The Keeniest of thime all
Posts: 2
(6/4/01 7:52 pm)
Keen Cartoons?
What do you think? Is it A Good i dia To make a cartoon about keen? i do, it would need to falow the store lines
how a bout som won how has A Cartoon maker for the computer make the epsodes? And Putid on really play??? Well its up to you.
Posts: 31
(6/4/01 9:12 pm)
Keen Cartoons?
It’s a good idea, but I doubt it would come together very well.
The Keeniest of thime all
Posts: 3
(6/4/01 9:26 pm)
I guess your rite but wouldint it be Great if Omley some one would, *Sigh* oh well
Posts: 6
(6/12/01 8:03 pm)
Re: Well......
NEVER GIVE UP! i love the idea of CK Cartoons! but i havent got the respurses though, if we broadcast the idea to all our mates then mabye we could find someone -- whadd'ya think
Hey drop me a line - - to discuss further any subjects you or I have posted! |
Posts: 201
(6/13/01 11:44 pm)
Re: Keen Cartoons?
Keen Cartoons... well, you aren't the first one to have thought of that idea... and you might just see something in the future relating to this...
More info soon...
Objects in computer screen may be closer than they appear. |
Posts: 29
(6/14/01 8:51 pm)
Re: Keen Cartoons?
What's that supposed to mean? Are you planning to make Keen Cartoons, Ilsoap? I think that's a great idea!
Posts: 204
(6/15/01 5:02 pm)
Re: Keen Cartoons?
If I answer yes to that question, and then don't actually create it, most of you will disappointed with me. However, if I answer no, that won't be true, because I actually have developed a storyline to a Keen-related cartoon, and have animated a few test characters in it.
So technically the answer is yes, however, I don't want a flood of e-mails asking me when it will be done. There will be no "demo" of the cartoon, the first you'll see of it is when it's done.
Objects in computer screen may be closer than they appear. |
Posts: 34
(6/16/01 7:47 pm)
Re: Keen Cartoons?
Yaaah! *Azathoth does a little dance*
The Keeniest of thime all
Posts: 8
(6/20/01 5:24 pm)
Re: Keen Cartoons?
well That Tacks A lot off. I Thot i would haf to do it and it would have Turend out bad. An idia
Commander keen Cartoons Would leed up to A Movie?
lol That wont be for a long time, Would commander
keen sound like?
C ya
yay Go Tails No More Pikachu
Posts: 40
(6/21/01 5:47 pm)
Re: Keen Cartoons?
Well, with that off my chest, I think keen would have a deep, booming voice...
No, I'm sure he would sound just about like any other 8-year-old boy...
Hmm... a movie, huh? Well, I guess if Final Fantasy got one... no, it's still too farfetched.
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 760
(6/23/01 4:53 am)
Re: Keen Cartoons?
If somebody wants to make a Keen comedy, a deep booming voice is just what you'd want to give Keen.
"You cannot pass!" he said.
With a bound the Balrog leaped full upon the bridge. Its whip whirled and hissed. Edited by: Snortimer at: 6/29/01 6:07:12 pm
Posts: 100
(6/29/01 11:27 pm)
Voice Of Keen
The question of how Keen would sound, has already been answered, Tom Hall once said he would be just like him at age 8; after all Keen and Tom are the same.
Too Much Spare Time
Posts: 4
(6/30/01 12:04 am)
Wing Commander... Lara Croft... COMMANDER KEEN!
Commander Keen: The Movie... I was pondering the very thing recently. It should appropriately be a computer-animated one I guess (like Toy Story, Antz, Bug's Life, ...) but if it was live-action, who would star as who?
Mortimer McMire: Macaulay Culkin ('cause he's an evil little bas**rd)
Council Page: Eddie Murphy
Princess Lindsey: Katherine Zeta Jones (hubba hubba)
Dopefish#1: George W. Bush
High Council Member#1: Liam Neeson
High Council Member#2: Jack Nicholson
High Council Member#3: Sammo Hung
High Council Member#4: Sean Connery
High Council Member#5: Tom Hall (cameo!)
