Keen Crazy
Posts: 360
(2/23/05 2:59 am)
Complete Script of Shadowlands Episode 3 Revealed!
where is shadowlands episode 3?
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The Dos Vault Forum needs members Edited by: Ilsoap at: 3/14/05 9:38 pm
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 2199
(2/23/05 3:09 am)
Re: Where is Shadowlands 3
Betweem Episode 2 and Episode 4 silly!
A proud member of the signature stealing society

"No one should be here.
" -Level Lord |
Posts: 8710
(2/23/05 4:50 am)
Re: Where is Shadowlands 3
Seems that the author is getting married and other stuff.. So, I'd assume it to be released pretty soon!
Life.. It's worth 20000 points! |
Holy Monk Yorp
Posts: 3837
(2/23/05 8:43 am)
Re: Where is Shadowlands 3
I don't think we'll see it before they divorced. But it's doubfull they will. So all our hope lies in the hands of TMST who has promised our another Keen movie.
Jamster! rules! |
Posts: 8712
(2/23/05 3:40 pm)
Re: Where is Shadowlands 3
Indeed. And it better be good..
Life.. It's worth 20000 points! |
Mortimer's Righthand Man
Posts: 1432
(2/23/05 5:16 pm)
Ilsoap's mentioned quite a few times that Shadowlands isn't likely to be finished... it's something he was doing on the side, for fun, and it's a cold fact that he's not going to be paid for his efforts... considering the fact that he's preparing for a wedding ceremony and moving into a new housing arrangement with all the costs and stresses that go with it... I'd say the only way you're gonna see Shadowlands3 is if you make it yourself. :-) Sorry dude.
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1248
(2/23/05 6:09 pm)
Re: animations
I totally agree. Up to this point he could be bugged with this, just for fun, but now he has other jobs; the wedding, etc etc. I think it is time to give him some time off.
Keep in mind, I'm not an artist.
"Take evasive action!" |
Posts: 1176
(2/24/05 6:30 am)
Re: animations
The correct answer to your question is, "In Ilsoap's head".
You know, it's not just that I'm busy... it's that Shadowlands Episode 3 would be the third episode in a NINE-PART SERIES. Ten parts, if you count the blooper reel. It would be a lot more convenient if the series was being made with my own characters... but it's using copyrighted characters, which means I could never sell it or anything afterwards. That's a lot of hours to spend at something that I can't profit from.
But that still leaves the fact that Shadowlands episodes 3-9 are in my head, doesn't it?
Well... since it likely won't get finished:
Shadowlands Episode 3: "Swim, Swim, Angry"
Scene opens to an underwater scene of rocks and coral. A schoolfish swims by. The scene then moves out of the water to a beach bordering Three-Tooth Lake. The slugs, wormmouths and inchworms are all having fun at a day at the beach. The inchworms and wormmouths are making sand-castles. Some slugs are playing beach volleyball. King Slug and Slug 37 are suntanning.
KING SLUG: Aaaah... how relaxing!
From off-screen comes Professor Berke, a slug with an unusual accent and an Albert Einstein-esque hairdo.
BERKE: King Slug, I must speak with you?
KING SLUG: *sigh* What is it?
BERKE: King, aren't you worried about letting your guard down like this? The licks could attack again at any moment!
KING SLUG: You worry too much, Professor Berke. Our fighting forces are far superior to the licks.
SLUG 37: Yeah! We could take them on, no problem!
KING SLUG: Besides, there isn't a lick for miles. Who's gonna tell them that we're here, the rocks?
King Slug and Slug 37 laugh, smugly. Off in the distance, a rock, which had been sitting there for the past hour, stealthily walked off into the forest.
Shall I continue? Edited by: Ilsoap at: 2/24/05 6:35 am
Mortimer's Righthand Man
Posts: 1434
(2/24/05 6:55 am)
I appreciate the pre-storyboarded way you write your scripts, Ilsoap... it's so easy to imagine all this in Flash form. If you don't mind, PLEASE continue... this is awesome! :-)
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 2209
(2/24/05 9:36 am)
Re: totally
Indeed, continue, then TMST cab nake it right under your nose. [With Colin Mochorie as Keen.]
