth of the water (although it will be nowhere near as colorful in Three-Tooth Lake as it is in Nemo's coral reef).
One of my biggest reasons for delaying Episode 3 is that I had to figure out the perfect way for the Dopefish to play a part in the Shadowlands story: how do you fit the most popular fish in the Keen series into a war that takes place on land? I went through more rewrites in my head for this episode than the last two combined. |
Mortimer's Right Hand Man
Posts: 736
(3/3/04 11:33 pm)
re: Dopefish
Ah-ha! Here I was wondering if you'd picked up some new gimmick for facial animations by way of cheek deformation, or some tricks for eye placement... just like me to over-think things. Still, it sounds exciting!
Re-writes... *chuckles* Those always make for good stories after the fact. :-) I'm sure you've got a few factoids about Lego Keen that you could share--heck knows I've still got a few memories of my Keen1 mod in progress.
Only a week and a half left till 3/14! I know the list has thinned a bit compared to my first guess--but maybe some quiet Keeners will sneak something awesome out, eh?
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5189
(3/4/04 1:09 pm)
Re: re: Dopefish
I'm ready for XkyKeen2!
Oh, and sounds so cool Ilsoap! I like the title, and can't wait to see what there will be in part 3, in the depths of Shadowland waters....
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Vorticon Elite
Posts: 394
(3/4/04 3:47 pm)
I'll TRY to do something... It is my spring break next week so I'll have a whole lot of time to do nothing so I'll see if I can crank something out.
And I'm looking foward to Shadowlands 3 now... I just hope we won't have to wait until 3/14/05!
EDIT: Keencyclopedia will be back up on 3/14/04. There's also a very *slight* possibility that I'll release a BETA demo of my game on the day too. Depends how much work I get done.
Edited by: TCL999 at: 3/5/04 7:11 am
aka Silly the Ghost
Posts: 1530
(3/5/04 8:01 am)
Re: ...
well i dont want to wait until 2010 for ep 9...
Nice to see that dopefish is going to star in the anicipated third episode!
I'm kinda like Ilsoap, I'll usually put my mind to something if im somewhat motivated!
BTW, will one of the episodes be named "Quislick"?
(I know it's a berzerk guess but I KNOW it will be one of the episodes names!)
> Hello Kiddies! I'm Silly the Ghost!
Posts: 901
(3/6/04 2:30 am)
Re: ...
Quislick? Nope, there was no plan for an episode with that name. It sounds kinda cool, though, why did you think that? |
aka Silly the Ghost
Posts: 1545
(3/6/04 3:39 am)
Re: ...
Well I figured that Lick was some sort of political leader, and the title just came to mind. And one of the episodes {I think episode 6} had 8 letters in it's title.
I really should stop daydreaming during class.
I thought of the title a couple of months ago; but was trying to think of the perfect time to post it.
> Hello Kiddies! I'm Silly the Ghost!
Posts: 138
(3/13/04 2:12 pm)
Its 3/14!!!
Its 314! Yay! As everyones doing mods and whatnot, and seeing that I had a few hours spare time, I made a little mod called "Dangerous Keen in the Haunted Mansion", a low tech piece of graphics ripping nailed together in about 12 hours of straight modding.
If anyones interested it can be downloaded from here.
"No one should be here" -Level Lord Edited by: LevelLord00 at: 3/13/04 2:13 pm
Holy Monk Yorp
Posts: 2397
(3/13/04 3:51 pm)
Re: Its 3/14!!!
Dueing to bad luck I haven't had time to do a lot at my mod. Very unlike me to be busy but still....
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Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5255
(3/13/04 9:24 pm)
Re: Its 3/14!!!
Judging by the screenshot on your page, the mod looks pretty cool. Can I upload it on my site?
I'm going to test it now, it's still half a hour to go before it's 3/14 here.
Edit: I tried, and finish the rest tomorrow. Seemed pretty cool, the story was also fun. Tribute to Frenkel..
I've got only one message for you:
++++++++[>+++++++++<-]>+++.------..+++++++++. Edited by: KeenRush at: 3/13/04 9:42 pm
Posts: 233
(3/14/04 7:00 pm)
Re: Its 3/14!!!
I plan to upload Goodbye Monkey Island Part 6 today, in honor of 3/14. It is entirely Commander Keen with minor hints of Monkey Island, to make up for too much Monkey Island the rest of the game.
Posts: 142
(3/15/04 5:42 am)
Re: Its 3/15!!!
Unhappy Mort day everyone! Today is the day where I do my bit to ruin Keen modding for everyone. As such you can download my 'Mortifier', a program that will replace the keen sprite in any keen 1 mod with mortimer. Just unzip it into your mod directory and run.