High Council Member#6: Yoda
High Council Janitor: Mike Meyers
Berkeloid#4: Keanu Reeves (he has the perfect blank expressionless face)
Vortininja: Jackie Chan
Commander Keen: Either Leonardo DiCaprio (he looks about 8 years old) or the kid who played Annakin Skywalker in "Episode One". After all, Annakin is practically Commander Keen himself - kid genius, marooned on some planet, going to save the Universe... Hey, maybe in the Keen movie, Keen could become the evil bionic hench-lackey of Mortimer, only to become a reborn good-guy in the final showdown.
Mr Blaze: David Duchovny
Mrs Blaze: Gillian Anderson
Grampa Blazcowicz: Arnold Schwartzenegger
Musical score by Bobby Prince & Danny Elfman
*NOT* directed by Steven Spielberg
*NOT* produced by Disney....... yarrrgh...0-:<
Posts: 269
(6/30/01 12:52 am)
Re: Wing Commander... Lara Croft... COMMANDER KEEN!
Quote: *NOT* directed by Steven Spielberg
Well, If there was a movie, it should be directed by Tom Hall! If that's impossible, I think Spielberg would be the best man for the job...
Edited by: VolteFace at: 6/29/01 7:53:14 pm
Posts: 50
(6/30/01 3:27 pm)
Re: Wing Commander... Lara Croft... COMMANDER KEEN!
On the contrary, I think this is the sort of thing Tim Burton would excel at.
Posts: 237
(7/1/01 8:47 am)
Re: Voice Of Keen
"The question of how Keen would sound, has already been answered, Tom Hall once said he would be just like him at age 8; after all Keen and Tom are the same."
Ehm, just curios :B, did you read this in CK Nexus' interview with Tom..? :P · homepage · ck nexus · stardust |
Posts: 13
(7/1/01 4:16 pm)
Re: Voice Of Keen
You want Lloyd to play Keen? Ugh...That kid would never be a good keen. He could never come off as genius. I defiently don't want McCalkun (whatever his name is) as Mort cuz he's now like 20.
"You and all those other mental wimps deserve to die, isn't that right, MISTER THREE-FOURTEEN!!!"~Mortimer McMire |
Capitan keen
Posts: 2
(7/2/01 5:58 pm)
ok so Are you going to post the first Episode Hear For People download right?
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 797
(7/5/01 5:20 pm)
Re: ok
I don't think it should be computer animated or live action.
I think it should be animation. That would probably fit best.
In fact, it would be really cool if somebody made a Keen movie in Flash using only the graphics from the original Keen games and perhaps some new text to go into the text boxes.
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ |
Too Much Spare Time
Posts: 11
(7/6/01 7:08 am)
Tim Burton: "In this colourful claymation musical, Commander Keen gets killed off in the first 15 minutes. The world is soon saved from the wrath of Mortimer McMire by a group of unlikely heroes (The Gnosticene Janitor, a Dopefish and Billy's older brother) by exploiting an unlikely weakness that the Vorticons have. The movie is punctuated with short scenes of the Eathlings getting their puny asses kicked by the Vorticons, who say 'Ack' a lot."