Quote: Indeed. And it better be good..
LL: Androo, your movie is disapointing.
TMST: I tried the best I could!
LL: Not good enough. You force me to do this. TMST, we're sending you to.... A serious animation class!
TMST: Nooooooo!
And now... Teh first instalment as a comic strip!
A proud member of the signature stealing society

"No one should be here.
" -Level Lord Edited by: LevelLord00 at: 2/24/05 10:30 pm
Posts: 1177
(2/24/05 4:42 pm)
Re: totally
One of the things I was taught in one of my animation classes is that you aren't supposed to mention camera moves in a script. Scripts are purely story, it's up to the storyboard people to determine the best way to make that action show up on camera.
MIMROCK SPY: Just what I said, sir. The entire slug force is completely vulnerable right now!
The scene has changed to inside King Lick's Headquarters in the Pyramid of the Gnosticene Ancients. King Lick, Duke Mushroom, and the Mimrock that was spying on the slugs are in the room.
DUKE MUSHROOM: All right! This is perfect, King Lick! It's the chance we've been waiting for! Should I get the troops ready?
KING LICK: *after some thought* No.
DUKE MUSHROOM: Excellent! I'll be back in a... no?
KING LICK: We are not yet ready to fight, and by resting, they're giving us the chance to plan an attack that can not fail.
Duke Mushroom looks disappointed, but King Lick gets an evil grin on his face.
KING LICK: Besides... why fight them, when the lake might fight them for us?
To be continued... |
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 599
(2/24/05 8:43 pm)
Exciting! I can imagine it as if its the real movie. I saw the first two so much that i can remember the voices!
i can also learn about writing scripts! I Didn't know scripts shouldn't have camera stuff.
Posts: 8717
(2/24/05 9:34 pm)
Re: Ooh!
Hehe, sounds pretty good.
Life.. It's worth 20000 points! |
Scizor CT
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 751
(2/25/05 3:11 am)
Re: Ooh!
Out of curiosity, whatever happened to the idea of finishing up the series in comic format?
Lovin' the storyboards, anyway. Same great writing that made the originals classic.
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1251
(2/25/05 6:50 pm)
Re: Ooh!
I just imagined the storyline as a Flash animation... Looking great in my mind, but I think it would be much better than that.
Keep in mind, I'm not an artist.
"Take evasive action!" |
Posts: 8719
(2/25/05 6:52 pm)
Re: Ooh!
Yeah, that would be cool as well. Ilsoap's pretty good drawer.
Life.. It's worth 20000 points! |
Shattered Hope
Posts: 4
(2/25/05 8:34 pm)
Re: Ooh!
Wow. Interesting. Keep it up!
My hopes are shattered forever... |
Keen Crazy
Posts: 363
(2/28/05 10:16 pm)
Re: Ooh!
well i'm disappointed to hear that shadowlands won't continue, but thanks anyway
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Posts: 1181
(3/1/05 3:16 pm)
Love that comic, LevelLord! Although, if you were going to continue the comic for the whole episode, you'd have to do a lot of redrawing... this episode goes into territory you've never seen before in a Keen game.
Scene has returned to the beach. Professor Berke is building a raft. King Slug and Slug 37 come over to him, curious.
KING SLUG: What are you doing?
BERKE: I'm building a raft.
KING SLUG: I see that. Why?
BERKE: Well, I've got this feeling someone is going to be attacked today, and I don't want it to be me.
Berke pushes the raft off into the water.
BERKE: I'm going into the middle of the lake, where it's safe!
SLUG 37: (to King Slug) You think he's right?
KING SLUG: I hope not.
Professor Berke paddles his raft into the middle of the water.
BERKE: At last, I can relax!
Scene switches to underwater. A large, dark shadow passes by, and ominous Jaws-like music is heard. Meanwhile, Berke is laying back on his raft, floating in the water, perfectly comfortable. A green dorsal fin comes out of the water, headed directly toward Berke's raft. A faint rumbling sound is heard, followed by an immediate crash as a Dopefish leaps out of the water. Professor Berke is nearly knocked off his raft. Berke looks up.