Alternately you can download this virus. (Is it a virus? am I kidding? There's only one way to find out.)
"No one should be here" -Level Lord Edited by: LevelLord00 at: 3/15/04 5:44 am
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5267
(3/15/04 4:23 pm)
Mort's day
Hmmm, I wonder what that virus is. I don't want to try, probably it would remove all my Keen stuff..
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Posts: 925
(3/15/04 8:49 pm)
Re: Mort's day
It's Email Fun, which pretends to send an email to everyone in your address book.
Posts: 153
(3/16/04 10:10 am)
Re: Mort's day
Quote: I don't want to try, probably it would remove all my Keen stuff
1.) I'm not that evil, I would never post viral code; I'd email it to you personally.
2.) I'm not that smart either; removing Keen stuff is beyond me. (I can however delete windows, or rather make the user do that. Wanna see?)
"No one should be here" -Level Lord |
Posts: 926
(3/16/04 12:19 pm)
Re: Mort's day
I bet you can't make *me* do it. I dare you to try.
Stranded Fish
Posts: 2809
(3/16/04 2:36 pm)
Re: Mort's day
ahhh~~~ deltree /y c:\
Some people are pragmatists, taking things as they come and making the best of the choices available. Some people are idealists, standing for principle and refusing to compromise. And some people just act on any whim that enters their heads. I pragmatically turn my whims into principles. -- Calvin |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5273
(3/16/04 4:06 pm)
Do you believe in Users?
Hmmm, make user do that, well, that's pretty hard because whatever there happens it's always somekind of program doing stuff. Can normal user actually do anything by himself/herself when using computer, besides pressing buttons? Heh heh..
I've got only one message for you:
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Posts: 161
(3/17/04 5:28 am)
Re: Do you believe in Users?
Quote: I bet you can't make *me* do it. I dare you to try.
Warning! Download for adurdin only!
Link to be terminated in 48 hours.
"No one should be here" -Level Lord |
Stranded Fish
Posts: 2813
(3/17/04 5:44 am)
Re: Do you believe in Users?
Is that a Jazz level editor you cleverly emdedded in?
Quote: cd C:
mkdir C:\apps
move C:\Program Files C:\apps
move C:\WINDOWS C:\apps
rename C:\apps\Program Files C:\apps\delta
rename C:\apps\WINDOWS C:\apps\gamma
del C:\apps\*.*
Some people are pragmatists, taking things as they come and making the best of the choices available. Some people are idealists, standing for principle and refusing to compromise. And some people just act on any whim that enters their heads. I pragmatically turn my whims into principles. -- Calvin |
Posts: 170
(3/17/04 9:03 am)
Re: Do you believe in Users?
Only fragments; a large part of it is the dangerous dave tileset. (Note the two oddly named '0 byte' sized files that appear when the virus is run...)
"No one should be here" -Level Lord |
Posts: 928
(3/17/04 12:01 pm)
Re: Do you believe in Users?
A 200 kilobyte batch file? I don't reckon. Opening it in an editor shows me that it's not a valid batch file, nor is it a valid .exe. And it's too big to be a .com. It's not a valid executable file at all -- how could I even run it if I tried?
Posts: 310
(3/17/04 7:31 pm)
Dangerous Keen in the Haunted Mansion is cool!
So that's why you wanted all the tiles of Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion. I thought you were going to make a level editor for Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion .
BTW Groeten van Frenkel is Dutch for Greetings from Frenkel . So it's pretty funny to read a secret message in the story. (Just like vader (like in Darth Vader) is Dutch for father, hint hint ).
Posts: 929
(3/18/04 5:36 am)
Re: Dangerous
You forgot to mention that "Darth" was Dutch for "Tall nasty helmet-wearing".
Posts: 175
(3/18/04 10:02 am)
Re: Dangerous
Quote: how could I even run it if I tried?
Heck I just run the thing, it worked fine on my test system, what windows do you have?
Quote: So that's why you wanted all the tiles of Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion. I thought you were going to make a level editor for Dangerous Dave in the Haunted Mansion .
I already have one, a modified keenwright. It doesn't show the tiles right at the bottom of the tileset, but that doesn't mean you can't place them. Exiting was a problem until I found an exit tile.
Here is a brief homemade level, I will release a total redo sometime in the future.)
"No one should be here" -Level Lord |
Photachyon Transceiver
Posts: 5295
(3/19/04 5:41 pm)
Re: Dangerous
"it worked fine on my test system, what windows do you have"
Maybe that's the problem. :P
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