Steven Spielberg: "Billy Blaze's relationship with his Dad is strained as his Mr. Blaze is so busy being a game-show host that he misses seeing Billy save the world from the Vorticons. Billy gets all disillusioned and can't be bothered saving the Universe from a toasting, and Billy's Dad has to don the footy helmet and become... Commander Keen... Senior! Then the Father-and-Son duo zoom off to kick Mortimer's mighty ass. Unfortunately, Mortimer anticipates this and fires a lethal ray at them. Heroically, Billy's pet Yorp anticipates Mortimer's evil move and leaps in the way of the fire, sacrificing his own life to save that of his master. Devastated, Billy and Mr Blaze decide that enough is enough and surrender control of the Universe to Mortimer. Suddenly the Yorp's buddies come from Mars and Yorpy comes back to life! Mortimer, realising that he was outsmarted by a Yorp, realises that there's no point in him being one IQ-unit smarter than Commander Keen if a Yorp is even smarter than him! Convinced of his own failings as a genius, he goes to work for some computer software company, while the Blazes and Yorpy are paraded around on Earth like the heroes they are. Billy sez, 'I love you, Dad' and Dad sez 'I love you too, son.' Fade out to the theme music from 'Patch Gump'. "
Peter Jackson: "In this puppet-splatterfest, Mortimer McMire tries to take over the world by making the Vorticons rip their way out of people's insides. In the end, Commander Keen rends open Mortimer's skull, rips out a hunk of his brains, and stuffs it into his own head, thereby increasing his IQ by 1/2 and decreasing Mortimer's by 1/2. Mortimer, now Mister 314-and-a-Half gets amazingly annoyed and gruesomely destroys the sinister sub-plot character and his bossy female superior. Then everyone grabs chainsaws and starts hacking the baddies to bits, to the Soundtrack of 'Glorifilia'."
Ed Wood: "A black and white genre roller-coaster starring The Kid From 6th Sense, Tom Hanks, and MacCaulay Culkin as Commander Keen at different stages of the movie. Keen doesn't do much, as there is little coherent plot, but watch out for the scene where Aaron the Arachnut saves Princess Lindsay from some guy in a rubber Dopefish suit."
Disney: "Open with Commander Keen singing a song about how he just saved the world from the Vorticons, titled "I Just Saved The World", with a parade in his honour. Cut to Mortimer singing "Mister Three-Fourteen Must Die". Cut back to Keen being hit on by a hot girl in his class. Cut to Mortimer's invasion force attacking. Cut to Keen leaping into the BWB-Megarocket and getting hit by a laser, and crashlanding on an unknown planet, on which he meets the goofy sidekicks, Blob the Bounder and Sven the Slug. They also have a song. With the help of The Wise Old Shadowland Tree, they help Keen repair his Megarocket. With the aid of their heroic misfit buddies, they mount the retaliation force to save the Earth. And they sing about it. They return to Earth and have a war with Mortimer's forces, while Keen has a face-2-face showdown with Mortimer, who has imprisoned Keen's parents, and the girl from his class. Eventually, Mortimer trips over a yorp or falls down a hole or something, and Keen uses the diversion to rescue the prisoners. They escape, and Billy learns that the girl is Princess Lindsay. Together, they use their mighty forces of righteousness to thwart the villainous Mortimer McMire. But if you're the good guys, you can't actually KILL the baddies in Disney movies, so Mortimer either:
a) falls down a hole or something.
b) turns out to be an evil robot that the real Mortimer created and has since been imprisoned by.
c) gets caught up in singing a song and walks into a trap that the goofy sidekicks made earlier, and goes directly to jail.
Then the war is over and everybody is friends again. Cut to ending music, performed by Celine Dion and Elton John."
Posts: 55
(7/6/01 7:43 am)
man, you got that stuff down to a tee... you've got one hell of an imagination :-)
What we really need is a Tom Hall to do everything. the script, the directing, the casting, hell, man, it's his pet, let him raise it the way he wants. a Keen movie wouldn't be a Keen movie without him.
*grins and starts daydreaming of the Disney-fied Mort singing "Mister Three-Fourt-teen must Die"... hehe*
"Three Fourteen Must Die!!"
sung by Mortimer McMire
lyrics by Xkylyr Rauh
(close-up of Mortimer's back, looking out a window into empty space, possibly near orbit of a planet. the music starts off soft and sad/distressed)
Once again i'm foiled, and my plan as gone awry
Three-fourteen has triumphed, and yet i dont' know why.
my brain is more creative, more embellished, more imbued
he fights for puny braindead ones, who deserve to be subdued!