The Dopefish opens his mouth and lands on Professor Berke, swallowing him. The wave from the tremendous splash of the Dopefish moves towards the beach where the slugs, wormmouths, and inchworms are playing. They notice the wave, try to get away, but the wave crashes onto the beach, covering it completely. The water drains back into the lake, leaving all of the beach inhabitants gasping for breath.
KING SLUG: (covered in seaweed) Is everyone okay?
WORMMOUTH: I think everyone's accounted for, sir.
SLUG 37: Wait! Where's Professor Berke?
They all look out into the open water, but all that can be seen is broken bits of his raft.
To be continued...
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 644
(3/1/05 4:02 pm)
Re: Continued..
Well THAT character didn't last very long.
EDIT: \/ Yeah, I tought Berke would be a berkeloid. Are there gonna be any? Cause thay'd be sooo cool!
 Edited by: Genius314 at: 3/1/05 4:54 pm
Vitamin Zach
Posts: 44
(3/1/05 4:46 pm)
You mean he had nothing to do with this guy?
Posts: 8768
(3/1/05 5:08 pm)
Re: Really?
Wow, cool stuff! Yeah, the name sounded berkeloidish.
Life.. It's worth 20000 points! |
Mortimer's Righthand Man
Posts: 1458
(3/1/05 7:18 pm)
oh wow
Jeez, that splash scene sounds like it would have taken weeks to animate properly... The way I imagine it, it's pretty involved. :-)
Posts: 1182
(3/1/05 10:25 pm)
That's actually a scene that I did start to animate. A few of the scenes (such as the opening underwater scene) actually did get animated.
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 651
(3/1/05 10:28 pm)
Re: Actually...
how much work does it take to make an animation?

Posts: 8776
(3/1/05 10:31 pm)
Re: Actually...
I'd guess it takes plenty of time, like a half year or so.
Life.. It's worth 20000 points! |
Mortimer's Righthand Man
Posts: 1461
(3/2/05 12:03 am)
From my experience, the qualified answer is "depends on what you're trying to animate." :-)
Something that is Disney-esque is going to take a lot of time to animate because there are a lot of drawings which make up the animation. On the other hand, a Flash animation like the ones you see on NewGrounds are much easier to animate because they are static objects moving around. The TV show South Park is another example of using cutouts to save on actual animation--though they do still need to worry about lip-synching.
Depending on which medium you're animating for, you'll be going along at either 24 or 30 frames per second, and depending on the quality of the animation you're doing, each drawing (or frame) will be exposed for as little as 1 of those frames per second, or several.
Most Disney-esque animations are recorded "on ones," meaning each drawing is exposed for 1 frame, and there are 30 frames in one second--this makes the drawings flick by very quickly and look very smooth... but it requires a LOT of drawings! 30 frames per second times 60 seconds in a minute = 1800 drawings, not counting backgrounds or multiple layers!
For Flash animations, artists can choose if they want to use static objects (like HomeStarRunner) or if they actually want to animate everything frame-by-frame (like what Ilsoap did with his Shadowlands cartoon)...
All of this doesn't even take into account the level of detail in all the drawings which are being done, or the speed of the artist... :-) There's tons of factors.
--Xky *took some animation classes in high school*
Stranded Fish
Posts: 3508
(3/2/05 12:18 am)
Re: animation
I recall hearing that Disney movies only used about 14 actually different frames per second (or at least character animations per second). And despite how simple South Park looks, they use quite complex technology and animation (they base everything off splines in Maya).

Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1272
(3/2/05 2:36 pm)
Re: animation
I'd still like to see even the unfinished scenes at least. I just want to! Sorry, but I'm addicted to them.
Keep in mind, I'm not an artist.
"Take evasive action!" |
Posts: 8784
(3/2/05 5:48 pm)
Re: animation
Well, me too.
Life.. It's worth 20000 points! |
Mortimer's Righthand Man
Posts: 1462
(3/2/05 6:04 pm)
Yeah, South Park stopped using actual cutouts for their animation pretty early on, and started doing everything via computer... but the concept and technique are still an example of what I was talking about. :-) I hadn't heard that about Disney animation... Sure, maybe for their TV shows, which are of decidedly lower quality than their feature films... particularly their feature films which were around before computers. That underwater scene in Pinnochio with all those little bubbles? All drawn by hand. BY HAND. Damn.
Holy Monk Yorp
Posts: 3867
(3/2/05 8:52 pm)
Re: hmm
About Disney frames: that could be very well possible, when I look at their newer shows they seem to be of very low quality and low quality to me.
I wouldn't be surprised if business are not going well for them.
Jamster! rules! |
z hyphen one
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 370
(3/2/05 9:35 pm)
Re: hmm
Quote: I wouldn't be surprised if business are not going well for them.
Business really isn't going well for them. I've read about this somewhere.
There are no companies out there who doesn't use computers for at least some of the animation works.
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 654
(3/2/05 9:39 pm)
Re: hmm
You can tell DIsney is going downhill. They're running out of ideas. Now the only things they can come up with are things like "lion King 1 1/2" and special editions.

Posts: 8789
(3/2/05 9:40 pm)
Re: hmm
Hm. I thought everyone loves Mickey Mouse..
Edit: Ok. We need to give them some new brilliant idea: how about ordinary boy genius who has allkinds of adventures in space where he travels with a rocket he has made of ordinary household junk?
You hear in your mind: GAAARRRRRGG! Edited by: KeenRush at: 3/2/05 9:43 pm
Posts: 1183
(3/2/05 10:05 pm)
Disney Anims
Some clarification about animation:
Films are filmed at 24 frames per second. American TV shows are filmed at 30 frames per second. European TV shows are filmed at 25 frames per second. (There are exceptions to this, but this is generally true, thanks to NTSC and PAL formats of video.)
Disney feature films would be 24 drawings per second, but if you have a DVD of a Disney feature film, try freeze-framing it sometime. Sometimes it's "on ones", where every frame is a new drawing, and sometimes it's "on twos", where one drawing is used twice. Ones are used for fast motion, and twos are used for slow.
TV can vary, but generally TV animation is done on "ones" or "twos" for fast motion and "threes" or "fours" for slow motion. Some anime TV shows can get as high as "sixes", which is why the motion on anime cartoons can look sloppy.
Anything made in CG (i.e. Toy Story, Shrek, Jimmy Neutron) will nearly always be done "on ones" because the computer renders out the animation, and it's just as much work for the animator either way.
The first two episodes of Shadowlands were done at 12 frames per second, so nearly every motion in the series is done on "ones" to keep it looking smooth.
I guess when I'm finished posting up the script for Shadowlands Episode III, I'll post up all the animation I made for it.
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 658
(3/2/05 10:15 pm)
Re: Disney Anims
"Hm. I thought everyone loves Mickey Mouse.. "
Sure, but not too many of the films are of him anymore.
Finding Nemo was a nice original film, but thats about the only good one in a while.

Posts: 64
(3/2/05 10:19 pm)
Re: hmm
Yeah, yeah! That sounds like a great story for a Disney film! (Just so that it was definitely keenish, of course).
Anyway, this is great, Illsoap. Though it would be better all animated (onscreen, not in my head *sigh*), I do enjoy it. Please continue!
Posts: 1686
(3/3/05 7:44 am)
Re: hmm
Quote: how about ordinary boy genius who has allkinds of adventures in space where he travels with a rocket he has made of ordinary household junk?
Isn't this the plot of Jimmy Neutron?
Posts: 8791
(3/3/05 8:43 am)
Re: hmm
How the garg would I know, I have never heard of it anywhere else than in this forum..
As well, I'm eagerly waiting the stuff Ilsoap. Too bad you (probably) don't make the whole episode. :\
Edit: Ok then, Sluggy just got his work amount doubled..
You hear in your mind: GAAARRRRRGG! Edited by: KeenRush at: 3/3/05 8:44 am
Too Much Spare Time 
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 941
(3/6/05 5:46 am)
Re: hmm
Hey! I MADE you all a Shadowlands III... but you didn't want it. :P
Anyway, I'm at an animation school now, preparing to be the guy who draws all those X frames in every second... hehe. As long as Disney are still employing animators, I'll like them.
The Chasm of Strife (deceased): |
Posts: 1185
(3/6/05 7:21 am)
I liked it!
We liked the Shadowlands 3! I can't actually find a version to watch any more (the download one at spatang wasn't working for me), but it was good.
And incidentally, unless you want to do 3D animation or work on their TV shows somewhere in Asia, Disney isn't hiring animators. Sorry dude.
Too Much Spare Time 
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 943
(3/8/05 6:37 am)
Re: I liked it!
Yes... I heard about that. That was in America. In other places, they're having to get more 2D animators on board because 3D isn't quite as popular as they'd thought. But Disney is evil. There's always those anime companies...
The Chasm of Strife (deceased): |
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 2711
(3/14/05 7:20 am)
Re: I liked it!
Wow, I can see it all right now. It's a shame that Dopefish had very little involvement in the episode. :-p
BTW, Ilsoap, can you PLEASE post the scenes which you had managed to complete? Please? eg
I downloaded a Swf2Avi program to convert Shadowlands 1-3 to AVI so I can burn them to DVD, but the audio is out of place in Episodes 1 & 2, I guess the program doesn't like Version 5 of Macromedia Flash.
-- Shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice -- |
Posts: 1187
(3/14/05 9:37 pm)
The Whole Script
Don't think that that was the end of the episode... that's only the first two minutes of the episode. In honor of 3-14 (and since I don't actually have the whole thing animated), here's the entire script.
Shadowlands Episode 3: "Swim, Swim, Angry"
Scene opens to an underwater scene of rocks and coral. A schoolfish swims by. The scene then moves out of the water to a beach bordering Three-Tooth Lake. The slugs, wormmouths and inchworms are all having fun at a day at the beach. The inchworms and wormmouths are making sand-castles. Some slugs are playing beach volleyball. King Slug and Slug 37 are suntanning.
KING SLUG: Aaaah... how relaxing!
From off-screen comes Professor Berke, a slug with an unusual accent and an Albert Einstein-esque hairdo.
BERKE: King Slug, I must speak with you?
KING SLUG: *sigh* What is it?
BERKE: King, aren't you worried about letting your guard down like this? The licks could attack again at any moment!
KING SLUG: You worry too much, Professor Berke. Our fighting forces are far superior to the licks.
SLUG 37: Yeah! We could take them on, no problem!
KING SLUG: Besides, there isn't a lick for miles. Who's gonna tell them that we're here, the rocks?
King Slug and Slug 37 laugh, smugly. Off in the distance, a rock, which had been sitting there for the past hour, stealthily walked off into the forest.
MIMROCK SPY: Just what I said, sir. The entire slug force is completely vulnerable right now!
The scene has changed to inside King Lick's Headquarters in the Pyramid of the Gnosticene Ancients. King Lick, Duke Mushroom, and the Mimrock that was spying on the slugs are in the room.
DUKE MUSHROOM: All right! This is perfect, King Lick! It's the chance we've been waiting for! Should I get the troops ready?
KING LICK: *after some thought* No.
DUKE MUSHROOM: Excellent! I'll be back in a... no?
KING LICK: We are not yet ready to fight, and by resting, they're giving us the chance to plan an attack that can not fail.
Duke Mushroom looks disappointed, but King Lick gets an evil grin on his face.
KING LICK: Besides... why fight them, when the lake might fight them for us?
Scene has returned to the beach. Professor Berke is building a raft. King Slug and Slug 37 come over to him, curious.
KING SLUG: What are you doing?
BERKE: I'm building a raft.
KING SLUG: I see that. Why?
BERKE: Well, I've got this feeling someone is going to be attacked today, and I don't want it to be me.
Berke pushes the raft off into the water.
BERKE: I'm going into the middle of the lake, where it's safe!
SLUG 37: (to King Slug) You think he's right?
KING SLUG: I hope not.
Professor Berke paddles his raft into the middle of the water.
BERKE: At last, I can relax!
Scene switches to underwater. A large, dark shadow passes by, and ominous Jaws-like music is heard. Meanwhile, Berke is laying back on his raft, floating in the water, perfectly comfortable. A green dorsal fin comes out of the water, headed directly toward Berke's raft. A faint rumbling sound is heard, followed by an immediate crash as a Dopefish leaps out of the water. Professor Berke is nearly knocked off his raft. Berke looks up.
The Dopefish opens his mouth and lands on Professor Berke, swallowing him. The wave from the tremendous splash of the Dopefish moves towards the beach where the slugs, wormmouths, and inchworms are playing. They notice the wave, try to get away, but the wave crashes onto the beach, covering it completely. The water drains back into the lake, leaving all of the beach inhabitants gasping for breath.
KING SLUG: (covered in seaweed) Is everyone okay?
WORMMOUTH: I think everyone's accounted for, sir.
SLUG 37: Wait! Where's Professor Berke?
They all look out into the open water, but all that can be seen is broken bits of his raft.
Scene switches to underwater. The dopefish swims by, and the scene goes completely black.
PROF. BERKE: Um... hello?
Professor Berke's voice has a slight echo. He opens his eyes. You know how in cartoons, when a character is in a cave or dark place, the only thing you can see is that character's eyes blinking? That's what we see on-screen. (I realize that scripts aren't supposed to talk about stuff like this, but it was the easiest way to describe this.)
BERKE: Where... where am I? The last thing I remember is... that big fish swallowing me!! *slight pause* Oh no... I'm dead!! I'm dead, I'm dead, I died, I'm dead... *sigh* I guess the only thing left is for me to see a light at the end of a tunnel.
On cue, light suddenly comes in from the right side.
BERKE: Wow. I had no idea that it actually worked that way. Oh well...
Berke goes to the light, but instead of what he was expecting, he ends up in an unfamiliary, domed room. The room is mostly shades of red, blue and purple. There are two large circular windows at the front, and in front of the window is a tiny object hanging from some sort of hose. Neon lights above the window spell the words "SWIM" and "HUNGRY", and the lights intermittently flash on and off.
BERKE: Whaaat? This... this isn't like any afterlife I've ever heard about. It smells like... fish. *suddenly realization* I'M INSIDE THE FISH!!! So... if those windows in the front are his eyes, where is his brain?
He spies the tiny object hanging from the "ceiling".
BERKE: Is this it? That's a pretty small brain... wait, there's a switch on the side...
He hits the switch with one of his antennae. The object suddenly latches onto his head. The view switches to the outside the dopefish's body.
DOPEFISH: (speaking in Berke voice) AAAGH!! Get off my head! Get off my head! Get.... huh?
The Dopefish gets a strange expression on his face, and Berke has the same strange expression on HIS face.
BERKE: (inside the Dopefish) Wait a second!
DOPEFISH BERKE: I'm controlling this thing!
(You see, when no one's inside the Dopefish, it's kinda in "automatic pilot". Its entire brain structure is "Swim, Swim, Hungry". The Dopefish will eat whatever it wants to. However, some species of creatures don't get eaten, but instead are sent to the brain cavity. When someone's inside and connected to the Dopefish, it switches to "manual mode", and the creature inside becomes the pilot.)
BERKE: Okay, let's see... left fin, check... right fin, check... tail, check...
While saying this, we see the various parts of the Dopefish body moving, as though it was a pilot preparing his plane for take-off. Professor Berke starts imagining himself as a fighter pilot, and his voice gets slightly lower...
DOPEFISH BERKE: Mission control, we are tracking unidentified bogey course six four seven zero niner heading south, permission to intercept, over.
BERKE: I hear ya, good buddy, we got the all clear for launch, over.
Engine revving sounds can be heard, and music similar to "Born to be Wild" or "Top Gun" begins playing. The Dopefish, controlled by Professor Berke, blasts off like a jet. It shoots through the water doing various stunts and maneuvers. Berke has fun doing this, but then notices something.
BERKE: Hello... what's this?
Ahead of him is an underwater crystal city, beautiful in every way, with shimmering crystal structures in the shape of coral and shafts of light beaming down from above.
DOPEFISH BERKE: Wow... it's so beautiful
A small white Sprite swims by and catches Berke's attention.
DOPEFISH BERKE: Hey little guy! What's your name?
The green-eyed Sprite swims up to the Dopefish curiously. Then, several other Sprites also swim up to the Dopefish, each holding a small staff.
DOPEFISH BERKE: Hey, look at you all there, so cute!
The Sprites suddenly all smile, with huge jagged teeth. Their staff weapons begin charging up energy.
Dopefish Berke swims away quickly, with the Sprites closely following him, firing their lasers. A chase scene follows, with a tribute to the chase scene climax of Star Wars.
BERKE: I can't get rid of these guys! Oh, what else could go wrong?
Above, the "HUNGRY" sign, which had turned off as soon as Berke was connected to the Dopefish, turns on. A school of schoolfish is seen near the surface of the water, and the Dopefish changes course to go eat them.
BERKE: Ack! No, don't change course! We're being chased here!
The Dopefish gets a stupid expression on his face, as Berke starts losing control of the fish. Dopefish, still under laser fire, opens its mouth and eats about twenty schoolfish.
Suddenly, the floor under Berke begins rumbling.
BERKE: Huh... uh oh.
Scene changes to the beach, where all the slugs, inchworms and wormmouths are gathered around. King Slug is giving a eulogy.
KING SLUG: We are gathered here today to remember a great slug. He was the most intelligent slug I knew, with amazing inventions...
INCHWORM: *looking out to the water* Hey! What's that?
The Dopefish surfaced, just before letting out an enormous burp. Professor Berke flew out of his mouth fifty feet in the air before landing right in the middle of the crowd gathered for his funeral.
KING SLUG: Professor Berke? What happened?
Before Berke could answer anything, lasers started shooting out of the water around the dopefish.
KING SLUG: Aaah! Everyone, back to the villages! The beach is not safe! I repeat, the beach is not safe!
The entire group of slugs and allies scurry back to the villages, some carrying Professor Berke because he was still pretty dazed from crashing into the beach.
In the distance, King Lick, Duke Mushroom, and the mimrock are watching.
KING LICK: Excellent.
End of Episode III Edited by: Ilsoap at: 3/15/05 3:42 am
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 691
(3/14/05 11:25 pm)
Re: The Whole Script
KING LICK: Excellent.

Posts: 8860
(3/15/05 4:49 am)
Re: The Whole Script
Ah, would be pretty cool to see as a movie!
Well, this is fun too! I can imagine how good it would look.
You hear in your mind: GAAARRRRRGG! |
Vorticon Elite
Posts: 1291
(3/15/05 9:08 am)
Re: The Whole Script
Awesome! So intriguing!
Keep in mind, I'm not an artist.
"Take evasive action!" |
Posts: 8865
(3/15/05 10:50 am)
Re: The Whole Script
Now the most obvious question is:
Will we ever se.. hey, that's not the most obvious! The most obvious was that why name 'Berke'? It sounds, as someone said before, kinda berkeloidish, but seems there isn't those at least yet. Or maybe the name was a tribute to Joseph Burke (Forge315) with 'u' changed to 'e'?
You hear in your mind: GAAARRRRRGG! Edited by: KeenRush at: 3/15/05 10:51 am
Posts: 1188
(3/15/05 6:24 pm)
Re: The Whole Script
To answer the Berke question, episode 4 of the series would have been called "Fire Fighters". You can guess from there. |
Posts: 8868
(3/15/05 7:54 pm)
Re: The Whole Script
Ok. Aawwwaarrgaaaarrg!! You must make them!
You hear in your mind: GAAARRRRRGG! |