Mister three-fourteen must die, i say, he's too lucky for his own good!!
(short bum-bum-bum work by bassoon and low voices, music gets angrier, starts to flare)
(Mortimer turns around to a table of bad guys, in this case i'm using the Shikadi again, and MM begins to point to charts and tables)
So you see, my friends, my Shik-a-di, my brand new master scheme!
I'll build a new contraption that will kill that three-fourt-teen!
He's always working very hard in that little backyard shop,
so here's the way i'll do him in, and make his meddling stop!
(MM holds up a chart/picture/blueprint of a toaster with all kinds of attatchments)
my Universe-o-Toaster-Boom will drive his mind insane,
he'll struggle with my ploy for hours, racking dead his brain.
and while his mind is weakened, and his three-fourt-teen run dry,
i'll use my -other- toaster, and wave the universe goodbye!
his happy-go-lucky days are numbered, three-fourt-teen will die!!!
(music is at it's peak now)
(MM slams the plans down on the table gleefully and sits at a desk, throwing darts at a picture of Keen)
Three-fourt-teen, you stupid fool, did you really think you'd win?
my intellect surpasses yours, you can't even begin!
(music climbing, but slowing down, as MM runs out of darts and appears to have second thoughts)
to compare yourself to me is like jumping off a cliff,
you do not stand a chance to stop me, not... even... if----~!!
(pause in music with possible brief flashbacks to past failures, but eventually we get a flashy grin from Mort)
(suddenly, and much faster, as MM picks up the Toaster plans and sings triumphantly!)
you stop me? i don't think so!
it' won't happen! you are through!
when my plan is set to action
you just won't know what to do!
your bean-with-bacon megaship
may carry you thru the sky,
but once you mess with Mortimer, oh
Three-Fourt-teen, will Die!!! Muaahahahahahahahaha!!! (finale of music, dramatic camera shots, Shikadi celebrating, etc.)
yeah, i know, i suck... :-P
Posts: 81
(7/6/01 1:33 pm)
Cool song, Xky.
Posts: 43
(7/6/01 1:50 pm)
Re: Movie!
ROTFL @ TMST and Xky
You guys are great!
(goes on laughing)
Too many polygons! |
Posts: 58
(7/8/01 5:24 am)
Xky sucks even more
...if the shoe fits...
Hey TooMuchSpareTime, does this work for "I just saved the World" done by Keen?
"I just saved the world"
Sung by Billy Blaze
Lyrics by Xkylyr Rauh
Oh! i'm the hero, the galaxy's new star!
the universe is saved, from dangers near and far!
i flew my ship, i shot my gun, i pogo'ed here and there!
it didn't take much thought from me, oh menaces, beware!
yes i'm the greatest hero that the world has ever known,
hailing from the planet earth, with a spaceship that's home-grown!
with a *kzzt* and a *crackle* i hear strange things that set my ship to flight,
saving each new galaxy, from it's the latest plight!
my bean-with-bacon megaship can take me thru the sky,
thru outer space, you name it! the scenery goes soaring by!
this gun i found on mars, you see, it's called a Neural Stunner,
it can freeze those enemies in their tracks, fries them like no other!
i can also leap tall buildings, with the aid of my pogo stick,
and believe you me, i need it, coz alien buildings get tall quick!
with all these things it's easy to be as good a hero as i,
i take some pride in saying that "without me, we'd all die!"
McMire's out to get us, though he's failed time after time,
he claims to be superior because his IQ's higher than mine!
but i'm the greatest hero that the world has ever seen!
coz i'm the spawn of the great Tom Hall, yes I'M COMMANDER KEEN!!!!!
Yes, yet again, i know i suck... lol i'm just passing time. dont' mind me...
Too Much Spare Time
Posts: 23
(7/16/01 3:53 am)
That was brilliant! I'm so inspired I might just make a MIDI to go with it.
Myself, I had imagined the start of the movie with a shot of the "Commander/Keen" word intersection like in ep.IV, but slanting as if the words were enormous, and colliding overhead - like the words on "Star Wars" intros, but viewed from beneath. Below this, stars and cosmic stuff flash past (like the starfield screensaver) until a planet begins to grow into view. Eventually the "camera" is skidding along the surface of the planet so that its curvature is only slightly visible, and the sky becomes blue-ish. Suddenly, the landscape darkens as an enormous black sphere looms ominously over the horizon. It continues to rise until we see two flaring red "eyes" glaring out of it. Dark fingers appear over the edges of the world and the "camera" zooms back until we see the silhouette of Mortimer McMire holding the planet contemplatively in his hand. With a squeeze of the fist, the planet explodes into debris. The darkness of space recedes and Mortimer is standing in his bedroom "lab", shaking dust from his gloved hand. He then starts singing and showing off all his anti-Keen gadgetry.
BTW does anyone have a windows media file (WAV, MP3, MID etc) of the music that accompanies the horizoning text in the Keen 6 intro? (Or was it Keen 5? I can't remember since older games no longer run with sound blaster music on my new soundcard)
Posts: 3
(7/16/01 8:27 am)
Re: Keen Cartoons?
you are completely forgetting the romatic interest part where Keen and Lindsay have to get all awkward at the end. they have to return to earth, where the sun is setting and keen and lindsay have to be on some slightly far off hill, just near the Blaze residence. Billy has to take off his helmet and Lindsay has to same something like "i've always thought saving the galaxy was really sweet of you" or something equally dumb to make Billy blush. and then they have to hold hands or kiss on the cheek or something. and then we should get a running commentary on their silouhetted figures by billy's parents at the end as the sun slowly sets. and then a shooting star goes by. and the world explodes, for irony. ha ha. but really, except for that last bit, the end of a disney movie has to go like that.
Posts: 60
(7/16/01 4:30 pm)
My version doesn't have music, TMST
when the letters are criss-crossing, there's no music. it's total silence for me... do i have a bad version or something?
or are you talking about the "Story" segments of scrolling text? The Keen5 one is definitely more jovial than the Keen6 one, which is more of a lanky back-alley theme (wasn't it called "Eat at Joe's" ? i think there's a MIDI of it on cc314...)
either way, when adurdin released his Keen music player for DOS, people asked about MIDI conversions and he kinda shrugged it off with a "why would you -want- to?" but... heck, i'd love to see it :-)
your descriptors of the opening (and the closing from starsistar) were great as well hehe... total Disney garbage, but that's half the fun, ya know?
keep up the good work, guys and girls... this is fun
Too Much Spare Time
Posts: 26
(7/17/01 2:04 am)
Re: My version doesn't have music, TMST
The music that accompanies a pic of Billy's backyard, with the text flying into the horizon like at the start of a Star Wars movie. You might hafta wait thru the demo to see it?
Posts: 216
(7/17/01 5:04 pm)
Scrolling Music
The music for the Keen 6 scrolling is the same as the music for two of the last levels in Keen 6 (and I already recreated that... e-mail me if you want it).
I've also recreated the Keen 5 one... I don't remember which music plays in the background of the Keen 4 scrolling words.
Objects in computer screen may be closer than they appear. |
Vorticon Elder
Posts: 633
(7/17/01 5:15 pm)
Re: Scrolling Music
The song isn't actually called "Eat at Joe's", but many people refer to it like that because one of the Bloogbase levels (where that song is played) contains a huge "Eat at Joe's" sign.
Too Much Spare Time
Posts: 28
(7/18/01 12:37 am)
Re: Scrolling Music
I want it if it's not in that format that the music from Jump-To-Keen was in. (And, uh... your e-mail is "private", so just e-mail me at
Capitan keen
Posts: 20
(7/22/01 10:09 pm)
That Would Be funny!!!!!!!!!!!!
That Would be funny if The Theme song had the computhe music and some one Singeng......... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha